I read through the "manifesto" this little puke left.
It reads like a cross between squarepussy and Tyler. He is very concerned about Hispanic inflows, race-mixing and the corporate takeover of America and automation of the workplace. He starts right off by identifying with the Christchurch shooter.
Then he spends some fetishistic time describing his weapons, their advantages and disadvantages, until finally extolling others to do the same and make sure to pick soft, targets like stores and fairs rather than wasting their time on government installations and the like. I would just like to point out that Walmarts are
not gun free zones. Guns are quite welcome and are sold there. This little coward gave no consideration of this fact and even mentioned, while he pledged not to be taken alive, that the possibility existed that a gun carrying customer might try to stop him. But in the end, he was captured by police.
Finally, he shows great concern that Trump will be blamed for this despite the fact that his thoughts go back before Trump was elected. Yeah, ok. Sure. I believe his thoughts predate Trump but absolutely feel that Trump has purposely used rhetoric to appeal to these kinds of people and has created an environment where many of them feel compelled to do something horrific like this. Trump isn't a good enough leader to
make people racist, and there are plenty of those out there already. Trump is, in my opinion and the opinion of anybody paying attention, responsible for people like this.
Already on the Twitter page that posted the manifesto (which quickly disappeared from his facebook page) the comments are filling up with Trump defenders ("this guy was racist before Trump so how can you blame Trump that he decided to act upon his racism by actually shooting up a Walmart full of people buying back to school supplies for their kids?") and outright conspiracy theorists ("those damn libs made this manifesto up to blame Trump! That's what they do!!!").
We live in a sick world full of sick people and to some extent we always have. But when you get a leader like Trump that appeals to the lowest values of society, bad things happen. It is a fucking shame that people like this, and
@squarepush3r, and
@ttystikk aren't fully marginalized as they should be