WTF!!!Too much rain?Please Help!!!

I have recently transplanted my girl from a 5 gal.bucket to the ground...Made a big hole and added new soil every thing looked great for two days then out of nowhere four days of rain...It stopped last night and all was well this morning so I tied her limbs down a little bit...So is it the four days of rain (over watering)? Or could it have something to do with having tied her limbs? All looked good all morning....Took the kid to the dentist came back two hrs. max and all hell has broken loose every leaf on her is hanging straight down and curled up...Also used neem last night coupl hrs. before dark...Please help...


Active Member
pix would help, but what kind of soil did you add if it has some good drainage and the suns back you should be cool in a day or 2
All color is good....Just used some plain potting mix from dollar genral....And the sun is out strong....Thanks for the quick replies....


Well-Known Member
Ight, let us know how it looks at the end of the day or tomarrow. See if the current condition is improving or getting worse. Most likly it was just the hard rain. Does the soil drain well?
Yes the soil drains well probably could be better so maybe if i dig a trench starting about 2 feet away and go away from her a few feet to allow for more drainage?? Thor you think that it could be light she has had almost all day full sun since seed accept for the last few days have been no sun at all only rain.....I will let you know how she looks tomorrow evening and try to find a camera I can borrow...Thanks Fellas...


Active Member
i wouldnt take water away, it rained for days chances are it will be sunny for a while let nature do its thing. if rain is the problem the plant will be better for it
Not really much changed as of twilight...The spike leaves seem to be perking up a little and the rest are(I think) trying to do the same....The stems,well really every thing seems to be kind of rubbery this is weird and really baffling..I read some about flushing and something similar to this was mentioned so I am hoping that it's just an issue of too much water....


Well-Known Member
If its an issue of to much water then time will fix it, if its over nutes then time will kill em. Could be safe and flush everything but will delay healing if it was already overwatered. Do you think you over nuted?


Well-Known Member
Just my two cents but from the sound of it and without pics my guess would be that your plant suffered shock. Maybe you disturbed the roots when tranplanting or when you added the soil around the plant filling in the hole. There are many things that can happen so just be patient while the plant recovers, usually within a couple of days. When transplanting your babies next time try a little super thrive sprayed on the plants and roots, this will help prevent shock and also help it to recover quickly. Good Luck and Happy Growing
It could be over nuted I don't see how but I am a beginner at this so I guess to be safe then I should flush it...Also drainage is not good my water table is way up right now she is I may have goofed this one up...I was figuring on a couple three OZ's from this one...If I do flush it then the water will have nowhere to go I am stumped.....
Just my two cents but from the sound of it and without pics my guess would be that your plant suffered shock. Maybe you disturbed the roots when tranplanting or when you added the soil around the plant filling in the hole. There are many things that can happen so just be patient while the plant recovers, usually within a couple of days. When transplanting your babies next time try a little super thrive sprayed on the plants and roots, this will help prevent shock and also help it to recover quickly. Good Luck and Happy Growing
Would it take five days to show signs of shock?..It did really well for two days before the rain and for four days of non-stop rain still looked good....As soon as the sun came back out for a few hrs. she flopped


Active Member
My friend once dug a beautifel 4ft plant and put it in a bucket, and 2 days later it did the same thing yours did, and that was because he trashed its roots when im guessing you shocked it. But ive seen plants wilt like that in heavy rain and perk back up when they dry out a who knows...Good Luck
Thanks myname I was real careful in transplanting never done it with MJ I thought every thing took very little notice to the move.....The bucket was old and brittle so it came off easy,the soil was dry and stayed together nicely it was like burying a three layer cake with a giant candle...Maybe she will bounce back,but if not at least I have learned a lot from the experience and a few of the pros on this site so not all is lost.....Just hope my other one does well...This will all be helpful next year.....


Well-Known Member
i wonder what type of soil you used? stay as far away as is humanly possible from cheap soil that contains "slow release ferts" or any kind of ferts for that matter. i prefer to use very basic soil mix(50% perlite-50% peat-1/4 cup dolomite lime per 5 gallon bucket of peat), and add nutrients with waterings. this is also very cheap to mix up and works great. hope this helps.


Active Member
If you were as gentle as you were than there is no possible way you schocked it though transplating, ive had plants ive transplanted over and over and never had a problem, i donno how anyone has trouble with it...sounds like the rain to me. Anyway good luck bro