Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip on revegging!veggiegardener.
indicas reveg rather easily. the fastest method (by far, seen new reveggrowth in days.)
cut all the buds you want off the plant, leave the lowest buds, those closest to the center, need only keep one, but best to keep several.
you should cut about 3/4 off the top, try to leave some leaves, the more leaves the better.
here is the trick that speeds things up,
roottrim the plant, have the rootball slightly larger than the green. (accounting for soil) just slice it like bread with a big sharp knife,so, to recap, if you cut 75% off the top, the you should cut 70% off the bottom (circa) (you can actually cut more off the plant, as long as you roottrim the bottom equally, but, its easier to make a mistake going smaller,by taking 75% off the top, at most, usually results in a 99% survival, but would drop down to 75% if you cut more off than the 75%)
transplant into whatever container fits (with some new soil added)
without roottrimming, the revegging process will take up to 3 times longer, at least, sometimes much more.
if you reveg without roottrimming, you need to be careful with your waterings and need to feed it some N and micronutes (unnecessary with a transplant)
as the rootball would be much larger than the top and be oversaturated constantly, unless you fed it real, sparingly.
the plant needs to be put into 24 hour light, blue light is better, but hps does the job fine, mh would see new growth, perhaps 2-3 days sooner though.
stronger light is preferable to weaker.
im around if ya have any questions.
Root trimming is something I avoid, although I might try it to see what will happen.
One thing I DON'T want to do is put any plant under a day cycle longer than 14-10, due to the fact that once revegged, I can't reduce the day length without re-encouraging blooming, creating the same problem I'm trying to reverse.
I will try the rest though.