

Well-Known Member
That's a good question, and it will probably get you every answer, from you must have 18 hours of direct light, to as little as an hour and a half. haha. No but it really depends on alot of things, like how much do want to get off it, and how good do you want it to be. I know I'm helping, but fort example, I put a few plants in an area in the back of my property, that only got 4-5 hours of direct sun per day, with a couple more pretty good filtered light, and the rest shaded. I really thought they would do nothing, but to my surprise, the buds ended up really tasty and potent, but a little loose, and not nearly as big as they should have. If you want max potency and yield, full sun is best. But I think most people end up with around8-9 hours of direct light, and that is plenty for big, fat, juicy, potent buds. Good luck!