Yellow Dusting....


Well-Known Member
i didnt like that product gognats.. but it did help some... also on your leaves they could be thrips if you aproch them with your hand do they run off hella fast??


Well-Known Member
Just as an update, the GoGnats stuff hardly works. I had to up the dosage to see results, it smells funny and it had started burning the leaves on my other plant. If you get bugs, it's pretty much voer, I am going to try and ween out this plant as long as I can but from the looks of it, I don't see it making it much longer.... :( I will be nice, but it makes me so much work, so much money.... wasted...

I mean what is someone supposed to do, when you buy a clone from someone we depend on and then that clone grows up only to have bugs and it gives the rest of your crops bugs and kills the entire setup.... ???
If you take any plant from anywhere you should always quarantine it prior to introducing it into your indoor garden.



I've been using neem oil and I think it's workin well. The final answer did so so but I think the neem works better. So they spread to your other plants a. Lame man. Pick up some neem and mix it with soap. Seems to be working pretty well I find eggs still but no bugs so I'm hosein em every other day. I used go nats on a palm plant I have in my living room. The cedar shit right? It was totally infested with nats and didn't work until like the third or fourth time I dosed it and as well I uped th dosage by like 3 fold( keep in mind it was a house plant) but did get rid of em. But these things ain't nats man. Neem saiys it kills all softbodied insects and they sure look softbodied to me


Well-Known Member
Yea these were soft bodied insects but invisible to the naked eye. Have to see them with a scope, they are smaller than a hair, but they breed in mass numbers and eat the center of the branches out, so when you go to move a branch it will literally break and be hallow on the inside. Kinda like a termite... only orange....
So for another update, the GoGnats burned the plant after trying to spray again, the sprays were done at late hours so the lights couldn't;t burn them and the dosage was very weak compared to what the directions said to use. The GoGants would do this to the container i had the spray solution in. It's worthless and killed everything.

Final Thought- If you notice something completely weird looking on your plant, take a scoped look at it immediately, If i would have acted sooner than I did, I may have been able to save them, unfortunately I had to cut the other one last night.... *cries*


Well-Known Member
sucks man, I would suggest taking bleach water to everything in that room including your ventilation, pots, temps sensors etc.. so you dont get a repeat.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me, it was brutal this time around and i will really have to trust the grower before I ever buy another clone.


Well-Known Member
clones are really nice though, maybe build a small grow box to keep them in, in a separate area as quarantine to watch them for a couple weeks before introducing them into your main environment.


Oh no.... I found a sugar leaf stem that was hollowed out and split open a couple weeks ago and wondered what it was. I'm definately gonna just pray I can flower out what I got. Ditch the veg and mothers and start over AGAIN :( they don't seem to be breeding as bad for me for some reason? Any way one fucked bug. Unfortunate I guess


Well-Known Member
Oddly enough we both prolly scored these ladies around the same time, since we snagged them both from green cross, after chopping mine, I have found little dead worms as we have discussed all over the buds. The ones I was able to get out of it, which I burned the rest of it in my fireplace, smell really yummy, I have yet to toke any yet. They are currently curing , here's a pic or 2 of the small sad yield....

Hey GOGOTO, have you seen that little russian blond that used to work there recently? she's never there when i go there anymore... :(



Well-Known Member
BW's finally starting flowering yesterday after 9 days in flower. Thought I would post some pics since Im so dam stoked!



Active Member
Sorry about you loss man. I read "yellow dust" and was sure it was pollen or something, but little worms - crazy!

If you have to get a clones, make sure you give them a good neem oil dunk or spray down and then keep them quarantined. Keep them separate and spray with neem every few days so you kill any larvae that might have survived the initial dunk in the egg stage. I have only used three clones, but each one was messed up in some way or another when I got it.


No man haven't seen her. Or Nina the dark haired one. I haven't been there in a long time. Kinda been avoidng the whole dispensary world. I mean when star bucks is sitting there like what the fuck there's alot of these things it's a little outta hand. I wish they woulda kept it like it was originally planned. Caregiver patient relationships. But now cause dispensarys made the shit sooo public I can only have 5 patients. Counties are banning dispensarys and soon production and after that what posession? If every one would gow their own or get a caregiver all these people wouldn't even know mmj existed in ther communities. Bu now they do and for somereason it's scares em. And now there putting constraints on all of it. The only thing dispensaries are good for is getting fucked up bugs. Or overpriced not ever really that good of buds.


No they said she noticed some yellow dusting under her fingernail. And when she went to the doctor they said they were little wormy bugs. And they had burrowed there way in and were eaitng her bone marrow!! Hahaha

Rip blonde girl from greencross


Well-Known Member
No they said she noticed some yellow dusting under her fingernail. And when she went to the doctor they said they were little wormy bugs. And they had burrowed there way in and were eaitng her bone marrow!! Hahaha

Rip blonde girl from greencross
That is a truly scary comment, lolz!