Wilma 9 Pot System... Where do i begin?


New Member
Morning everybody, a little about myself...

I am 24, currently in a full time job but as many of you feel the same. I am sick of paying some little scrote £20 for a 1.3 of average green that will last me 2 days.

So i thought forget that, i'm going to grow my own fine dank nugs. I went to a hydro shop out of town and told the bloke i wanted a full hydro system etc etc and heres what i got.

1.2x1.2x2.0 tent
1x600 HPS bulb
1x Cool Tube
1x4inch fan
1x5inch fan
Wilma Hydro System.

Basically i've got some fairly decent stuff for my new hobbie. My dad has done several soil and seed setups so he's helped me as much as he can but he's going through a midlife crisis atm.

I'm stuck... I've hit a dead end and i didnt want to resort to posting stupid questions on here because i can imagine the questions are repeated over and over.

Are there any very detailed guides for complete noobs? I mean detailed as in what size fan attaches to the cool tube which attaches to the filter. Because after that im left there with a 4 inch fan attached to nothing. Dont get me wrong i'm a fairly intellient lad but jeez my head is up my arse.I've took a week off to setthis up lol.

Please anybody... Guides?! Vids? I've looked and nothing is really helping.


hey dude ,,,,"DONT PANIC""...lol...i myself use the 9pot wilma ,,Big Pot (18ltre)--and its piece of cake 2 set up,,i use 2 x 2 x 2m grow tent,,on2 end of my 3rd grow now,so i aint expert but if had good results on all,,well by ur list the only thing ur really mssing is a filter ,nutes and plants....u have E.C + PH metres i take it..? imoptant kit)-- not much experience using cool tubes as i dnt use em,my temps and odour control ,humidity perfect,,but u want filter 1st ,in room,attached 2 ducting,2 1 end of cooltube ,then ducting 2 fan on other exausting out of room,,u cn get ducting and filter t match fan size....its easy t set up dude ,,take ur time ,do things ryt and ull be rewarded ...all info u need is online m8,,beware of bullshit tho..!! get the basics, u will learn as u go on,,good luck 2 ya dude,, :)


New Member
Thanks buddy.

I have carbon filter,nutes and pineapple haze cuttings :blsmoke:. I have a all the PH meter and EC meters.

I have 4 inch and 5 inch fans. Which one would you use to draw fresh air in and which one to draw air/heat out?

Fan (air in)> Filter > Cooltube > Fan(air out)

Is that correct?


use ur 5" fan 4 exausting ,,and ur 4" 4 intake,, have u decided if ur using soil or hydro..i use clay pebbles and rockwool in my wilma as soil grow seemed more complicated ...hook up drippers to timer and away u go,,,,also,,good idea 2 hav decent surge protection extension sockets 4 high elec load ,,,safety 1st....


New Member
Ive got 18 ltr pots using clay pebbles pal. I've got the surge protection sorted aswell.

4inch fan > filter > cooltube > 5inch fan?

Somebody said have your wilma set up to drip 24 hours a day due to it being in a tank?


u always want biggest fan pulling out,creates better suction and air movement wen intake is 1 or 2 " smaller..hazes are quite long flowerers btw,,sum 12wks,,sum longer


New Member
I'm also gonna put my cuttings in the 1inch rockwool cubes for approx 2 weeks under 18/6...Then once the roots are through can i put the cubes with the cuttings directly into my pot withpebbles?


from 1inch cube u want 3inch wen 1st cube rooted ,,best 2 start with small pots like 12cm..and gradually transplant int bigger pot as the roots fill out,,,go str8 in2 big pot and roots wnt go,, u gota make roots work and go in search of food,,,


New Member
Ah yeah I understand. Cheers buddy. Ill upload these pics soon. One end of my cool tube has the power cable running out. Do I just put the cable through the ducting?


i got 2 kinds drippers with mine , did u..?? arrow and flood..not all day man ,no no,,,,i feed 4 15mins a time 3/4 times aday wen they r decent size..the plant will let ya na if needs more or less..


New Member
SIRUS69 you my friend are a legend. Appreciate your time fella I really do. The wilma system has been put in the shed and ive moved to coco. Purely for the fact im able to learn much more with less severe consequences lol.

CUttings are in the .5ltr pots. I got told just feed them water for the first couple of days until they get bigger then add mild solution. 18/6. (Working the goddamn timers was the worse bit jeez) im gonna keep a diary and post up. IlL get the pics up soon as I get back to my computer.

CHeers sirus69


yh dude ,i had probs at 1st with timers,,if its a manual 1, i counted all the notches round the edge , then devided in2 24hrs and worked out there 15mins (more or less) each single notche click,,5ltr pots r fine 4 now m8, i use 4.5 ltr pots 4 2nd stage , Are ur cuttings fully rooted thru cube ???? if so u shud be feeding them now m8 with half strength nutes,,oh , btw , wat nutes have u gone with m8. so r u gonna just hand feed 4 now without wilma?? its easy 2 overfeed in soil or coco, and i think 15mins a feed mite be 2 much,,soil and coco retains water lot longer than rockwool and pebbles .think u only gotta water em every few days,but look in2 it dude,cz iv read that up about soil grows,,but if u knw a bit bout soil already ,u gotta head start,,how big ,rooted, and leaf sets ur cuttings got ??..and wats gonna become of mrs wilma now..lol...keep on top ov it kid, bet ur getting exited now,, i did wen started, i cudnt keep away from em,,i wanted 2 sleep in tent wif em,..lol..:) .. keep in touch matey..


Sound like a Yorkshire lad to me! Ha ha ha - nip back to the shop and get em to sketch it out for ya - most half decent shops are happy to advise - especially when they're taking cash off ya!