ZNET6 LED light


Well-Known Member
I don't have a good way to vent the hid heat out of the room but I may have to vent through the wall into the room. I was thinking of using 2 of these and eventually adding one in the middle.


Well-Known Member
Lol yea there aren't many options. I may try to use a hid since I will run it at night when the ambient temperature is lower. I would still like to hear some feedback on the light however


Well-Known Member
Did you even read the grasscity thread? Dudes lights are already crappin within the year.. Run!

Fwiw there's an led subforum that you would probably get a lot more help in..


Well-Known Member
built in obsolescence. thats what its called when companies manufacture products to break so you gotta get a new one...

theyll also tell you its out of warranty, past the date or you need to ship it to the manufacturer and wait for a month for a new one... aint nobody got time for that brotha.


Well-Known Member
Actually blowingcherypie I don't plan to use it for more than a few grows before I upgrade, but thanks for being a dick and showing how ignorant you really are. Please, do the world a favor and kill yourself.

Any who thank you for showing me that A51 panel, I may get that but I am still deciding if I want to get a small one or just save up.