Why do Bernie Babies deny helping Trump get elected?

the overwhelming evidence against them.


the evidence against reverend wright was a sermon he gave, on tape with audio, of him saying "god damn america" for her racist practices.

obama disowned and disavowed his own pastor of deacdes for this 100% fully correct thing he said.

there is much greater evidence in the wright case. obama threw him aside even though he did nothing wrong. do you agree?

the evidence against reverend wright was a sermon he gave, on tape with audio, of him saying "god damn america" for her racist practices.

obama disowned and disavowed his own pastor of deacdes for this 100% fully correct thing he said.

there is much greater evidence in the wright case. obama threw him aside even though he did nothing wrong. do you agree?
The overwhelming evidence of their wrongdoing..

I didn't think Wright said anything wrong

I didn't think Wright said anything wrong

ok, thank you. we agree.

so why did obama throw reverend wright into the trash bin? dude was his fucking pastor for decades. that's serious stuff.

he got trashcanned despite ZERO wrongdoing. we agree on the facts.

so is it possible other presidential candidates trashcanned other people who weren't that close to them despite zero wrongdoing?
so why did obama throw reverend wright into the trash bin?
Probably to save face and political capital. That happened in the very beginning of his presidency.
so is it possible other presidential candidates trashcanned other people who weren't that close to them despite zero wrongdoing?
As far as I know, Hillary Clinton didn't denounce Brazil or DWS, on the contrary. The same day DWS resigned from the DNC, Clinton promoted her to honorary chair of her campaign

Is it possible Brazil and DWS resigned and apologized despite zero wrongdoing? No, I'd argue that's highly unlikely, especially in DWS' case. She was reluctantly forced out of her chair of the DNC position by Obama. They resigned and apologized because their team assessed that was the best course of action to take to limit the damage done to the party ahead of the election.
That happened in the very beginning of his presidency.

that was during his campaign, dumbass.

the rest of your response is that what applies to reverend wright cannot possibly apply to wasserman-schulz or brazile, and you don't even have your facts right to begin with. and your evidence is not videotape. it is shit like wikileaks, known russian propaganda that was drawn up on purpose to divide democrats.

so try to imagine how hard i am laughing at you right now.
I disagree with your premise

A resignation or apology is not proof that something bad happened

In the case of Brazil and DWS, they resigned in shame and apologized based on the overwhelming evidence against them. If they didn't, it would have been much worse for the party. That's why DWS didn't speak at the convention.

Jesus fucking christ kid. Why not cite this overwhelming evidence you are referring to and put us out of our misery.
Probably to save face and political capital. That happened in the very beginning of his presidency.

As far as I know, Hillary Clinton didn't denounce Brazil or DWS, on the contrary. The same day DWS resigned from the DNC, Clinton promoted her to honorary chair of her campaign

Is it possible Brazil and DWS resigned and apologized despite zero wrongdoing? No, I'd argue that's highly unlikely, especially in DWS' case. She was reluctantly forced out of her chair of the DNC position by Obama. They resigned and apologized because their team assessed that was the best course of action to take to limit the damage done to the party ahead of the election.

You are overwhelmingly bad at debate. Nothing so far you've stated is supported by fact. You sound like a Faux and Friends viewer.
You are overwhelmingly bad at debate. Nothing so far you've stated is supported by fact. You sound like a Faux and Friends viewer.
his facts are so far off that he can't even correctly spell the name of the black woman who he claims cost bernie more than 4 million votes with one email which was provided by WIKILEAKS. there can be no doubt about the authenticity of ANYTHING that WIKILEAKS publishes either.

overwhelming evidence that dwarfs anything like a videotape with audio and time stamps.
Probably to save face and political capital. That happened in the very beginning of his presidency.

As far as I know, Hillary Clinton didn't denounce Brazil or DWS, on the contrary. The same day DWS resigned from the DNC, Clinton promoted her to honorary chair of her campaign

Is it possible Brazil and DWS resigned and apologized despite zero wrongdoing? No, I'd argue that's highly unlikely, especially in DWS' case. She was reluctantly forced out of her chair of the DNC position by Obama. They resigned and apologized because their team assessed that was the best course of action to take to limit the damage done to the party ahead of the election.
Of course, it wasn't enough. The damage to the credibility of the party had already been done. Yet some continue to defend it in spite of the obvious, rather than hold it accountable.

@UncleBuck if the liars, cheats and polemic apologists like yourself are supported and continue to win, what's left of the country?
The DNCs own charter and bylaws grants anyone running as a Democrat equal treatment in accordance with their own rules. Sanders doesn't call himself a Democrat because he's more progressive than the Democratic party, not because he's less..

There's Sanders sitting all the way to the left of the American political spectrum, then Warren, then the Democratic party, then people like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, & Chuck Schumer, then the Republican party, and finally people like Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, & Lindsay Graham

He chose to register as a Democrat because there are inherent flaws within the two party system that prevent 3rd party candidates from doing as well. When was the last time one did "well"? Perot? Nader? Never gaining more than something like 21% and being blamed for Bush (in Nader's case). People propose the idea that Sanders should have run as an Independent, just like people propose the idea that Sanders should just start his own party, as a way to dismiss him. It's not a serious solution. It's a way for them to say "Don't disrupt the status quo!" and serves as an easy scapegoat if their candidate eventually loses. They can just blame the 3rd party candidate and claim they split the vote.

That's not how it works in America. You're never going to catch a savvy American politician, especially one as entrenched in politics as Hillary Clinton, red handed with the money bag in their hands. Instead what you see are subordinates colluding with mainstream media outlets, invites and attendees to private political dinners, kid gloves when it comes to questioning their political agenda, but fierce opposition towards their opponents. What we do have evidence of is consistent with this. So it's a bit disingenuous to ask to see a specific politician caught in a specific act when they've designed the laws and their own political strategies in a way specifically to avoid it.

If Clinton speaking directly to the head of MSNBC in order to get them to go softer on their coverage of her is corruption/collusion, so is the head of the DNC doing the exact same thing. If Clinton devising the idea to question her opponents religion before a primary specifically in order to garner more votes against him is corruption/collusion, so is the DNC communications director doing the exact same thing.

People/organizations acting in a way specifically to benefit Hillary Clinton is corruption/collusion whether Hillary Clinton herself had any role in it or not. It's clear her campaign did, it's clear the DNC did, it's clear multiple mainstream media outlets, including CNN, MSNBC, Vox, Washington Post, NYT, and others did.

This is you attempting to justify it. Hillary Clinton herself said she regretted it, same with Donna Brazile. They wouldn't have said that if it was based on nothing, hearsay, or conjecture

I cited their own charter and bylaws that state otherwise. Where does it say that the DNC is to subvert democracy in the Democratic primary in favor of the candidate they (the Democratic establishment) support? I wonder why the Democratic National Committee even has a charter and bylaws that say they're to remain neutral among candidates if they can just choose to ignore them in favor of whoever they want? I wonder if Democrats would donate to them if they told them their vote didn't actually matter, that the leadership could just choose to select the candidate in a smoke filled back room if they wanted to?

I know I wouldn't. That's not why I donate to political candidates/parties

He would have split the Democratic vote, people like you would have blamed him for Trump. The way he did it eliminates that option and forces you to accept the candidate Democrats pushed was terrible and couldn't beat the most disliked opponent in American history. Had he ran as an Independent and lost, it would have lended(lended?!) leant much more credibility to the idea that Clinton didn't win because of him. He knows that.

Waaaay tl;dr. Hugely. Very very bigly.

Show me the evidence. Show it and I will concede the argument. Just show it. You can't. Because you are severely butthurt and you and saggy tits mcgee and snowandblow and tyykikylick are drumming up any sort of conspiracy theory to discredit the fact Hillary got more votes, then either of your candidates, Bernie and Trump.

Very bigly butthurt.
Of course, it wasn't enough. The damage to the credibility of the party had already been done. Yet some continue to defend it in spite of the obvious, rather than hold it accountable.

@UncleBuck if the liars, cheats and polemic apologists like yourself are supported and continue to win, what's left of the country?

Both a nonsensical and rhetorical question.

First prove that Hillary cheated, then reassert the question.

Do you not know how facts work? Burden of proof? Substantiation? Logic? Any of that ring a bell for you? Seriously.
Jesus fucking christ kid. Why not cite this overwhelming evidence you are referring to and put us out of our misery.
Because I'm not going to waste my time searching for the source only for you to deny it. I've been down that same road half a dozen times already with your friends. Like I told you earlier. If you want to see the evidence, look it up for yourself. If I were trying to convince you of what I'm saying, I would provide the evidence. I don't give a damn what you believe. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.
his facts are so far off that he can't even correctly spell the name of the black woman who he claims cost bernie more than 4 million votes with one email which was provided by WIKILEAKS. there can be no doubt about the authenticity of ANYTHING that WIKILEAKS publishes either.

overwhelming evidence that dwarfs anything like a videotape with audio and time stamps.

Its the extreme butthurt that is clouding their judgement. And lack of intelligence.
Waaaay tl;dr. Hugely. Very very bigly.

Show me the evidence. Show it and I will concede the argument. Just show it. You can't. Because you are severely butthurt and you and saggy tits mcgee and snowandblow and tyykikylick are drumming up any sort of conspiracy theory to discredit the fact Hillary got more votes, then either of your candidates, Bernie and Trump.

Very bigly butthurt.
No one cares if your attention span is shorter than that of goldfish.

You've already had your words shoved down your throat once today, yet the best you can manage is schoolyard insults?

I thought you were capable of intelligent adult discourse. Please confirm this suspicion.

Or do you need @Padawanbater2 to dumb it down for you?

You and passthebuck show every sign of supporting people instead of principle. Donald Trump was inaugurated last January because of people exactly like you.
No one cares if your attention span is shorter than that of goldfish.

You've already had your words shoved down your throat once today, yet the best you can manage is schoolyard insults?

I thought you were capable of intelligent adult discourse. Please confirm this suspicion.

Or do you need @Padawanbater2 to dumb it down for you?

You and passthebuck show every sign of supporting people instead of principle. Donald Trump was inaugurated last January because of people exactly like you.

Oh, ttykikklick, never thought you'd get triggered buddy. Why you so mad?

How about you put me in my place and show me that Hillary and DWS colluded and cheated Bernie out of a nomination.

Im begging you. Put on your big boy shoes and put me in my place.

I'll be waiting....
Waaaay tl;dr. Hugely. Very very bigly.

Show me the evidence. Show it and I will concede the argument. Just show it. You can't. Because you are severely butthurt and you and saggy tits mcgee and snowandblow and tyykikylick are drumming up any sort of conspiracy theory to discredit the fact Hillary got more votes, then either of your candidates, Bernie and Trump.

Very bigly butthurt.
I provided evidence in the post you just quoted

Your response because it was too long proves my point

Do your own homework