Will They Make It ? Clones w/pics


Well-Known Member
So what do you think the odds are of me rooting a few of these ? Today is day TWO.

Clear large shoebox
1/2 perlite 1/2 vermiculite
Rootone powder

I am anxious to begin flowering but I need to be sure I can continue with this strain. I would prefer to avoid cutting in flower but will if I have to.

Got any better ideas ?


Edit I should of made this an anonymous poll. 5 cuttings in the box how many root ? 0 - 5 are your choices.


Well-Known Member
I would have cloned into rockwool or peat pellets because they are easier to manage this way, and used the lid for the tray and the container for the dome. But that's just me...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I would have cloned into rockwool or peat pellets because they are easier to manage this way, and used the lid for the tray and the container for the dome. But that's just me...
that's me too :)

I don't think they need to much light for cloning.. they should be fine until they root....


Well-Known Member
The medium is moist but not as moist as I would like. I just ordered some rockwool cubes. Questions;

How tall should the clone be when before I stick it in the rockwool ?
How many nodes ?
Do you leave any fan leaves ?

Every cutting is less bud I am going to have at the end of my first grow. Learning how to clone is by far more important than a few extra grams of smoke.

Would anyone be willing to post some pictures of their clones ?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Mr. Chosen

PUT clones in rockwool 5 seconds after you cut them and dio them in roting poder/gel

I like a clone with 2 nodes... I make my diagnol cut 1/4 inch below the first set of nodes and then strip the branches and dip the exposed area in rooting powder/gel.. i then make sure that the exposed node area is 1/8 or more inches below the top of the rockwool.

Fan leaves.. yes I leave them.. if you have wilt spray, you will be a CLONING GOD!

If you take clones from the bottom of the plant, you will not loose any buds!! :)



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the words of wisdom, I am going to continue reading while the cubes are in route. I really went above in beyond when cutting the current 5 I have done. Here is exactly what I did to prepare the clone;

I chose lower branches with at least 2 nodes.
I made the cut at an angle dodging the growth on each side; soon to be tops and the 2 hair like things on each side.
Took the cutting and placed it in a cup of store water for 1 minute.
Made another angle cut underwater.
Rolled the stem in the powder flicking off the excess.
Placed the cutting in the medium almost up to the first node.
1/2 the cuttings I removed one fan leave from the first node.

I am keeping them moist but believe I need to improve humidity. I am still hoping on a few out of this first batch but have my doubts.

Is it normal for all the fan leaves to give like they have in the picture above ?

I need to get to flower soon or I will be learning about LST. Of the course there is still hope of keeping the strain with the right combo of male female but nothing is certain with only 3 plants. The 4th is crap bag seed, I call this one my experiement plant been trying to kill it since birth.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
sounds good!

i have never cut underwater and had great success :)... but many people do cut underwater :)

if you can get wilt spray, you will be a HAPPY camper.. you can also dilute this wilt spray and make it last a long time... it is some real effective SHITE!



Well-Known Member

With a bit of rubber I have managed to seal the first batch of clones much better. The humidity is great and cuttings actually look ALOT better in person than a few days ago. I still have my hopes up for this first batch.

The second batch I am trying rockwool as recomended here is what they look like.

Finally a shot of everything in the room.

I goto flower in about 48 hours, I am so excited.


Well-Known Member
clever cloning setup! I do it in a similar fashion. I only mist once a day for a few days, then make look for moisture by only misting every other day.

Look at my sig post and the root results after just a little over a week.


Well-Known Member
clever cloning setup! I do it in a similar fashion. I only mist once a day for a few days, then make look for moisture by only misting every other day.

Look at my sig post and the root results after just a little over a week.
Your setup rocks to say the least. Can you please tell me what medium you used in the small cloning bin ? Is it safe to assume you are cloning outside of direct light ? This early in my noob experiments I will not be convinced light is needed to root the cuttings. The only reason they are getting any light is to create humidity.

In addition what are the blue items poking through in image #2 ? I am assuming this pulls the oxygenated water from below into the medium. Amazing, I love it.

For the record the link worked by the clicky did not. I was dumped to system screen where I highlighted I was a friend of yours and clicked submit, im sure I screwed something up.


Well-Known Member
Your setup rocks to say the least. Can you please tell me what medium you used in the small cloning bin ? Is it safe to assume you are cloning outside of direct light ? This early in my noob experiments I will not be convinced light is needed to root the cuttings. The only reason they are getting any light is to create humidity.

In addition what are the blue items poking through in image #2 ? I am assuming this pulls the oxygenated water from below into the medium. Amazing, I love it.

For the record the link worked by the clicky did not. I was dumped to system screen where I highlighted I was a friend of yours and clicked submit, im sure I screwed something up.
Those blue things are yarns cut from a blue mop head. It claims to be twice as absorbent as cotton. You are right, it pulls oxy water and nutes up to the perlite/vermiculite.

Yea, clones only need indirect light. Once they have roots and start needing light, it's time to move 'em anyways ;)

Thanks for the heads-up on the link not working!