I didn't think you were belittling my condition, it just appeared on the surface to be more of the same empty promises I've heard most of my life. I interpreted it as ignorance rather than malice. It can be quite difficult to decipher intent from just the written word and I was merely trying to share my observation and engage you in the discussion in order to clarify your position. I do appreciate your having shared some personal details, having also been on the inside of the system I'm sure you can understand why it aroused my skeptical side, and knowing where you're coming from sheds some light on your original message.
For myself at least, the fact that I cannot properly exercise, or engage in the outdoor activities I used to enjoy so much, is one of the driving factors of my depression, not even considering the physiological benefits of exercise. It's also compounded by SAD, and this time of year is always the worst for me. That's probably part of the reason I love spending so much time under the grow room lights, lol. I suppose it's a bit of a touchy subject and I had hoped to make it clear that I knew I was rushing to judgment, if I failed in that I apologize as well.
I should also make it clear that I'm not condemning the entire mental health profession. There are many caring people who are doing good work, it just seems that the "publish or perish" mentality of modern science drives them to the fringe while the cold, greedy bastards rise to the top. I do have praise for my last shrink, who was the only one who honestly told me that because of the physical factors there was very little he could do for my psychological condition.
Fentanyl was great for killing the pain, but the narcotic zombification was also killing my soul. Cannabis doesn't restore me to normal, but it has enabled me at least to get out for walks and do some light yard work once in a while, and that does do wonders for my overall state of mind. The (N)SSRIs didn't help at all, and only aggravated my condition by applying a bunch of unpleasant side effects. I find it absolutely unconscionable that people who are suffering so deeply are still being denied a resource that can improve the quality of their lives. I may also have over-reacted to what at first seemed to be a rejection of cannabis as a "proper medication." Sometimes the behaviors I express are not the ones that I value in my heart. Again I apologize, and thank you for responding compassionately instead of with anger and hostility.

Golden Buddha