WWIII began today

i dont even want to know about U.S.A!!!as far as I am consered you are poor(the ones who support war)you dumb ass idiots amuse me!!hehe,so much 4 love and peace in the world!
keep it up and soon we all be dead,good work
whatever didnt england rule half the world at one time? there you go bad mouthing my country? and most of the english teeth show how bad your dental system is snaggle tooths ! maybe we will have to bail you guys out of another war, why do people come from all over the world to study here?? live here??dont see people trying to flood into your country
you cant be serious???please tell me you just didn't say that just now!!!!
wdf is wrong whit you??? dem Jews took their land whitout even asking,what are they supoust to do?
picture this:UN or any other organization gives, lets say the whole country of California to the Jews just because they say its our promised land!what would americans do?
my guess is they would drop some bombs,right???

I think you are responding to me and you are over-simplifying and setting up a straw man example. And ignoring the historical circumstances surrounding the creation of Israel and what was there in the way of a nation or government before that. There is no reason to debate that Jews lived in Palestine since ancient times. They displaced the Canaanites, Samaritans, etc. If you suggest that modern-day Palestinians are the rightful heirs of those ancient peoples, you will need some serious sources to cite to back that up. There has never been a time in history when that region was not occupied by a power or group from elsewhere. Abraham came from Sumeria, so I suppose we could give Iraq to the Jews. Israel was largely created by the allies after WWII, using land which Britain had confiscated from the Ottomans as punishment after WWI. The Ottomans, in case you don't know, were Turks. What was their right to that land? Conquest! Oh, and the 'crusaders' were there for quite a while. Their descendants are still hanging around in Lebanon; remember the Christian phalangists who conducted massacres in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in So. Lebanon? They've been there, what, 900 years? What do you think; send them back to France?
yes but for our poppulation at the time was what? near my house 65,000 died in three days of battle people in this world dont understand that we had the worst terror attack ever, and unless you had it happen in your back yard you just dont get it? iraq afgan iran i dont care WHAT we do as long as it doesnt happen in MY BACK YARD AGAIN! DEATH TO BINLADEN
This thread blow'd the fuck up, didn't it? :lol:

You guys have to remember one thing though.... Israel didn't actually steal a country (I was half joking), but rather..... God gave it to them. ;-) I know this to be true because a Jew told me so. :clap:
ok,I fully agree to this(shnkrmn)..but,Americas moto was something like..we bring democracy to the mitlle east.
what makes you think people want youre kind of demckracie,there,here,anywhere in the world 4 that mather..i dont get it!
what makes America the judge and executor at the same time???
different country,different people,different habits!!!let people live the kind of life theywant to..
I dont say youre country didnt help a lot some times,but in my opinion you fucked up most of the time!(no hard feelings)just my opinion...
The central banks are the ones causing all the mess for the world. They are the ones that rule countries and the gov'ts are just their puppet system.


People shouldn't be against any religion or race but rather the system that is enslaving Us all! Why is Herb illegal when it hasn't caused a single death from over dose? Its because the banksters own the oil and if Herb were legal it would make oil obsolete.

Who do You think caused this depression that We are in? The banks!Who profits from war the most? The banks and military industrial complex.

Why isn't there peace in the world? Because the banks make puppet countries go to war until they install their central banks to monopolize a country like Iraq or Afghanistan.

If it wasn't for politics than there would be no wars. People would just have to let the free market dictate trading.

didnt ww1 start in your country and both ww1 and ww2 start in europe in general, and we messed up most of the time? we dont have ethnic cleansing here bro, didnt hitler and malosavitch stalin? come from over there?? hasnt people lived ther for thousands years were you live and around europe?? you are all so much more civilized than us americans, think you would get it right after all these years
his name was MILOSEVIC and the motherfucker was SERBIAN,not CROAT..hope he burns in hell!!!!
no ethnic cleaning???just ask native americans what they think about that!!!
look,Im not(what you guys call a HATER)!!IM just givin my opinion,no need to be agresive,we just debating
im sorry era137 i ment that region, yeah you are right about the indians im doing bong hit know yeeeaaahh thats better had bad day at work im a fitness trainer alot of complainers today peace
hey,its all good,I see a lot of tensions about this subject,have to admit that I was carried away too..sorry if I dissed anyone!!my bad!
havent smoked 4 three days so Im a bit jumpy..want to say that I love and respect all of you guys here..LET THE HEARB GROW!!!!!!
hey,its all good,I see a lot of tensions about this subject,have to admit that I was carried away too..sorry if I dissed anyone!!my bad!
havent smoked 4 three days so Im a bit jumpy..want to say that I love and respect all of you guys here..LET THE HEARB GROW!!!!!!

Right on. :clap:.
hehe,im just growing some white berry girls,should be done till summer and you are all invited to come,smoke some good shit,and do some wakeboarding
and enjoy summer..RESPECT TO ALL OF YOU!!!
yes me too peace to england peace croatia time to burn some bud have a barneys farm blue cheese growing and a crazy g13 poweskunk growing now, have to run and get some beer b back in 10 min.