Your fav religious /anti religious vids


Well-Known Member
I believe God will always be talked about, and more evidence to support either, for or against will crop up thru time endless. I wonder what may be considered actual or ultimate proof of a creator. Athiest or not, it would be nice to actually live thru an evidenced miracle of our time.

Why is it so taboo to talk negatively about religion? I'd say simply due to the inconsistency of hate or negativity myself, meaning, theyre not concrete in one area, more like EVERY area that potentially stretches to other areas outside of god that makes negative views so hard to comprehend to me anyway.

What makes those beliefs so much better than every other belief? I'd contend they are simply different. And it's hard, for me, to follow or like things that are different. Only when I get the aspiration and motivation to understand it, is when I'd get involved to make a decision if I'd go fer it. But for a hard headed person like me, it's hard to shake pre-suppositions already instilled in me by my youth and my own heritage.

If they know they are correct, wouldn't religious people want their religion tested (legitimately) to be verified correct? Well, what is correct in the world of religion lol?
How many christians out of 100 would say their religion should be tested to prove its correct? Hey, let's go sign up for some kind of DNA test and see how different we are lol. It's already in our blood brother, we already are correct right? Im jk.

Do you think those that say it shouldn't really believe in it? See this twist me like an athiest....see an athiest to me can still be on this side of the fence, but in a flash can jump over and say something completely different, Id say because they have nothing to reference, so they can just about say anything!
also, why do people believe that prayers get answered by god? that is such a laughable concept to me

One pouring raining day, I was with my friend, and alot of other people's money meeting this dude. It was about 2pm. My car, after deal was done, wouldnt start. I'd start it, it would run 10 feet, and die again. My car never showed this type of hiccup either before of after...... So Pissed and freaked out. Tried everything. Pop hood, check battery, hold foot to floor, beat alternator with a small piece of wood like an idiot, crank crank crank. I said out loud "I don't know what to do....." you get the idea. My friend says, "Let's pray to God." And I prayed that pouring raining ass day like I've never prayed. No joke, I swear, to God, next time I cranked......we made it to the house. prayers are answered man. That's my 'lil story and, me and my homie who was with me that day, will die with it in our hearts as an honest but simply unproveable instance of prayer being answered. I'm Jewish, he's Christian, we talk sometimes about God, but really never scratch the surface of anything because we get super heated about BS everytime.

I tried to answer some q's, about how I view your questions in my quote of yours sorry.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member

One pouring raining day, I was with my friend, and alot of other people's money meeting this dude. It was about 2pm. My car, after deal was done, wouldnt start. I'd start it, it would run 10 feet, and die again. My car never showed this type of hiccup either before of after...... So Pissed and freaked out. Tried everything. Pop hood, check battery, hold foot to floor, beat alternator with a small piece of wood like an idiot, crank crank crank. I said out loud "I don't know what to do....." you get the idea. My friend says, "Let's pray to God." And I prayed that pouring raining ass day like I've never prayed. No joke, I swear, to God, next time I cranked......we made it to the house. prayers are answered man. That's my 'lil story and, me and my homie who was with me that day, will die with it in our hearts as an honest but simply unproveable instance of prayer being answered. I'm Jewish, he's Christian, we talk sometimes about God, but really never scratch the surface of anything because we get super heated about BS everytime.

I tried to answer some q's, about how I view your questions in my quote of yours sorry.
LOL so what do you call it when prayers are not answerd ?

if i read a horoscope in the newspaper that said ,' today you will fall in love with a brown eyed girl ' and on the way to the shops i meet a brown eyed girl fall in love and marry her , would you say that randomly generated horoscope , the paper printed was somehow able to predict the future or would you put it down to coin sedence? , how many times would you read that horoscope and nothing came true ?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Luger187
I believe God will always be talked about, and more evidence to support either, for or against will crop up thru time endless. I wonder what may be considered actual or ultimate proof of a creator. Athiest or not, it would be nice to actually live thru an evidenced miracle of our time.

Why is it so taboo to talk negatively about religion? I'd say simply due to the inconsistency of hate or negativity myself, meaning, theyre not concrete in one area, more like EVERY area that potentially stretches to other areas outside of god that makes negative views so hard to comprehend to me anyway.

What makes those beliefs so much better than every other belief? I'd contend they are simply different. And it's hard, for me, to follow or like things that are different. Only when I get the aspiration and motivation to understand it, is when I'd get involved to make a decision if I'd go fer it. But for a hard headed person like me, it's hard to shake pre-suppositions already instilled in me by my youth and my own heritage.

If they know they are correct, wouldn't religious people want their religion tested (legitimately) to be verified correct? Well, what is correct in the world of religion lol?
How many christians out of 100 would say their religion should be tested to prove its correct? Hey, let's go sign up for some kind of DNA test and see how different we are lol. It's already in our blood brother, we already are correct right? Im jk.

Do you think those that say it shouldn't really believe in it? See this twist me like an athiest....see an athiest to me can still be on this side of the fence, but in a flash can jump over and say something completely different, Id say because they have nothing to reference, so they can just about say anything!
also, why do people believe that prayers get answered by god? that is such a laughable concept to me

wow there is so much wrong with this , where do i start , lets say the first sentance ,....................where is the evidence to support a god exists , ive never ever come across one scap of evidence for the existance of a god , please enlighten me ?



Well-Known Member
man, seriously? you have done this more then once, are you too STUPID to come up with these great arguments on your own?

thats a dumb question, lol,

Originally Posted by Luger187
I believe God will always be talked about, and more evidence to support either, for or against will crop up thru time endless. I wonder what may be considered actual or ultimate proof of a creator. Athiest or not, it would be nice to actually live thru an evidenced miracle of our time.

Why is it so taboo to talk negatively about religion? I'd say simply due to the inconsistency of hate or negativity myself, meaning, theyre not concrete in one area, more like EVERY area that potentially stretches to other areas outside of god that makes negative views so hard to comprehend to me anyway.

What makes those beliefs so much better than every other belief? I'd contend they are simply different. And it's hard, for me, to follow or like things that are different. Only when I get the aspiration and motivation to understand it, is when I'd get involved to make a decision if I'd go fer it. But for a hard headed person like me, it's hard to shake pre-suppositions already instilled in me by my youth and my own heritage.

If they know they are correct, wouldn't religious people want their religion tested (legitimately) to be verified correct? Well, what is correct in the world of religion lol?
How many christians out of 100 would say their religion should be tested to prove its correct? Hey, let's go sign up for some kind of DNA test and see how different we are lol. It's already in our blood brother, we already are correct right? Im jk.

Do you think those that say it shouldn't really believe in it? See this twist me like an athiest....see an athiest to me can still be on this side of the fence, but in a flash can jump over and say something completely different, Id say because they have nothing to reference, so they can just about say anything!
also, why do people believe that prayers get answered by god? that is such a laughable concept to me

wow there is so much wrong with this , where do i start , lets say the first sentance ,....................where is the evidence to support a god exists , ive never ever come across one scap of evidence for the existance of a god , please enlighten me ?



Well-Known Member

One pouring raining day, I was with my friend, and alot of other people's money meeting this dude. It was about 2pm. My car, after deal was done, wouldnt start. I'd start it, it would run 10 feet, and die again. My car never showed this type of hiccup either before of after...... So Pissed and freaked out. Tried everything. Pop hood, check battery, hold foot to floor, beat alternator with a small piece of wood like an idiot, crank crank crank. I said out loud "I don't know what to do....." you get the idea. My friend says, "Let's pray to God." And I prayed that pouring raining ass day like I've never prayed. No joke, I swear, to God, next time I cranked......we made it to the house. prayers are answered man. That's my 'lil story and, me and my homie who was with me that day, will die with it in our hearts as an honest but simply unproveable instance of prayer being answered. I'm Jewish, he's Christian, we talk sometimes about God, but really never scratch the surface of anything because we get super heated about BS everytime.

I tried to answer some q's, about how I view your questions in my quote of yours sorry.
one time my grandpas car wouldnt start. after trying for a while, he told the car, "if you dont start, im taking you to the junkyard". it started right up after that. true story.
now... do we have any reason to believe the car heard him, then acted out of fear of being junked? no, its just a coincidence. so why would you believe that some almighty being used some unknown force to magically fix your car? just because you put your hands together and asked for it? ill bet you if i take the battery cable off the terminal, the car will never start no matter how much you pray. unless a human intervenes and fixes it of course.

the human brain is a machine that seeks patterns, like when you see shapes in clouds. also it likes to connect events or things together, whether they are connected in reality or not. like when a friend calls you immediately after you think about him/her, or when your car starts right after you pray. we like to think those kinds of coincidences are related. "The Believing Brain" by Michael Shermer is a pretty informational book about the subject.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Dude, stop acting like some radical thinker, you're not; and the line of thinking your describing has existed for thousands of years. Read the Death of Socrates, you fucking space cadet.

Statement about knowlege
I do not know if god exists.

This statement means, I'm not sure if god does, or does not exist. It's not provable either way, I know this, MP knows this, everyone you are arguing against knows this. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

Statement about belief
I do not believe god exists.

This is about the decision you make in your own mind about whether the evidence you have seen is reasonable to believe or not.

Here's an example; maybe, just maybe, you might understand this time.

If you're standing on the street and a random person turns to you and says;

"I'm Jesus."

It's impossible to know if he is Jesus with 100% certainty, and it's also impossible to know that he isn't Jesus with 100% certainty. Should you treat both options, that he IS and IS NOT, Jesus with equal merit? No, one is more likely to be true, and thus one deserves more belief.

Your mind is forced to make a stance on the spot as to whether or not you are taking what he says as truth or not. There is only two possibilities with truth, true or false.

You don't know he isn't Jesus, but someone saying they're Jesus without showing sufficient evidence results in the rejection of a belief (if you're not a fucking idiot). If believing "random guy" is Jesus is the equivalent of being a Theist, rejecting "random guy" is the equivalent of atheism.

You'd also be an Atheist if "random guy" never told you he was Jesus... and you'd never had the choice to believe or not.
I don't know if i believe or not- Theisagneista


Well-Known Member
Getting back to videos, here's a great one. I fucking love Christopher Hitchens, here's a great short clip about being close to death:



Well-Known Member
I don't know if i believe or not- Theisagneista

How do you know you don't know if you don't know your own beliefs?

It's funny the only way you can defend your position is by completely ignoring the counter-argument. You certainly have no rebuttle or ability to form a coherent explanation, so I'll just take this as a win and let you get back to constructing tinfoil hats and trying to bite your ear.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if i believe or not- Theisagneista
are you convinced there is a god? if not, by definition you are an atheist. the prefix "a" means not, so atheist means "not a theist". there is no middleman between atheist and theist. you are either one or the other.


Well-Known Member

these ones are pretty funny


Well-Known Member
You can believe you can fix a car without the knowledge to do so, and you can believe you can't fix a car while having the knowledge.

You are still not making a distinction between the two.


Well-Known Member
lol so true
