You know what would boost the economy...a war!

I like to make it fun of it first, in hopes that people don't take it seriously when it is actually whispered by politicians.
That is why it is nice to keep up with these boards. You stay a few steps ahead of what the trolling is going to be once you face it in the real world and are caught off guard of the ridiculous contempt these topics cause people in real life.
The Great Lakes contain 20% of the worlds fresh water. Guess we better watch

Dont worry, Nestle is already draining them.

Lake Baikal in Russia has the same volume of water as all of the great lakes combined. And that's just one lake. The glaciers and frozen tundra Russia has gives them about a 10 to 1 advantage in fresh water over us.

We'll run out of water long before they do.
We have the presses, it's just paper, after all!
If we can bribe Trump with a few million, we can get the contract for it and build it for ya! We could use the big injection of cash! It's easy when ya own the POTUS, why we could even throw in a little dirt on Joe to sweeten the deal. One thing though, we'll need the money up front each month, dead beat Donald has a reputation for stiffing contractors...:D
What's the next hottest product after opium poppy fields and oil? I hear clean water is disappearing more each year and will soon be a limited resource. Do we know any countries with small armies and lots of clean water?

I live in the Lake District UK where we have water coming out of our ears! But we also have Dad's Army to protect us. Wee're allll dooomed.

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