Zeitgeist: News, Politics, Pandemic and Trump

please expand on the highlighted above..
If trump is gonna grab for power he would dispute a close election as "rigged", he would have no such option with a landslide victory against him. His term of office expires at noon on jan 20th 2021, if the new president gets more electoral college votes and it is certified by congress,, he is sworn in by the chief justice of the SCOTUS and he then picks up the phone and calls the secret service, if Trump is stupid enough to remain in the building.
If trump is gonna grab for power he would dispute a close election as "rigged", he would have no such option with a landslide victory against him. His term of office expires at noon on jan 20th 2021, if the new president gets more electoral college votes and it is certified by congress,, he is sworn in by the chief justice of the SCOTUS and he then picks up the phone and calls the secret service, if Trump is stupid enough to remain in the building.

what's to stop him from calling the landslide rigged? 'such a big difference can't be possible therefore it would have to be rigged'..'illegals voted' for whatever the difference is between the two and so on..he'd spin it any which way possible..that's what sales people do, they 'spin'.
Monologue: Panic! At The Costco | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including worldwide anxiety over COVID-19 and Joe Biden's incredible comeback in the Democratic primaries.

New Rule: Take the Money and Run | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Have a look at this legal discussion and think for a minute...
No ‘Credibility’: Trump Losing 2020 Battle To Hide Secret Parts Of Mueller Report | MSNBC

A federal judge has condemned Attorney General Bill Barr for "misleading" the public with his handling of the Mueller Report. ABC News Chief Legal Correspondent Dan Abrams joins MSNBC’s Ari Melber to discuss a top federal judge’s “grave concern” and lack of “trust” about Barr’s “objectivity.” Abrams argues there is “nothing more insulting” to Barr than assert he “politicized” the process and Department of Justice. Former Federal Prosecutor Joyce Vance argues Barr’s actions are “so egregious” a federal judge is telling “the American people” they “cannot trust the Attorney General to be truthful.” (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC
Now this looks interesting, Mitt senses a change in the wind perhaps, he's bullet proof in Utah. Donald and crew crowing about Biden and Mitt not on side will be a real shit show for them.
Romney abandons party, rips Republican efforts to go after the Bidens

BREAKING: Mitt Romney just abandoned his party and ripped Republican efforts to go after the Bidens.
He wants to hide the mueller report because it is so exonerating that it would just shock America to know how innocent he is

right, @Bugeye? You fucking hack
Well, this judge is plenty pissed and wants to read the unredacted fucking thing for himself, if this guy finds any bullshit you will not only hear about it, you'll see it, without redactions. This is gonna happen soon too, Barr has to deliver.

I'm wondering if the Trump administration will tell witnesses not to appear and documents not to be produced in the coming congressional oversight on the Pandemic response, or lack of it. How do you think that would go over with the public while they and their families are fighting for their fucking lives, frightened and pissed? Donald is stupid enough for anything and he fucked up bigly here starting 2 years ago, he will want to hide the incompetence, negligence and dereliction of duty. Ya think Donald is gonna lie? (trick question) and refuse to cooperate with the oversight investigations? The republican house and senate members are gonna lose their fucking minds over this during election season, Donald is gonna fuck'em and its becoming clearer to them with each passing day and scandal.
Think about the coming oversight hearings on the Pandemic, Nancy is in charge of the timing too and it will be for maximum effect. This is not some esoteric foreign scandal that most people don't give a fuck about, this is where the rubber meets the fucking road baby. People's lives are directly on the line here and it's gonna directly affect them bigly. Getting a "mild" case of this might lay you up for a few weeks, quarantined, with all the subsequent economic impacts. People are gonna be watching these hearings and will be aghast when Donald refuses to deliver documents or witnesses, but most government doctors would appear anyway.
Pretty good analysis eh?
Think Donald will cooperate with the oversight investigations on the pandemic?

The best predictor of future performance is past behavior... Donald and the republicans are fucked bigly, Donald has lots to hide here too. Mitch McConnell is gonna be fucking thrilled, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I guess they were wrong about Donald, he was fucking this up while they were letting him off the hook, now they are on the hook for Donald. :lol:
Pretty good analysis eh?
Think Donald will cooperate with the oversight investigations on the pandemic?

The best predictor of future performance is past behavior... Donald and the republicans are fucked bigly, Donald has lots to hide here too. Mitch McConnell is gonna be fucking thrilled, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I guess they were wrong about Donald, he was fucking this up while they were letting him off the hook, now they are on the hook for Donald. :lol:
Jackie Ho is doing her part to fight the pandemic.

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Now this looks interesting, Mitt senses a change in the wind perhaps, he's bullet proof in Utah. Donald and crew crowing about Biden and Mitt not on side will be a real shit show for them.
Romney abandons party, rips Republican efforts to go after the Bidens

BREAKING: Mitt Romney just abandoned his party and ripped Republican efforts to go after the Bidens.
unfortunately I think he already buckled.
what's to stop him from calling the landslide rigged? 'such a big difference can't be possible therefore it would have to be rigged'..'illegals voted' for whatever the difference is between the two and so on..he'd spin it any which way possible..that's what sales people do, they 'spin'.
The SCOTUS took a week to rule on Bush vs Gore in the Florida fiasco, Trump would have to sue someone, the court would take less than and hour to rule against Trump. Nobody with a brain really likes Donald, even the judges he appointed for life.
Hope you feel better soon! Prayers for brother buck.
Who exactly do you pray to @Bugeye? Satan, cause you're a servant of evil, now.

Pray for yourself and family, cause Donald might kill some of them with his bigly fuckup over the coronavirus, fuck he might even end up killing you, irony. Some will have KBT (Killed By Trump) engraved on their tombstones, you're about to suffer the consequences of incompetent government by an unfit POTUS. We tried to tell ya son, but ya were too pigheaded, a head full of bullshit and nonsense with a heart full of hate and fear . :(
Who exactly do you pray to @Bugeye? Satan, cause you're a servant of evil, now.

Pray for yourself and family, cause Donald might kill some of them with his bigly fuckup over the coronavirus, fuck he might even end up killing you, irony. Some will have KBT (Killed By Trump) engraved on their tombstones, you're about to suffer the consequences of incompetent government by an unfit POTUS. We tried to tell ya son, but ya were too pigheaded, a head full of bullshit and nonsense with a heart full of hate and fear . :(
I don’t judge you. Be well.