Zeitgeist: News, Politics, Pandemic and Trump

Maybe it's just his way of praying for a way out.
He does believe in faith based shit and doesn't have much use for modern biological science at least. Mike should lay hands upon the afflicted and pray the plague away, emulating Jesus as all good Christians do. BTW Jesus believed in free health care ya know, practiced it too and if it was good enough for Jesus... :wink: Did ya hear the one about the miracle of Bernie with the loaves and fishes feeding the multitude? :lol:
He does believe in faith based shit and doesn't have much use for modern biological science at least. Mike should lay hands upon the afflicted and pray the plague away, emulating Jesus as all good Christians do. BTW Jesus believed in free health care ya know, practiced it too and if it was good enough for Jesus... :wink: Did ya hear the one about the miracle of Bernie with the loaves and fishes feeding the multitude? :lol:
lol I meant more like praying to get the disease for the way out.
Looking at the struggle for the democratic nomination and the process in some states, I can't help but remember the words of Will Rogers from the 1930's,
" I'm a member of no organized political party, I am a democrat"!
lol I meant more like praying to get the disease for the way out.
Or to give it to Trump and kill the fucker, another way out and a better option too. He'll find out about the coronavirus prayer meeting with the afflicted, after Pence reports to him personally and "accidentally" trips on the carpet and stumbles into Donald... Yep Mike running a slight a fever telling Donald that the prayer he tried with the sick last week didn't work with the plague, doesn't work well with amputated limbs either...
Trump Tries To Project Leadership As Coronavirus Spreads Across U.S.

President Trump attempted to lead by example today when he took a moment during a meeting with airline executives to let the American people know he hasn't touched his face in weeks.
It might soon be time for someone to make a general thread about the senate races up for grabs in 2020
Senate Democrats just got a huge boost in their push for the majority

(CNN)Former Montana Gov. Steve Bullock's decision to reverse course and run for the Senate this November is a massive recruiting coup for Democrats that not only makes the party competitive in that state but also improves their odds of retaking the majority this fall.
Bullock, who left office last year as a popular two-term governor, is widely regarded as the only Democrat with a credible chance of beating freshman Republican Sen. Steve Daines in a state that tends to favor Republicans at the federal level. (Bullock, who ran briefly for president in this election, had repeatedly insisted that he had no interest in the Senate. He has apparently changed his mind.)
Senate approves $8.3 billion total coronavirus response package

Washington (CNN)The Senate voted on Thursday to overwhelmingly approve a sweeping spending package to direct billions of dollars toward the US government's response to the coronavirus outbreak as lawmakers scramble to fight the spread of the disease.
The package will next be sent to the White House for the President's signature. It passed the House on Wednesday with broad, bipartisan support.
The finally tally for the Senate vote was 96-1. Sen. Rand Paul was the lone senator to vote against the measure. Ahead of the vote on final passage, the Kentucky Republican also offered an amendment to the coronavirus funding package that would offset costs by canceling some foreign aid spending. But the Senate voted to table, or kill, the motion.
LIVE UPDATES: Coronavirus outbreak spreads across the world

The agreement provides $7.8 billion in appropriations to address the outbreak of coronavirus as well as an authorization for $500 million in mandatory spending to fund a telehealth program in an effort to expand access to health services for seniors for a total of $8.3 billion in all.
Lawmakers have been meeting for days to hammer out a package to respond to the coronavirus outbreak. The total funding package that will be allocated by the deal is an amount far higher than the $2.5 billion White House request. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer proposed $8.5 billion to deal with the outbreak.
Last week, however, the President opened the door to a higher spending level to combat coronavirus than what the White House initially requested, saying, "We'll spend whatever is appropriate."
Apparently it’s Barack Obama’s fault Trump’s response to the pandemic has been an utter joke.

In a life filled with uncertainty, there are a few things we can always count on. One, that death spares no one. Two, that Jared and Ivanka will find a way to profit off of their government positions while maintaining they “sacrificed” everything to join the administration. And three, that when backed into a corner thanks to his own incompetence, greed, or history of undiagnosed traumatic brain injuries, Donald Trump will find a way to pin the blame on Barack Obama, even if the issue is, like, the DVR not recording Hannity or orange streaks on the White House bath towels because he was too impatient to let the self-tanner dry. (Previous, real-life examples have included blaming Obama for: the temperature in the Oval Office; his decision to rehire Mike Flynn, who Obama fired and warned him about; anti-Trump protests; and building a non-existent wall.)

Not surprisingly, today Trump managed to finger the 44th president of the United States for...the botched coronavirus response. Speaking to reporters alongside MikeJesus will sort this outPence one week after his big press conference on the matter, Trump claimed that the insane lack of testing of Americans presenting symptoms of the deadly disease is actually the fault of a guy who left office more than three years ago. “The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing, and we undid that decision a few days ago so that the testing can take place at a much more accurate and rapid fashion,” Trump said, before giving himself kudos for supposedly righting the supposed wrong. “That was a decision we disagreed with. I don’t think we would have made it, but for some reason it was made. But we’ve undone that decision.”

Only, as critics were quick to point out, it was the Trump administration that wiped out the National Security Council’s global health security unit created to counter pandemics, as well as its counterpart within the Department of Homeland Security. And appointed a paranoid pharma executive to run the Department of Health and Human Services, who reportedly failed to coordinate an effective response due to distrust of his own aides and a desire not to “offend” the president. And told officials “not to do or say anything” re: the virus that would “spook the markets,” including, apparently, telling the truth or devising a plan of action that doesn’t sound like it was drawn up by Don Jr. and Eric from their super secret clubhouse with the “NO GIRLS ALLOWED” sign.

To be fair, when he wasn’t blaming everything on Obama. Trump spent Wednesday—a day in which the U.S. coronavirus death count reached 11 people with at least 149 known cases nationally—totally focused on protecting Americans and taking the situation unusually seriously, by which I mean he devoted the morning and early afternoon to attacking Mike Bloomberg.