WWIII began today

I think the context in which you used the word "Jews" is what they mean. It does come off a little anti-Semitic. "Why do Jews get their own country?" Sounds like you're bitter about it...

context sir...context...
Nah man... that's a valid question yet to be answered. I don't care if it offends anyone or not. Read the Talmud.

Why does a religion get their own country? The ADL would shit bricks if Christians had their own country..... or if Jews are a race, the ADL would shit bricks if Caucasians had their own country.

If Israel is good enough for gentiles, then why isn't a gentile nation good enough for Jews? Gotta have their own country?.... God's "chosen people" seem to think they are better than gentiles, because gentiles are not favored by God.... or so they say. ;-) I'm just saying, if they don't want the rest of the world to hate them, they should stop hating the rest of the world.
He's just not very bright. That's ok as long as he personally realizes it and makes adjustments when he is in public.

They are not a religion, they are a people with one religion. get it? It's not hard to get. Take your time.

out. :blsmoke:
Since I'm not calling the shots and have nothing to risk other than the job I don't have, I say lets beat the drums of war some more. Some of the best technology is created due to necessity. Not to mention all the transfer of wealth when a person dies. Kings of old used to have battles based on crop reports to prevent famine. Less mouths to feed equals happier citizens. Right?
No worries---everyone calm down---Israel has a Florida problem :)

but after they seat the Likud party WWIII can begin---so war is postponed but still on!
Ok, the real reason the Jews got their own country after WWII is because no one wanted em. That's the real reason, the US didn't want to deal with all the millions of Jewish immigrants leaving europe and none of the european countries wanted em either. So we took a place in the desert that they wanted anyways and gave it to em.

I know it sounds antisemitic, but that's how it went down.
ok. i learned what i was wrong about.
from wikipedia:

In 614 a Jewish revolt against Byzantine Emperor Heraclius with Persian support failed, leading to an edict expelling the Jews from Palestine.
According to Muslim tradition, in 620 Muhammed flew from Mecca to the "farthest mosque", whose location is considered to be the Temple Mount, returning the same night.
In 631, the Arabs defeated Heraclius and conquered the area. Over the next few centuries, Islam became the dominant religion in the area.

After the Arab Conquest In 691, Abu-Bakr constructed the Dome of the Rock shrine over the Foundation Stone, the holiest part of the Jewish Temple (see also Holy of Holies). The shrine is the oldest Islamic building in the world. A second building, the Al-Aqsa Mosque was erected on the Temple Mount in 705.
Between the 7th and 11th centuries, Jewish scribes, called the Masoretes and located in the Galilee and Jerusalem, established the Masoretic Text, the final text of the Hebrew Bible.
The name Palestine fell out of use under the Crusaders (rulers of Jerusalem 1099 - 1187), who called the kingdoms they established there "Outremer" (overseas). During the Crusades, Jews in Israel were massacred, burnt alive or sold into slavery.[6] The murder of Jews began during the Crusaders' travels across Europe and continued in the Holy Land.[7] Ashkenazi orthodox Jews still recite a prayer in memory of the destruction caused by the Crusades.
From 1260 to 1300 Israel became the frontier between Mongol invaders (who were Crusader allies) and the Mamluks of Egypt. The conflict impoverished the area and severely reduced its population. Sultan Baybars of Egypt eventually expelled the Crusaders and Mongols.
The collapse of the Crusades was followed by the expulsion of Jews from England (1290) and later France (1391). Muslim defeats led to expulsions of Jews from Spain (the Alhambra decree 1492) and Portugal (1497). Expulsions and religious persecution often led to movement of Jews to Israel.
Under the Ottomans (1517—1917) the area was part of the province of Syria.
During the 1648—1654 Khmelnytsky Uprising in the Ukraine over 100,000 Jews were massacred in Eastern Europe, leading to further migration. The Jewish population of Israel was concentrated in the Four Holy Cities.
In 1799 Napoleon briefly occupied the coast and offered to create a Jewish state there but the offer was rejected by the Jews.
By the 19th century, the Land of Israel was populated mostly by Muslim and Christian Arabs, as well as Jews, Greeks, Druze, Bedouins and other minorities. In 1844, Jews constituted the largest population group in Jerusalem and by 1890 an absolute majority in the city, although as a whole the Jewish population made up far less than 10% of the region.[8][9]
When the British conquered the area in 1917, they named it "Palestine" and defined boundaries including modern Israel, the West-Bank and Gaza and Jordan.

so 1400 years ago it was palestine, then it wasn't, then it was again.
myself, i am not against the jews as a race or as a religion or whatever,
but the creation of israel was an unnecessarily fractious act.