Why is Trump so hellbent on killing as many women, children, terminal, and poor people as possible?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Gay people could have already been married the federal government just recognises it sort of they don't have the same benefits as a man and woman though.

What else did he do for the people besides force us to pay for health insurance? You know damn well they take more than enough money from us to pay for free healthcare...
The Federal Government SHOULD recognize it! It's no one else's business! How is that, in any way, in agreement with your initial assertion that gay people could always get married? They SHOULD have the same benefits as a man and a woman, and now they do!

And what "free health care" are you talking about? The one that isn't even around to take from?

You are literally making statements that negate themselves entirely.


Well-Known Member
So if you defend yourself from someone calling you a child molester you are a child molester?

Interesting logic you my friend are a child molester.
You are defending g visiting child pornography websites though. You are not even disputing the fact that you visit kiddy porn websites.


Well-Known Member
The Federal Government SHOULD recognize it! It's no one else's business! How is that, in any way, in agreement with your initial assertion that gay people could always get married? They SHOULD have the same benefits as a man and a woman, and now they do!

And what "free health care" are you talking about? The one that isn't even around to take from?

You are literally making statements that negate themselves entirely.
They spend more than the top 3 militaries combined they can pay for free healthcare...

I also don't see why a married couple gets more benefits only thing that should matter is if you are raising children.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that Climate Change just destroyed the Doomsday Seed Vault and green moss is growing on Antarctica as a result of global warming? You fucking moron!
What is your 10 year plan to fix it then? Right, you don't have one. You don't even have a 100 year plan except to regulate the shit out of everything and print tons of cash. How Libertarian of you. No actual fixes that will have even a slight impact though.

That one is called Minarchism, a division of Libertarianism. Again, your ignorance is showing.

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a collection of political philosophies and movements that uphold liberty as a core principle.[1] Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, individual judgment, and self-ownership.[2][3][4][5][6]

Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power. However, they diverge on the scope of their opposition to existing political and economic systems. Various schools of libertarian thought offer a range of views regarding the legitimate functions of state and private power, often calling to restrict or to dissolve coercive social institutions.

Some libertarians advocate laissez-fairecapitalism and strong private propertyrights,[7] such as in land, infrastructure, and natural resources. Others, notably libertarian socialists,[8] seek to abolish capitalism and private ownership of the means of production in favor of their common or cooperative ownership and management, viewing private property as a barrier to freedom and liberty.[9][10][11][12] An additional line of division is between minarchists and anarchists. While minarchists think that a minimal centralized government is necessary, anarchists and anarcho-capitalists propose to completely eliminate the state.[13][14]"
So please, @twostrokenut, by all means: Go on making yourself look like the dumb, uneducated, ignorant, redneck, trailer trash piece of shit you are.
You said you were an Anarchist Libertarian and the best you can come up with is fucking Wiki saying you're a minarchist in an article that refutes your own post earlier?

So you asked Wiki, not Misis or Reason Magazine but Wiki. And even that does not agree with you, sad.

Libertarianism is a spectrum, not one ideology, revolving around personal freedom and minimizing or eliminating government intervention/interference. Pretty sure Rob Roy is right-aligned, like the Tea Party. I'm an Anarchist. I feel if you need a government to tell you how to be a good person, you are not a good person.

Bottom line: You're dumb as fuck AND a pedophile.
So dumb, uneducated and ignorant of me to point that out eh?


Well-Known Member
The courts do not disagree a 16 year old can not fuck a 13 year old without being charged as a pedophile.

Are you from Alabama?
There's a lot of variables that go into the generalized fuckery you call a statement. Is there parental consent? Explain to me how a 16 year old BOY and a 13 year old girl sleeping together is pedo. They are both in high school. If a 16 year old was sleeping with a 11/12 year old then ya, it's starting to flirt with pedo. You would be talking about convicting a child (under 18), of a crime of consent between two children. Whether you agree or disagree on a personal level is completely irrelevant. Show me some jurisprudence on when two teens cant have sex. You need to clean that filthy commi mouth of yours with some truth, and gargle these factual nuts.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
What is your 10 year plan to fix it then? Right, you don't have one. You don't even have a 100 year plan except to regulate the shit out of everything and print tons of cash. How Libertarian of you. No actual fixes that will have even a slight impact though.

You said you were an Anarchist Libertarian and the best you can come up with is fucking Wiki saying you're a minarchist in an article that refutes your own post earlier.

So dumb, uneducated and ignorant of me to point that out eh?
I didn't say I was a Minarchist, I said you were defining Minarchism, ONE of the Libertarian ideologies. That Wiki has sources; use them, you fucking fool. If you even know how.

Also, I don't have a 10-year plan, but you could start by cutting tax breaks for the wealthy, not science research vital to human existence on this planet as well as health care for poor women and children, where we need it most.

Also, legalizing marijuana would bring in tax revenue, create jobs, AND do well to reverse climate change.


Well-Known Member
What is your 10 year plan to fix it then? Right, you don't have one. You don't even have a 100 year plan except to regulate the shit out of everything and print tons of cash. How Libertarian of you. No actual fixes that will have even a slight impact though.

You said you were an Anarchist Libertarian and the best you can come up with is fucking Wiki saying you're a minarchist in an article that refutes your own post earlier?

So you asked Wiki, not Misis or Reason Magazine but Wiki. And even that does not agree with you, sad.

So dumb, uneducated and ignorant of me to point that out eh?
You post like a paid nazi shill on meth.


Well-Known Member
No: If you defend websites that advertise and promote child molestation, you are a child molester.
How did I defend the website? I probably would have reported it if it wasn't well known by the FBI but it is they didn't waste much time taking down the original Silkroad that happened so quick I didn't even hear about the darknet until the Silkroad bust. But then came Silkroad 2, Black Market Reloaded, Agora now there are all new darknet markets the ones named mostly sold drugs, counterfeit, some sold guns but none sold child porn to my knowledge.

I just bought some acid and a few other drugs that ain't easy to find especially since a lot of the acid is fake RC crap that can kill you.


Well-Known Member
How did I defend the website? I probably would have reported it if it wasn't well known by the FBI but it is they didn't waste much time taking down the original Silkroad that happened so quick I didn't even hear about the darknet until the Silkroad bust. But then came Silkroad 2, Black Market Reloaded, Agora now there are all new darknet markets the ones named mostly sold drugs, counterfeit, some sold guns but none sold child porn to my knowledge.

I just bought some acid and a few other drugs that ain't easy to find especially since a lot of the acid is fake RC crap that can kill you.
So you looked, and there wasn't any child porn. Damn, I can see why you don't use those sites.


Well-Known Member
The $186.5 billion budget calls for $2.9 billion in new spending in fiscal 2018, which begins Oct. 1, to fund the Veterans Choice Program, which was created as a temporary measure and allows veterans, in certain instances, to seek health care in the private sector at the VA's expense. Trump's budget also asks for $3.5 billion more for the program in 2019 and every subsequent year.

The increase would bring the total amount that the VA spends through its various community care programs to $13.2 billion in fiscal 2018.

The Choice program -- created in response to the system-wide scandal of veterans suffering long waits for health care -- was set to end Aug. 7, 2017. Congress passed legislation in April allowing it to continue beyond the expiration date with the approximately $1 billion remaining of $10 billion appropriated for the program in 2014."

OK was there a point there or?


Well-Known Member
The $186.5 billion budget calls for $2.9 billion in new spending in fiscal 2018, which begins Oct. 1, to fund the Veterans Choice Program, which was created as a temporary measure and allows veterans, in certain instances, to seek health care in the private sector at the VA's expense. Trump's budget also asks for $3.5 billion more for the program in 2019 and every subsequent year.

The increase would bring the total amount that the VA spends through its various community care programs to $13.2 billion in fiscal 2018.

The Choice program -- created in response to the system-wide scandal of veterans suffering long waits for health care -- was set to end Aug. 7, 2017. Congress passed legislation in April allowing it to continue beyond the expiration date with the approximately $1 billion remaining of $10 billion appropriated for the program in 2014."

OK was there a point there or?
Which propaganda mill did you copy and paste from this time, Jew hater?


Well-Known Member
How did I defend the website? I probably would have reported it if it wasn't well known by the FBI but it is they didn't waste much time taking down the original Silkroad that happened so quick I didn't even hear about the darknet until the Silkroad bust. But then came Silkroad 2, Black Market Reloaded, Agora now there are all new darknet markets the ones named mostly sold drugs, counterfeit, some sold guns but none sold child porn to my knowledge.

I just bought some acid and a few other drugs that ain't easy to find especially since a lot of the acid is fake RC crap that can kill you.
When have you ever apologized for or denounced the child porn sites you visit?


Well-Known Member
The $186.5 billion budget calls for $2.9 billion in new spending in fiscal 2018, which begins Oct. 1, to fund the Veterans Choice Program, which was created as a temporary measure and allows veterans, in certain instances, to seek health care in the private sector at the VA's expense. Trump's budget also asks for $3.5 billion more for the program in 2019 and every subsequent year.

The increase would bring the total amount that the VA spends through its various community care programs to $13.2 billion in fiscal 2018.

The Choice program -- created in response to the system-wide scandal of veterans suffering long waits for health care -- was set to end Aug. 7, 2017. Congress passed legislation in April allowing it to continue beyond the expiration date with the approximately $1 billion remaining of $10 billion appropriated for the program in 2014."

OK was there a point there or?
Where is the increase for ACTUAL veteran care? $13.2 billion increase to fund a crappy temp program because the VA hospitals are a joke, and the staff are understaffed. My father was in a VA in Texas receiving chemo, and there were cockroaches in the ICU. That's some third world country status, and really our current VA budget is $185 Billion in return for endless pill prescriptions and shittier healthcare than the Russian's get. I don't see anyone auditing the current situation, which means no one really cares what is going on. You obviously know fuck all about VA, so I'd probably wouldn't go down that road with me.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
How did I defend the website? I probably would have reported it if it wasn't well known by the FBI but it is they didn't waste much time taking down the original Silkroad that happened so quick I didn't even hear about the darknet until the Silkroad bust. But then came Silkroad 2, Black Market Reloaded, Agora now there are all new darknet markets the ones named mostly sold drugs, counterfeit, some sold guns but none sold child porn to my knowledge.

I just bought some acid and a few other drugs that ain't easy to find especially since a lot of the acid is fake RC crap that can kill you.
Totally melting down.

Stop being a lying bitch. You were on the DarkWeb surfing child porn, not looking for acid. Otherwise, you'd not have crossed child porn advertisements.


Well-Known Member
When have you ever apologized for or denounced the child porn sites you visit?
I never visited why would I apologize? I also did denounce it and used it as a reason we need legal prostitution to cut down on crime. A lot like people use "the marijuana states have less junkies" logic.

I would put money on there being a lot less sex crimes in Alaska with legal prostitution and that's the worst state in the Union for sex crimes.


Well-Known Member
Totally melting down.

Stop being a lying bitch. You were on the DarkWeb surfing child porn, not looking for acid. Otherwise, you'd not have crossed child porn advertisements.
No meltdown, the only internet porn I've watched is redtube.com they have a gay section for you and Buck too. :)

I don't know why anyone would need more porn, site has it all even a tranny section. I like my woman fully developed I like big tities my wife has double D's. :)