Why does this plants leaves droop?


i just re potted it but it was drooping for a while i think its because i packed the soil to tightly but i know im not watering it to much. and the leave feel kind of dry but not crunchy? ne suggestions on how to solve this problem??? heres pics... the f1st is a picked leave 2nd is after i first toped it and the others are from now when i have it under a 300w hps



Well-Known Member
If you packed the soil too tight then not enough drainage would be the issue,so I would think too much water.


Well-Known Member
all i can think of is transplant into more aireated soil or repot in same siol just dont pack it down and then dont water till see signs of it bein thirsty


Well-Known Member
Yeah,repot and add more perlite or hydroton.But for sure try to get as much of that soil off the roots as possible,carefully obviously.
What kind of soil are you using?