Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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i trust science; i no longer trust it under the Trump admin. numbers are all skewed because he's been having states reporting directly to him for
months now..didn't a florida data analyst (who was fired) just get their house raided because she refused to falsify the number and was still keeping track of the real numbers on her own home computer? the answer is yes.

rain on the scarecrow; blood on the knife; smoke rising from the woods; a pool party in progress.

What does Trumps accounting practice have to do w/the science of medicine & the vaccine ? Didn’t that fucker want people to drink or shoot up bleach or some shit ? Fuck Trump he is out and not worthy of another breathe of your air and not the direction of health science I had in mind .
just to make it clear, i will be taking the vaccine. not for myself i dont give a fiddlers, my brother and sisters families have both had it. i just cant have a cavalier attitude to all this because i still have to look after people who are shielding, i dont want to pass the virus to a loved one.
Exactly. I have a family I want to protect and a pre teen daughter that requires and deserves the normal social interactions of childhood.

We stayed in our bubble and have been way more careful than anyone else we know. We hunkered down to stay safe hoping for this vaccine.

If scientists say it’s safe, I’m taking it. Primarily to protect my family.
I remember reading that the Canadian government secured extra vaccines for redistribution to poorer countries.

See Trump wasn't screwing up when he passed on 100 million vaccines from Pfizer, he was just giving smaller nations a chance to get vaccines for their people.
I made another thread about this awhile ago. A safe and effective vaccine takes 10-15 years to develop. Mostly because the trail periods take so long and you won't know the true side effects sometimes 6 months to a year later.

They have been working on this vaccine since 2001 (when SARS, the first major coronavirus to affect human beings came around).

With that being said I'm still waiting to see their research made public and not behind a pubmed or journal publication paywall.
They have been working on this vaccine since 2001 (when SARS, the first major coronavirus to affect human beings came around).

With that being said I'm still waiting to see their research made public and not behind a pubmed or journal publication paywall.
As much as I love data, I am not an epidemiologist or have any medical degrees myself, so that would be about as helpful to me as one of the seventh day cultist doctor's videos about Hydroxiwhatever was early on that Trump was pushing.
The art of the deal.
Actually, it was. For Trump at least.

The reason he never invoked the Defense Production Act was simple: He didn't want to make companies produce what we needed. He wanted to sell contracts to the highest bidder.

If Trump can't get a kickback off the deal, then he doesn't make the deal.

I can tell you exactly how that conversation went down:

Pfizer: Mr. President, we're only going to be able to produce X amount of this vaccine in a year. We'd like to give you first offer on buying an additional allotment so that most of the United States can be vaccinated by the end of 2021.

Trump: What's in it for me?

Pfizer: Excuse me, sir?

Trump: How much are you willing to pay me to use taxpayer dollars to buy your vaccine? I mean, lots of vaccines are going to be coming out, so I'll be able to buy them from anybody I want.

Pfizer: I beg your pardon?

Trump: It's this simple - you either pay me to pay you, or somebody else with a vaccine will.

Pfizer: Mr. President, we don't do that sort of thing.

Trump: Then get the hell out of my office.

And here we all are now in the early days of this vaccine and we're already out of it. That's how Trump rolls. That's why he didn't buy the extra vaccines. And now, of course, he's trying to use an executive order to make them sell to the U.S. only.


Right. Yeah. Sure. That'll hold water.

And still, to this very day, he won't invoke the DPA because in his sick, twisted, moronic mind he still thinks he's going to make money off the vaccines.
Actually, it was. For Trump at least.

The reason he never invoked the Defense Production Act was simple: He didn't want to make companies produce what we needed. He wanted to sell contracts to the highest bidder.

If Trump can't get a kickback off the deal, then he doesn't make the deal.

I can tell you exactly how that conversation went down:

Pfizer: Mr. President, we're only going to be able to produce X amount of this vaccine in a year. We'd like to give you first offer on buying an additional allotment so that most of the United States can be vaccinated by the end of 2021.

Trump: What's in it for me?

Pfizer: Excuse me, sir?

Trump: How much are you willing to pay me to use taxpayer dollars to buy your vaccine? I mean, lots of vaccines are going to be coming out, so I'll be able to buy them from anybody I want.

Pfizer: I beg your pardon?

Trump: It's this simple - you either pay me to pay you, or somebody else with a vaccine will.

Pfizer: Mr. President, we don't do that sort of thing.

Trump: Then get the hell out of my office.

And here we all are now in the early days of this vaccine and we're already out of it. That's how Trump rolls. That's why he didn't buy the extra vaccines. And now, of course, he's trying to use an executive order to make them sell to the U.S. only.


Right. Yeah. Sure. That'll hold water.

And still, to this very day, he won't invoke the DPA because in his sick, twisted, moronic mind he still thinks he's going to make money off the vaccines.

As a salesman/con artist I think Trump might have started out looking for money, and when that fell through he would check down to what he really wanted.

Them to name it after him.
As much as I love data, I am not an epidemiologist or have any medical degrees myself, so that would be about as helpful to me as one of the seventh day cultist doctor's videos about Hydroxiwhatever was early on that Trump was pushing.
Then I'll be sure to let you know what information they bear out if I ever get access to their publications. I'm not a doctor, but I am a Biochemist.

The microchip conspiracy makes me laugh because everyone walks around everywhere with their mobile phones and they don't give one fuck about the security of those devices. I bet if you were to ask people today who Edward Snowden is half of them wouldn't even have a clue ... even though he was the man that exposed the US government of collecting vast amounts of data from law abiding citizens from their devices.