Worm Castings With Synthetic Nutrients

The Florist

Active Member
We all know the many benefits of worm castings and if not it's an easy google search away.

This being said i can't seem to find anything regarding the use of worm castings with synthetic nutrients.

I'm assuming most synthetic nutrients if not all would kill off the microbes, in worm castings but would it negate nutritional bacteria, fungi, and nematodes etc?


Well-Known Member
For me, if you are going to be using bottled salts then you using organic amendments is kind of silly. But that is not to say that using bottled salts will kill off all beneficial microorganisms, bacteria, and fungi, because that wouldn't be the case. As many of the beneficial microorganisms, bacteria, and fungi that form and live in the "soil food web" can survive encounters with things like hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and even mercury in it's vapor form, so encountering many of the lightweight salts used in growing plants can't kill them or stop them from being beneficially to the environment they are living in!


Well-Known Member