About the Middle Class ....


New Member
Med sez ...

"If you ever exibit a willingness to listen to rationality, I will attempt to breach that thickness in your cranial area, otherwise, as usual, Bon Voyage."

Does this mean that you will be abandoning the forum again? I'm beginning to think that you're like the little kid who doesn't get his way, then stomps off the field.

Don't go, Med ... the forum isn't the same without you. *lol*



New Member
Med sez ...

"If you ever exibit a willingness to listen to rationality, I will attempt to breach that thickness in your cranial area, otherwise, as usual, Bon Voyage."

Does this mean that you will be abandoning the forum again? I'm beginning to think that you're like the little kid who doesn't get his way, then stomps off the field.

Don't go, Med ... the forum isn't the same without you. *lol*

Missed me didn't ya? Look I'm just against the current government, all of it, dems and repubes, they have fucked this country to tears. Our freedom, our treasure, our trust. Even under Nixons watch there were some freedoms left, I realize not for long had he stayed, but this regime has about vaulted us into a pre-dictatorship if ever there were.


New Member
Missed me didn't ya? Look I'm just against the current government, all of it, dems and repubes, they have fucked this country to tears. Our freedom, our treasure, our trust. Even under Nixons watch there were some freedoms left, I realize not for long had he stayed, but this regime has about vaulted us into a pre-dictatorship if ever there were.
OK, so you don't like the Republicans or the Democrats. That's fine, there are a lot of us who feel the same way. Based upon your diatribes over the past year and the political stances you've taken, its what you would replace the parties with that worries me.



New Member
OK, so you don't like the Republicans or the Democrats. That's fine, there are a lot of us who feel the same way. Based upon your diatribes over the past year and the political stances you've taken, its what you would replace the parties with that worries me.

And probably with good reason. I am definently for wealth distribution. Not to the point of communal living, but so everyone has adequate health care, a liveable wage, a general trust to make retirement palatable for all, A removal of any and all lobbiests, reform the republic to a one man one vote type of government, Get rid of the FED., tax the wealthiest 5% like crazy, remove all corporate tax incentives, Limit the high end wage earners, I don't have a figure at this time, but it wouldn't be multimillions, make it a felony to move your corporation off shore, limit US holdings in foriegn countries. Nationalize the energy industries, especially the oil companies with a civilian review board that changes every 6 months with volunteers such as myself to review pricing policies. Obviously this is after I've stopped the war and brought the troops home, fuck Iraq, let them sort it out. Secure our borders and remove all illegal aliens back to their country of origin. Limit immigration to what the country can absorb through job growth, not job replacement by cheap labor. Make sure our 2nd amendment rights are not abridged. Especially, snare all money hungry capitalists with a fair to all philosophy. I don't care if you make good dough, just dont be a pig and fuck over everyone on the way to the top. Remove Football as our national sport, the football mentality as taught to our youth is to fuck over everyone before they fuck over you. This is barbaric, like gladiators. Baseball is more of a sport to be respected. I can go on for days, I'm sure I've revulsed you by now, quick, Kill him before this catches on.


New Member
You'd remove FOOTBALL from the national scene? Now I know for sure that you're nutso! Yeppers, you deseve the death penalty. Damn! Did he say outlaw football??



New Member
So, Med ... with the exception of your stand on Second Amendment rights, how would you describe you ideal government as you worded it above. Would it be called Communistc or Fascistic?
