Will America fall eventually?


Well-Known Member
I would dispute this. Logistics combined with resource bottlenecks had a bigger part in doing in the empires of the last 2000 years. "It's the economy". cn
I'll give that, if you'll cede the point that religion, specifically the introduction, and eventual overwhelming support of Christianity lead to the patriotic foot stomping that led to the bureaucracy that bottlenecked finances and led to over-militarizaion, and finally internal collapse.


Ursus marijanus
I'll give that, if you'll cede the point that religion, specifically the introduction, and eventual overwhelming support of Christianity lead to the patriotic foot stomping that led to the bureaucracy that bottlenecked finances and led to over-militarizaion, and finally internal collapse.
In which instance? Rome is currently believed to have been done in by matters of climate (with disruption of supply and distribution of vital goods resulting) as a major contributor. The Spanish Empire was broken at the hands of the ascendant Brits, and the whole P v. C thing was a cultural overlay on a political event/trend. The remaining great empires to emerge in the West, a caliphate and a sultanate, were driven by Islam. I'm curious to know which empire was broken on the hinge of religion.

Peezo lo gro

New Member
When I said most intelligent army I meant very,very,very intelligent. As far as being all over yes we do not fuck around. We may have a drone in the middle of nowhere just to check it out or in a local "hood" near you :joint:


Ursus marijanus
So the question is: does having troops all over equal empire? Empire was defined by the center's possession of extranational territory, typically acquired by conquest or annexation. The term is used metaphorically as well, often for large commercial enterprises. But in a political sense, the USa fails the empire test by not having significant extranational territories over which it has hegemony. (An example from the 20C of an empire acquired without complete conquest was the East Bloc falling into the USSR's sphere of rather direct influence after World War II.) We are a superpower past its peak of influence, but an empire? cn

Peezo lo gro

New Member
So the question is: does having troops all over equal empire? Empire was defined by the center's possession of extranational territory, typically acquired by conquest or annexation. The term is used metaphorically as well, often for large commercial enterprises. But in a political sense, the USa fails the empire test by not having significant extranational territories over which it has hegemony. (An example from the 20C of an empire acquired without complete conquest was the East Bloc falling into the USSR's sphere of rather direct influence after World War II.) We are a superpower past its peak of influence, but an empire? cn
Id say having troops all over is more like global power. Empire is a "old school" term.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
in case you havent noticed we have military presence on just about every continent and large country? how is that not spread all over the world? lmao. also we are some broke ass mothafuckas... in debt beyond what we can pay back. but again we have a strong enough military that no one really fucks with us besides ourselves and terrorists. which is basically ourselves anyways since we trained a lot of recent ones and funded and armed a crap load of them in the 80s to help fight the soviets in Afghanistan.
millitary presence is not an empire, france has troops all over the world but i wouldnt call it an empire .
you have no rule over those places just because you have a few troops there , hell the afghans have all but kicked you out and you have gained nothing from it except a load of dead muslims and a load of dead americans , the second you pulll youre troops out the taliban will drop there civilian roles and take over again .beheading anyone that was seen to be helping the US out.
having a strong millitary hasnt really helped in any country you have occupied in the last 20 years .


King Tut
millitary presence is not an empire, france has troops all over the world but i wouldnt call it an empire .
you have no rule over those places just because you have a few troops there , hell the afghans have all but kicked you out and you have gained nothing from it except a load of dead muslims and a load of dead americans , the second you pulll youre troops out the taliban will drop there civilian roles and take over again .
Right? So WTF are we doing there anyway?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
what makes me laugh is when america and the uk attack or invade/occupy another contry , its all justifyed and honkey dory , when another country attacks another country its terrorism etc etc

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
imagine if russia or china started dropping bombs on us , claiming our goverment were terrorists and that they were going to occupy our country and over throw the goverment and change the country to how they think it should run lol we would be in uproar.

meechz 024

Active Member
The Corporate world has control of America's destiny because that is the ultimate influence.
It's up to the snobs where they want to lead the country.


King Tut
imagine if russia or china started dropping bombs on us , claiming our goverment were terrorists and that they were going to occupy our country and over throw the goverment and change the country to how they think it should run lol we would be in uproar.
Idk about you but I will exercise my second amendment rights, kinda like those we are occupying currently.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
imagine if russia or china started dropping bombs on us , claiming our goverment were terrorists and that they were going to occupy our country and over throw the goverment and change the country to how they think it should run lol we would be in uproar.
Imagine if the USA would start dropping bombs on Russia or China.