Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Stalin's goon squad raped and killed my great great grandmother while her husband was held down. Their children fled to America with only the clothes they wore. Yet my family owned all the grocery stores in the city during the depression. They never once complained about getting dealt a bad hand. So this is what I think about the thread title. :finger:
Stalin's goon squad raped and killed my great great grandmother while her husband was held down. Their children fled to America with only the clothes they wore. Yet my family owned all the grocery stores in the city during the depression. They never once complained about getting dealt a bad hand. So this is what I think about the thread title. :finger:

Did you just make that up like the rest of your little stories?
in my opinion, culture in the US is consumption.

I agree. Culture is not some jacked up, high flouting word. Culture is neither good or bad, just is.

Jihad is a culture. Inuit is a culture. And Americanism is Consumerism, plain and simple.

I wish I could get my hands around the necks of the idiots who captured them and brought them (blacks) to our country in the first place

>>>Unfortunately, some our founding father's are responsible for this by routinely owned slaves.

When our Founders were born, the British, French, Spanish and Dutch had already introduced slaves. Our Founders wanted them to have the vote, slaves or not, but the birth records were so spotty, no one could figure out an agreeable Census.

Jefferson suggested all slaves vote, but count only 4/5ths.....that didn't fly.

We didn't invent slavery, slavery is still practiced today, no one is responsible, no one started it. There is no throat to chock.

Most are very glad to be Americans.
Yeah, it's a two-edged sword for blacks today...

Should they REALLY wish their ancestors had never been captured and shipped here? For all the problems is caused (for them and us), it DID make them citizens of the greatest country on earth...to our detriment...

Or should they be glad that happened so they are not painting themselves today and beating drums and dancing around campfires and howling at the moon in a dry barren country (Africa)?

By and large, they want sympathy and handouts for their adversity, but don't want to be responsible for their actions...
My point was every race has and will get dealt a shit hand, not sympathy, retards . If you let it get to you, then blame yourself. Live your own life and quit blaming others.
My point was every race has and will get dealt a shit hand, not sympathy, retards . If you let it get to you, then blame yourself. Live your own life and quit blaming others.

Yeah, but Al Sharpton and blacks in general want payment for their suffering...fuck them...I'm not responsible for the actions of my great-grand-fathers...
The "..." signify a clause.. so don't get so uptightly racist yet..

Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture... as well as American Italians or American Irish, American English, American Spanish, etc..?

Why is it that African Americans seem to be the only exception? By exception I mean why are more African Americans in jail than their counterparts? Why the higher crime rate, the higher teen pregnancy rate, the higher fatherless households rate?

By no means is this thread meant to be against African Americans, rather, it's meant to be about the injustices they, as a race, face in America, and WHY?

IMO, it has a lot to do with the drug culture. Ever since the beginning, illegal drugs have been linked to minorities. I would like to examine this further, and I would like to hear any inputs from the board, any first hand accounts or personal experiences.

In your opinion, what do you think are the main factors holding assimilation into the culture back with African Americans?

I think "assimilation" is negative word...

To answer your many questions, I must respond with a resounding "I don't know". Being caucasian (with emphasis on "asian") and living in mostly similar environments with a rural slant most of my life, I have very little insight into the life of someone of AA heritage.

But I must ask...what is "American culture"?
Yeah, it's a two-edged sword for blacks today...

Should they REALLY wish their ancestors had never been captured and shipped here? For all the problems is caused (for them and us), it DID make them citizens of the greatest country on earth...to our detriment...

Or should they be glad that happened so they are not painting themselves today and beating drums and dancing around campfires and howling at the moon in a dry barren country (Africa)?

By and large, they want sympathy and handouts for their adversity, but don't want to be responsible for their actions...


I aint even gonna touch that one.

Yeah, it's a two-edged sword for blacks today...

Should they REALLY wish their ancestors had never been captured and shipped here? For all the problems is caused (for them and us), it DID make them citizens of the greatest country on earth...to our detriment...

Or should they be glad that happened so they are not painting themselves today and beating drums and dancing around campfires and howling at the moon in a dry barren country (Africa)?

By and large, they want sympathy and handouts for their adversity, but don't want to be responsible for their actions...

seriously, when will those blacks show a little gratitude?
The "..." signify a clause.. so don't get so uptightly racist yet..

Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture... as well as American Italians or American Irish, American English, American Spanish, etc..?

Why is it that African Americans seem to be the only exception? By exception I mean why are more African Americans in jail than their counterparts? Why the higher crime rate, the higher teen pregnancy rate, the higher fatherless households rate?

By no means is this thread meant to be against African Americans, rather, it's meant to be about the injustices they, as a race, face in America, and WHY?

IMO, it has a lot to do with the drug culture. Ever since the beginning, illegal drugs have been linked to minorities. I would like to examine this further, and I would like to hear any inputs from the board, any first hand accounts or personal experiences.

In your opinion, what do you think are the main factors holding assimilation into the culture back with African Americans?

The Drug War is a huge piece of the puzzle. The CIA deliberately flooding black neighbourhoods with things like crack cocaine did not help the matter. That's but a couple of reasons and the first one is really a rather large topic. IE: Cocaine sentences vs Crack sentences vs which demographics do which drug.
The Drug War is a huge piece of the puzzle. The CIA deliberately flooding black neighbourhoods with things like crack cocaine did not help the matter. That's but a couple of reasons and the first one is really a rather large topic. IE: Cocaine sentences vs Crack sentences vs which demographics do which drug.

What's your GLP screen name?
The Drug War is a huge piece of the puzzle. The CIA deliberately flooding black neighbourhoods with things like crack cocaine did not help the matter. That's but a couple of reasons and the first one is really a rather large topic. IE: Cocaine sentences vs Crack sentences vs which demographics do which drug.

Meth caries a much more severe sentence around these parts. Lets hear the Liberals
admit this is racism and discrimination against whites.
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