CFL help please....


Well-Known Member
Will it work = Yes


Just buy regular CFL's if I were you. That unit you posted if you zoom in has a specific adapter that is a pain to find. Also it is only 18 watts which is really small.

On a side not try not to post this same question 3 times ........


Well-Known Member
I've been back and forth on cfls..I used them (2x 26w) for veg, but I should have used 46w...+++ and when you get to that point a T5 is a better option for small scale grow (not hid).. for about $60 you get two T5's and hanger, batwing ref... plus if you still grow without HID you can get red spectrum bulbs cheap.. They won't be the tight buds that HID gives, but a cheap easy (low temp, small..etc) way...


Active Member
"On a side not try not to post this same question 3 times ........"
I know man, but if you looked on the other thread I explain that my PC went wild and I couldnt delete them!!

Thanks for the info though guys, think Im gonna have to do abit more hunting for the right ones to use!