Experimenting with QWISO. As I'm getting into dabbing, I need to make some shatter/rosin, cause fuck the dispensary prices these days. I'll definitely be getting a press at some point but until then figured I'd give this a try. So...

So I took out about 12g of the Magnum that's been sitting around curing for half a year now. It wasn't the best smoke so hopefully I can turn into something enjoyable.

Prep/Supplies: 3 small mason jars, rubber gloves, small metal strainer, reusable coffee filter, paper/bamboo coffee filters. 500ml 99% isopropyl. 10-15g bud.
Process: lightly broke up the bud by hand avoiding damaging the plant matter. Froze the bud and iso in the deep freezer for a day.

For the first wash it was a very quick rinse with half the iso, just enough to cover the bud, lightly shaking. Only about a minute then filtered, metal strainer catching the bud, then filtering the iso through the reusable coffee filter and finally paper filter. Then repeated a second time, longer soak this time leaving it in the freezer for about 5min.

Then poured the tincture into pyrex dishes to evaporate and dry. Took about 24hrs to dry.
Finally scraped out the dishes and balled up what there was, got a little bit more in the first wash, ended with about a gram total. Not sure if thats a good return but it's something. Will let it cure for a day in the fridge before I try it.