Afghan Dream

dj crane

Well-Known Member
So just a quick question, my plants were really starting to grow closer and closer to the light, we even posted about it, i woke up today and my top bud was about .5" from the 400w hps, now i know a rule of thumb, no offense, is to put your hand at the same distance from the light and see if its burns. well mine didt burn but i moved my light up anyway. the reason i had left them there was because i thought i stretched them last time i moved the light up.

Anyway the question is.....Should i leave the light so close to the top of the bud for compactness( i dont think thats a word) or will it still be tight with the light moved up abit. i reaslise i just started flower so the plants will prob do more growing now then later.

As always all advice is welcome/needed!


Well-Known Member
First of all, you can edit your posts, to put two together (at least for a few hours after you create it). No big deal, just thought you should know.

Personally, I don't think you've stretched them. The leaves look a bit sativa'ish, so you probably weren't looking at the squatest most compact plant anyways.

.5 inches from the light can cause problems even if the heat isn't an issue. You can actually give your buds TOO much light like that. It will bleach them, they turn white (like bleach) and it kills stuff (i don't know what).... I don't know if it kills the cytoplasts (haha, I don't know what the hell that even means, just remember the word from Bio class) or what, but that is a bit close. Good call moving it up.

They are finishing 3 weeks of 12/12, right? They should stop growing soon, then your light will be pretty good wherever you set it till the end, with maybe an inch or two adjustment if needed.

And why would we be offended at your 'rule of thumb' comment? I'm not offended, haha.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
First of all, you can edit your posts, to put two together (at least for a few hours after you create it). No big deal, just thought you should know.

Personally, I don't think you've stretched them. The leaves look a bit sativa'ish, so you probably weren't looking at the squatest most compact plant anyways.

.5 inches from the light can cause problems even if the heat isn't an issue. You can actually give your buds TOO much light like that. It will bleach them, they turn white (like bleach) and it kills stuff (i don't know what).... I don't know if it kills the cytoplasts (haha, I don't know what the hell that even means, just remember the word from Bio class) or what, but that is a bit close. Good call moving it up.

They are finishing 3 weeks of 12/12, right? They should stop growing soon, then your light will be pretty good wherever you set it till the end, with maybe an inch or two adjustment if needed.

And why would we be offended at your 'rule of thumb' comment? I'm not offended, haha.

i didn't know that, alot of things on this site i haven't fiqured out yet, like how to break a quote to just the parts i am responding to, lol.

they should not have any sativa in them at all, they are suposed to be a indica, pure afghan, but hey, maybe they lied alittle, lol.

They are finishing thier third week of flowering so i agree height wont be an issue soon enough.

The rule of thumb used to mean you could beat your wife with a stick no bigger then the width of your thumb. I didt want to offend the ladies on the site.


Well-Known Member
as the title implies, i am wondering if the 6" model of this fan will be good, the gu6y said its 165 cfm, which is enough, i guess i was just concerned because this is meant to move warm air from a furnice, but if this one is good enough then it will be alot cheaper then a blower
What are you planning on using it for specifically? The clone room or the grow room itself?

Those inline duct boosters are, generally, crap. The CFM rating is what they will ALLOW through, not the actual air power they generate.

Give some more info on precisely what you want it to do.

FYI I am speaking from direct experience with these.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
What are you planning on using it for specifically? The clone room or the grow room itself?

Those inline duct boosters are, generally, crap. The CFM rating is what they will ALLOW through, not the actual air power they generate.

Give some more info on precisely what you want it to do.

FYI I am speaking from direct experience with these.

Thank god, i was hopeing someone used these. i am hopeing to use this in my grow room to bring in cool air from outside because my temps are at the higest they can be, if they get higher in summer i'm screwed


Well-Known Member
Thank god, i was hopeing someone used these. i am hopeing to use this in my grow room to bring in cool air from outside because my temps are at the higest they can be, if they get higher in summer i'm screwed
Ok well how are you exhausting your room? That's really the key to temperature control. If you are exhausting correctly then figuring out an intake becomes easier.

I just got a 12,000 BTU A/C to deal with my temps. I am in a well insulated upstairs apartment and was dealing with 90+ temps. With my A/C I can now run my 1k HPS at 72f. Just one thing to consider...

What are the dimensions of your grow room again? Refresh my memory...

If you can exhaust correctly though, that fan may suit your need to draw in fresh air. I can't be sure without more information though.

What temps are you going to be dealing with this summer? How much hotter in your room is it than it is outside currently?

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Ok well how are you exhausting your room? That's really the key to temperature control. If you are exhausting correctly then figuring out an intake becomes easier.

I just got a 12,000 BTU A/C to deal with my temps. I am in a well insulated upstairs apartment and was dealing with 90+ temps. With my A/C I can now run my 1k HPS at 72f. Just one thing to consider...

What are the dimensions of your grow room again? Refresh my memory...

If you can exhaust correctly though, that fan may suit your need to draw in fresh air. I can't be sure without more information though.

What temps are you going to be dealing with this summer? How much hotter in your room is it than it is outside currently?

LOL, i am n ot exhausting my room ,lol, atleast not yet, i could not afford the fan, but i am getting toghther cash now for a squirell cage fan 265 cfm and an odor sox, my room is 4x4x8 full size, but really 4x3x7.

i wont be able to afford this for afew more weeks. the temp in my room is 30 C(87 or so in F, Maybe 85) and like 10C(50)to 15c (now, gonna go up to 25 c(77F) in few months

dj crane

Well-Known Member

So i just went out, spent all my money and got a vortex to exchaust my room, this was a long time coming and i am very excited that i have finnaly made this step!!

It is not hooked up yet, because i have to buy some ducting and a carbon filter, next week.

The real reason for this post is because on one of my ladies has some lower fan leaves looking something aweful, i am planning to just trim them all of. I am assuming this is a result of not alot of light at this depth, but it could be issues of ph, because i have just begun fixing that only a week ago.

Please tell me what you think!!



Well-Known Member
You would probably do well in the outdoor growing section. There is one.

Please tell me what you think!!
Nice fan. You got a good one.

And I'm new don't know much, but I agree with your light assessment of the leaves. I would just pull off all the really sad looking ones (there isn't many, correct). Personally, I don't think it's anything to worry about.

I hope I am right.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
do you use any sort of miracle grow with your plants and what is the temp you grow them at.
I definitly do not use miracle grow, as i heard it burns the plant, i use the entire fox farm line. also my temps are 30C but i just got a fan to bring them down


Well-Known Member
I have had leaves turn yellow and fall off and die during flower.

Watch the bud growth. The only thing I can really think of would be a pH problem or some nute lockout.

How much of each product do you use per gallon? How much per plant do you give? How big are the containers?


Well-Known Member
Naw, I'm in NE USA. Fox Farm isn't too hard to get, but I'm using MG on my first grow b/c I heard about FF after I had started growing. I'll be posting regularly in my grow log, so we'll see if MG burns the plants!