Writing to politicians


Well-Known Member
Well, a new year means a new legislative session. There are some bills that I am excited about and others that make me want to bash my head repeatedly against the wall.

Following in Colorado's footsteps, the Hawaii legislature has introduced a bill that would legalize cannabis for recreational use. The details at this point seem pretty similar I.E. you can have up to an ounce and grow x amount of plants (has not been determined yet). I will definitely voice my support for this bill, either through email or a hand written letter. I have a general idea of what I'm going to write but I would like to get some input from you political junkies.

There are also new bills introduced that are further restricting firearm ownership here in Hawaii. One bill proposes that you re-register your weapons every year or face confiscation. Registration would also require a fee. The same bill also requires you to take a proficiency test every two years or face confiscation. Another bill would ban all assault weapons. Full auto, semi auto, everything. I have read the bill and I could not find a grandfather clause. So, as I read it, another confiscation bill. These are very concerning to me.

I'd appreciate some insight on what you folks would say to these politicians in a paragraph or two on either topic.

Also, yes, another gun thread, one star, chicken little, the sky is falling, doomsday prepper, and all that other good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I do not have any advice as I am a newbie to all of the political aspects of MJ law reform, but I sincerely thank you for your diligence and efforts to make the world a better place. + Rep

Peace and Good Luck



Well-Known Member
The best thing you can do is just put your opinion down, the way you see it. Most reps don't read the emails they get. they have interns do it. The intern decides which side of the issue you are on and logs it to be presented to the boss. Statistics are usually what the rep will weigh public opinion on (seeing wich way the wind blows, if you will)

Now, if you happen to be an exceptional writer, your correspondence might make it to someone important's desk, but not likely. The key is to be polite and clear concerning your position on the issue.