Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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To those who are reluctant to take the vaccine for no valid reason because you don't want to risk yer pink little ass, something to consider. Be the solution not the fucking problem, be an adult and protect children like normal adults do, even if it means putting your own ass on the line, like normal adults do.
What to Know About COVID-19, Variants, and Children (healthline.com)

What to Know About COVID-19, Variants, and Children
  • There’s growing concern about whether the B.1.1.7 variant first detected in the United Kingdom could be causing more infections in children.
  • Lab studies suggest that the B.1.1.7 variant has a mutation that makes it easier for the virus to latch onto our cells and cause an infection — which could be why more kids seem to be getting the disease.
  • Quickly vaccinating adults who are around and live with kids is crucial.
Children have been largely spared during the pandemic, mainly because the coronavirus has a harder time binding to receptors in their cells compared to those of adults.

Now there’s growing concern about whether the B.1.1.7 variant first detected in the United Kingdom could be causing more infections in children.

Lab studies suggest the B.1.1.7 variant has a mutation that makes it easier for the virus to latch onto our cells and cause an infection — which could be why more kids seem to be getting the disease.

But the lab studies don’t tell the full story, experts say, and it’s important to look at other factors at play.

The B.1.1.7 variant doesn’t appear to cause more severe illness in kids, and even in the United Kingdom, the vast majority of young people who contract the variant experience mild symptoms.

It’s unclear how readily young people spread COVID-19 to others, but experts agree that adults who spend time or live with kids who run a risk of exposure should be prioritized for vaccination.
Young children are going to be vulnerable for a long time to come and a good reason to put the heat on those in your life who are vaccine resistant. Tell them to stay away from you, your family and kids if they are unprotected, you have not just a right, but a moral obligation to protect your family. Forget what you think you know about covid when it comes to the Brazilian variant and perhaps worse ones to come.
When can children get the COVID-19 vaccine? - HealthyChildren.org

When can children get the COVID-19 vaccine?
When can children get the COVID-19 vaccine?

With vaccines now available to protect against COVID-19, we've made a big step toward ending the pandemic. There are three vaccines currently approved for adults and teens 16 years and older. One of the vaccine makers has asked for FDA approval to include children as young as age 12, and clinical trails are expected to begin soon in children as young as six months old.

Research shows these new vaccines are remarkably effective and safe. The American Academy of Pediatrics urges teens and adults to get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it is available to them.

Clinical trials for children
Before COVID-19 vaccines become available for younger teens and children, clinical trials need to be completed. This is to ensure they are safe and effective for these age groups. Children are not little adults; we can't just assume a vaccine will have the same effect on a child as it does for someone older. Once this information is available, the AAP will review it and make vaccine recommendations for children and adolescents.

Will there be a vaccine before the 2021-22 school year?
The timing for when the vaccine will be available for kids depends on the results of the clinical trials. But based on the current pace of research, it may be possible to have a vaccine for at least some children and adolescents before the 2021-22 school year begins.

Will a COVID-19 vaccine be required for school entry?
Once a vaccine is approved, health authorities, including the CDC and the AAP, will recommend when and how children should get it. However, each state's government decides which vaccines are required for school entry.

In the meantime, make sure your children are caught up on their vaccinations against measles, influenza, whooping cough, and any others that your pediatrician recommends.

One thing is certain: The COVID-19 vaccine is our best hope for ending the pandemic. We look forward to the day when children can spend time with friends, travel with their families, and enjoy their communities safely.
Covid multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children is no joke. This is affecting thousands of kids all over the country and it can do permanent damage to their lungs, heart, kidney's, brain etc...basically, any body part with a lot of blood vessels. Some people don't know their kids are even sick until they start hallucinating.
Any Qtards out there who actually want to protect children or are they just using them to sell bullshit, they weren't too concerned about kids in cages. NEWS FLASH covid hurts pregnant women and kills the "unborn", that should get their attention, since they don't really give a fuck about kids after they are born. Here's a chance to show they care about kids, but I guess all this covid stuff is "fake news" to them.
Here’s How Getting Vaccinated Helps Protect Your Kids Too (healthline.com)

Here’s How Getting Vaccinated Helps Protect Your Kids Too
  • New research finds that getting vaccinated doesn’t just help protect you from COVID-19, it also helps protect those around you who haven’t yet been vaccinated — including young kids.
  • The research appears to verify that the vaccine may be helping lower transmission rates in some unvaccinated populations. However, experts caution this is just one study, and more research is needed.
  • The continued use of masks and physical distancing are still recommended until herd immunity is achieved.
A recent review of nearly 3.5 million COVID-19 test results from between July 5, 2020, and March 9, 2021, indicates some promising news.

According to its findings, getting vaccinated doesn’t just help protect you from COVID-19, it also helps protect those around you — including those who haven’t yet been vaccinated.

This is good news for parents with young children who are not yet eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine or who may have a medical condition that prevents them from getting vaccinated.

“This study verifies what we all believed,” Amit Kumar, PhD, a veteran vaccine expert, researcher, scientist, and CEO of Anixa Biosciences, told Healthline.

He explained that while kids are less susceptible to developing symptomatic infections when exposed to the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, they can still carry the virus — oftentimes with little to no symptoms.

However, by vaccinating those around them, the chances that children will be exposed to the coronavirus go down. This makes it less likely they will transmit the virus to others.
If you work with young children skipping covid vaccination won't an option.
Coronavirus: Growing calls to prioritize daycare staff, early childhood educators for COVID-19 vaccines | CTV News

Growing calls to prioritize daycare staff, early childhood educators for COVID-19 vaccines

TORONTO -- There are growing calls for child care staff and educators to be prioritized higher in the queue for COVID-19 vaccines, as daycares remain open as an essential service.

Ontario, where schools are currently closed to in-person learning amid a surge in COVID-19 cases, is currently in Phase 2 of vaccine rollout, which includes teachers, early childhood educators (ECEs) and daycare workers, but immediate eligibility is not universal.

ECEs and daycare workers aged 55 and older are eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine, and those aged 60 and older are eligible for the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.
Chris Hayes: The Cost Of Right-Wing Media's Covid Lies

"Murdoch can live in Australia—as if Covid basically doesn't exist," says Chris Hayes. "But the only reason that was possible is because of a government that was able to undertake the kinds of policies that Murdoch's own network has been subverting and sabotaging from Day One."
The Vaccinated Parent's Guide to Life With Unvaccinated Kids - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

You’re Vaccinated. Your Kids Are Not. What Now?
We asked public health experts to help answer some of your most pressing questions.

As more parents get vaccinated ahead of their children, some families are finding themselves with questions that seem to have no clear answers: Is it finally OK to have indoor play dates? Can we take summer vacations, or fly on airplanes? What if my kids are high risk?

If this new and perplexing reality has added to your stress, you’re not alone. “It has really produced a ton of new anxiety, this process of reopening, re-engaging with social interactions after a year trying to avoid them,” said Malia Jones, a community health scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The vaccines seem to have provided a promising path out of the pandemic, she said, “but also, oh my God, we have to renegotiate every single one of these situations.”

The good news is that there are ways to think through some of the most common questions families may have based on federal guidance and what we know about Covid-19 risks, experts said. But keep in mind that what’s right for one family may not be right for yours. “When you’re assessing risk, it’s not a ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ It’s a framework,” said Dr. Lucy McBride, an internal medicine physician based in Washington, D.C.

First, when can I expect my kid to get vaccinated?
Nobody knows for sure when vaccines will be readily available for all children. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been approved for use in kids 16 and older, but no coronavirus vaccines have been approved yet for those who are younger. Late last month, however, Pfizer-BioNTech announced promising results from a clinical trial involving adolescents, finding that the vaccine was highly effective in kids between 12 and 15.
The Vaccinated Parent's Guide to Life With Unvaccinated Kids - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

You’re Vaccinated. Your Kids Are Not. What Now?
We asked public health experts to help answer some of your most pressing questions.

As more parents get vaccinated ahead of their children, some families are finding themselves with questions that seem to have no clear answers: Is it finally OK to have indoor play dates? Can we take summer vacations, or fly on airplanes? What if my kids are high risk?

If this new and perplexing reality has added to your stress, you’re not alone. “It has really produced a ton of new anxiety, this process of reopening, re-engaging with social interactions after a year trying to avoid them,” said Malia Jones, a community health scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The vaccines seem to have provided a promising path out of the pandemic, she said, “but also, oh my God, we have to renegotiate every single one of these situations.”

The good news is that there are ways to think through some of the most common questions families may have based on federal guidance and what we know about Covid-19 risks, experts said. But keep in mind that what’s right for one family may not be right for yours. “When you’re assessing risk, it’s not a ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ It’s a framework,” said Dr. Lucy McBride, an internal medicine physician based in Washington, D.C.

First, when can I expect my kid to get vaccinated?
Nobody knows for sure when vaccines will be readily available for all children. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been approved for use in kids 16 and older, but no coronavirus vaccines have been approved yet for those who are younger. Late last month, however, Pfizer-BioNTech announced promising results from a clinical trial involving adolescents, finding that the vaccine was highly effective in kids between 12 and 15.

This is what I think will be the biggest thing to stop this pandemic. Schools are a perfect place to set up some rural clinics in the parking lots/ football fields and the kids/parents/neighbors can get vaccinated.

Once they get the go ahead on kids and you start to see a clear picture of the families that have been impacted hard by the Russian militaries/Republican attacks on our society that it will be far easier to figure out how to get them information to make decisions based on reality and not the big lies that their troll army have been spamming them with.
This is what I think will be the biggest thing to stop this pandemic. Schools are a perfect place to set up some rural clinics in the parking lots/ football fields and the kids/parents/neighbors can get vaccinated.

Once they get the go ahead on kids and you start to see a clear picture of the families that have been impacted hard by the Russian militaries/Republican attacks on our society that it will be far easier to figure out how to get them information to make decisions based on reality and not the big lies that their troll army have been spamming them with.
Foxnews is pushing the antivaccine message too, I think there needs to be an inquiry to the pandemic response of broadcasters. Foxnews should be removed from the air and cable as a public health menace, after appropriate laws are passed. They and Newscorp should also be open to a massive class action lawsuit by the US government on behalf of the citizens and victims of covid. Fuck the shareholders, they are complicit by owning the stock and profiting from mass death and the destruction of their country. The first Amendment is one thing, but shouting "FIRE" in a crowded theater is another, and fox did far worse than that by deliberately spreading false information and peddling social division and the antivaccer message for profit and clicks.

Broadcasters are suppose to provide a public service, not destroy the societies they exist in for short term profit, the heir to news corp can run off to Australia to live and leave America in flames for profit. Chris Hayes in the video above hits the nail on the head, they all get vaccinated themselves and push doubt and undermine public confidence in vaccination. Canada receives this shit too on cable and I'd like to see it cut off here, they never let FOX on cable before here, but have these past few years.
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I finally managed to book a vaccine appointment here in Eastern Ontario for tomorrow at 7:30 PM, so yeah I guess I'll be taking the vaccine. I do hope that the 35% not taking the vaccine in this thread poll aren't representative of the USA's population, or else you guys to the south of us are in for an unending world of pain.
I finally managed to book a vaccine appointment here in Eastern Ontario for tomorrow at 7:30 PM, so yeah I guess I'll be taking the vaccine. I do hope that the 35% not taking the vaccine in this thread poll aren't representative of the USA's population, or else you guys to the south of us are in for an unending world of pain.

I don't know if 1/3 of people will actually abstain, some are just not sure right now, and that will change.

Here in San Diego County over 40 percent of people have received both shots (myself included) so we are ahead of your country. I just heard that Ontario is ordering another lock down, so take a look around when you go outside again.

Foxnews is pushing the antivaccine message too, I think there needs to be an inquiry to the pandemic response of broadcasters. Foxnews should be removed from the air and cable as a public health menace, after appropriate laws are passed. They and Newscorp should also be open to a massive class action lawsuit by the US government on behalf of the citizens and victims of covid. Fuck the shareholders, they are complicit by owning the stock and profiting from mass death and the destruction of their country. The first Amendment is one thing, but shouting "FIRE" in a crowded theater is another, and fox did far worse than that by deliberately spreading false information and peddling social division and the antivaccer message for profit and clicks.

Broadcasters are suppose to provide a public service, not destroy the societies they exist in for short term profit, the heir to news corp can run off to Australia to live and leave America in flames for profit. Chris Hayes in the video above hits the nail on the head, they all get vaccinated themselves and push doubt and undermine public confidence in vaccination. Canada receives this shit too on cable and I'd like to see it cut off here, they never let FOX on cable before here, but have these past few years.
Is there a vaccine to prevent you from shitposting?
I don't know if 1/3 of people will actually abstain, some are just not sure right now, and that will change.

Here in San Diego County over 40 percent of people have received both shots (myself included) so we are ahead of your country. I just heard that Ontario is ordering another lock down, so take a look around when you go outside again.

Yes sadly Canada lacks vaccine supply. Hopefully if 30% of Americans decide not to take it they'll allow Canada to buy up the leftovers. 32 people died from covid in Canada's most populous province yesterday, and that's unacceptable. So yeah we're under another lockdown.

I do hope that the anti vaccers aren't too influential down there because I want to book another Colorado mountain biking trip next summer. I used to live there so I have quite a few friends there still.
I don't know if 1/3 of people will actually abstain, some are just not sure right now, and that will change.

Here in San Diego County over 40 percent of people have received both shots (myself included) so we are ahead of your country. I just heard that Ontario is ordering another lock down, so take a look around when you go outside again.

We are short of supply and most everybody is getting a single shot for now and 80% coverage. Canada is going back into the vaccine production business, that is settled, never again. We have lot's of AZ, but many are reluctant to take it, some folks don't know how to asses relative risks.

Adults need to get vaccinated to protect children who can't be vaccinated until much later, when clinical trials are completed, even younger teens are vulnerable for months to come. Forget what you think you know about covid when it comes to the Brazilian variant, it's a kid killer. I wouldn't let anybody in my life who is unvaccinated near my family or children and would tell them exactly why they are not welcome in my life. Normal adults will go the extra mile to protect children and put their pink little asses on the line a Helluva lot more, that that minimal risks of vaccination. If they are too stupid or selfish to be unvaccinated, they are not fit to be around children. Sure some people might have medical issues with vaccination, they should talk to their doctor, not on the threads. 99.9% of the time their doctor will give them the jab and probably a lollipop too.