do my leaves look ok ?


Well-Known Member
ok so I do need a bigger fan ..

Ill giuess I do have some time to think about it and choose on ..

tho 1 more 100mm seems to be a good choise .. its cheaper then a 125/150mm and with the other one I got I would have 200mm (290/374M3/hr) sumthing like 170 kubic feet a minut on max ..

and I can cut one at night time and still have fresh air .. and I wont have one I cant use or need a cooltube for or sumthing .. lets see ..
I can maybe even make sumthing for my filter so I can fit 2 fans on it .. either take off the botton and add a tube more or a T-shaped tube to fit boath ..

about the tomato cages .. guess the hole point of them is your able to SCROG them but yet still move em around as you like .. I think I like that idea ..

and I could easily make sumthing like that in less the 10 minuts ..
I belive we boath have 1/8 inch 1/4 inch and ½ inch and other sizes aswell ..round stainless steel (boath 304 and 316 acid-resistant) bars of 6M length (18 feet) I can cut em bend em and weld em together as I like .. any suggestions ?

and sure I stop by your journal ..


Well-Known Member
a few pictures from to day (3th day of 12/12)


funny .. the plant I FIM (in the black pot) have lookd most helthy all the way from day one .. also grew fastest (even tho its FIM) and was the one who got rootbound ..

its also the one who for some reason likes to point its leaves upwards (dunno if you can see it on the pictures ?)


but it is the LST one in the brow pot who did show sex fist :)
only 3 days of 12/12 .. guess they wher close to preeflowering ..


maybe you can see it better on them pictures ? FIM on the right .. leaves is pointing up .. also the one who use most water for some reason ..
I have to water it evry seccon day or so .. other one evry 3th day or even 4th is enough ?

temps and RH .. still able to keep it on 28C (82F) and 40% humidity ..

actualy I seems to have 40% humidity or around .. nomather what I do .. it do drop to 35% or go up to 45% .. guess its ok .. but what about flowering ? is 40% still ok ?

Ooh yea and schould I loose them straps I used to LST them at any point doing flowering ?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member

That's what I use now for cages. The rings come apart to make them easy to store and put on a plant or whatever, but I think it's super annoying, I wish the were just welded on and didn't move.

Also, you might wanna weld some across the top like this as well, making it more like a SCROG

The other thing I don't like is that the bottom ring is also 18"...they should have made the bottom ring 16 or 14 inches...the plant resembles a lollipop, not a can of soda lol.

But if you end up making something cool, we'll have to figure out how much it would be for you to ship me some :hump: Then I'll be one of those "cool grower" that get's stuff shipped from grower's in other countries lol.


Well-Known Member
hehe yea .. tho I think it might work best if you move to spain then ;)
sending a few bars of metal over seas dont seems to me as sumthing that will be wort it ?

but Im thinking .. how about them steel fenches that is covert in green plastic .. about 5mm thick (1/5 inch)
they are easy to bend with your hands if you try but stays in shape and can easil hold a plant Im sure ..
buy some of that ... Im sure you can get it in roles or sumthing to bind the fences together ..

like the same you use to bind up plants but much thicker ... and bend your own designs ;)

but I`ll have a look at them now and see .. might trow sumthing together at work .. tho I belive it will be for my next grow so no hurry .. as them plants I have now is makeing ther own sea of green .. wont be able to fit much over them now .. also consider to clip the strains I used for LTS ?

another thing .. think my leaves begin to look like before (new shoots seems a bit curly) and Im sure it is`t root bound this time as I have em in 7 gallon pots ..

so I did go pass my local hydro shop to day and got this

mostly got cal and mag and zink, bor, copper, iron, aso.
hope this solv it once for all ..

atlest I know a lot more and is much more prepard for my 2th grow ;)


Well-Known Member
lol .. looking at them .. I actualy think to remember we have some grid/netting allready made .. tho squared .. but maybe works .. as my pots are square I might make them square and grow square plants .. wonder if that give me square buds ?


Well-Known Member

do I need to worry about slightly leave tip burns ?

been looking around to see if I could find a reason ... Lol :)

could be over or under watering .. or over fertilising or light/heat burn or ... or .. or ..

pretty confusing ..

but I tryd to use common sens and logic ..

its not only on the top leaves .. its also on bottom leaves I bet its not light/heat burns (I would also expect that a max of 84F wouldnt be enough to burn it..specialy not bottom leaves who have 80F)

and it is on like 70% of all bigger leaves (not so much small growth) so I bet its not over or under watering ?
I water like evry 2-4 day when pots feel light and top soil is dry ..

so Im left with over fertilising .. maybe ?

its a "new" problem and I guess it did start with 12/12 .. so maybe Im a bit high on N ?
as I have been low on nutriens most of my grow I would be surprised if I was over doing it now (just about reach max nutriance .. ½ strengs of hydro)

but I read some wher that N easily can burn the tips and when a plant is put in to flowering it needs a lot less ?
so maybe I was just spot on with N in Veg. but now as I flower (on 4th day I reccon) its a bit high ?

what do you reccon (Ill post some pics tomorrow .. might help) but it is only the very tips on like 70% of all the bigger leaves and only like 1 mm or so .. lightgreen/brown ..

I can see from google it that many have the same problem doing flowering and most leads to a high N. but Im only 4 days in ?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
With N overdose the leaves will be pretty dark, not sure if N can burn tips with hydro nutes though. But too much P can burn tips with hydro OR organics. So it sounds like you might have a little nute burn. You might wanna check with someone who grows hydro though for sure. If it's from heat, you edges of the leaves will be kind of pointing up instead of lying flat. It's good that the one plant has the leaves reaching up though. I'm talking about the ridges of the outside of each leaf.

Lol, yea I will probably make something soon that I like better. I wanna make cages similar to what I use now, but with a net that hangs from the top ring like a basketball net. So that instead of tying down longer branches like I just did, I could feed them through the nets.


Well-Known Member
ahh ok .. but possibly nute burn .. as Im pretty sure it is`t heat burns as ther is no diffrent between top of the plant and the bottom ..

and most bigger leaves have it .. and it did`t realy begin before I switch to 12/12 so it have been inside the room with the HPS on for a littel week and even with 18 hrs light on .. and doing the day .. so temps was even higher and that did`t make em burn ..

and leaves is flat and do look helty .. just the very tip that is lightgreen going brown .. dont seems to spread tho ?
Ill keep a eye on them and give em some clean water next time and hold back a littel on the nuts .. maybe only give em the new micro nuts (5-0-1 with all them metals and Ca/Mg it needs)

I also have to admit I have been turning up the nuts a bit as I was low to begin with (you know) and I just gave em full nuts on the ast watering and I have been giveing more then evry seccon watering to get back up on the nuts ..

and with some micros (zink, iron, copper aso.) missing I might have to much nuts in the dirt that the plants cant take up as it might miss them micros but im sure they still can burn ?

hmm basket netting .. cant you just buy a real basket net .. I mean you schould be able to buy new nets for your baskets .. cant be that expensiv ?
and just make some small changes on the cages you have now ?

also if you have a mettal saw/cutter ? you could easily cut the lower ring .. at two points (maybe a 1/4 of the ring) and remove it and bend the last 3/4 together agin so it gets smaller then the top one as you would like ? can just use gaffa tape or a clamps to fix the ring agin .. wont be 110% round .. but Im sure 95% is also good enough for plants and the point was to have a small ring at the bottom .. right ?

later to day when lights go on I take some pictures of the burn and post em .. but I actuly thinks you can spot em on some of my last pics postet .. just begining (might need to zoom in tho)

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Yea it'll help to see the pics.

I'm hoping, I haven't looked yet, but hoping to find basically like a 1' roll of netting with 1 or 2 inch squares. That way I can just slip it on around the top ring.

Oooh better idea. I can make my own so that the bottom ring is smaller, like 14 inches. Keep following me lol. But the poles that are holding the lower ring in place and sticking into the soil will continue to go up another foot above the lower ring and have a loop at the top so that I can add the upper ring later on. That way I can FIM them in veg, then LST the branches to the lower ring after a few weeks of veg...then let all the middle growth climb up for 2 more weeks, then flip. I think it honestly sounds like the "almost perfect" setup.

We're on to something here....I might go to the hardware store later and window shop for ideas. I need something new for mixing my soil in as well

By the should make a worm bin soon so that you'll be ready when those nutes run out ;] You can't burn with organics my friend, that's why I can't really answer nute burn questions lol. The only time I've ever actually burned was when I first started growing with Fox Farm, over a year ago. Then I got into organics right away.

Do you have spider mites and other typical pot pests where you live?


Well-Known Member
please go to the new thread I made
[h=3]Advice needed please .. with pics[/h]
and help me out :)
its in plant problems ..

and no I dont have any bugs .. do look and do know what spider mits look like .. would hate to get them .. have been very clean and my room is seald up and air intake is 200 my netting (dunno if any kind of funges can get pass that ?)

plants dont seems to be infectet with anything .. no web .. no small things under the leaves .. all look good .. and other plants in my appartment is helthy even them at my balcony (tho when I visit them now a days Im carefull .. not to tutch and wash hands and so on and I dont visit my room afterwards )

and yea organic sounds more nice .. might try it .. but you know .. 50$ of nuts on my hands .. dont like just to wast em .. like to get in controle ;)

and good luck with the cages .. sounds nice .. post some pics ;) would like to try it out on my next grow maybe ..

worm bin .. hmmmm I got a balcony .. thats it .. I have problems collecting rain water .. tho I would like to make that happen ..

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Do you have a gutter? If you have a gutter you just tape some window screen around the spout and put it in a bucket or barrel.

And yea, use those nutes up either way. No point in being wasteful. I think you can still use compost teas though with great results for a better yield and better flavor, even with the nutes you're using because you're using soil.

And I meant if you had them in Scandinavia. Cause I know some parts of Europe and Asia don't have the same problems with pests as we do in the US.


Well-Known Member
ahh ok .. lol .. yea we do have spider mites I know .. had them once back when I grew out door .. a REAL pest ..specialy Bc. you realy cant spray much in flowering ..

dunno about other stuff but Im sure we have it all :S

and sure I look in to organic and other stuff .. mainly for next grow .. right now Im busy enough trying to get my grow under controle now .. still dunno about them leave tips burn ?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
I think that the leaf tip burns could be a result from the pots getting to dry as well, unless you don't think that's what happened. But it could be the beginning of nute burn, if you think it is, don't up the nutes again. But don't go less than full strength either, you don't want them to get deficient. Look up the strain and see if you can find breeding advice. You might be able to find out how hard you can push them that way.

Hey, you've always got good ideas for what to use to make shit. I'm trying to find some kind of perforated plastic sheets or something to use to make my own HUGE worm composter. Here's what the bottom of the 360s look like. View attachment 2204901

I'm looking for something thicker hopefully though. Like 1/4" to 1/2". I can use stainless steel if I can't find what I want in plastic, I know of somewhere local that custom makes steel filters and stuff. But I'd rather use plastic, or lexan or something.


Well-Known Member
wierd .. I cant see your Attachment 2204901

Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

so its kind a hard for me to know exatly what your looking for ?

but you know plastic is easy to drill in (a bit messy tho) so if you can find exatly the right size and tickness plastic you could just make all them holes your self if you dont mind a littel work ?

a good way if you want it to look need aswell is to drill them with a small 3mm drill fist and then drill them up to what ever size you want ?

or if your mom have one of them "tools" for makeing holes in lether/belts aso. and "hugpipe" we call it ..dunno in english .. just like a round metal thing you can hit with a hamer and the end you make the holes with is kind a sharp and you can get em in diffrent sizes ..

dunno need to see them pictures ..

Ooh yea and the more we talk and I think the more sure I am that is have been underwatering/to late watering ..
fastest growing plant who also get light fist and need more water is also the one who got them yellow/brown leaves ..

and it might also explain the tiny light green and begin browning on the very tips of my leaves .. I not totaly sure .. but I´ll continue with the nuts and see .. if it dont get wors I continue and if it do I stop and half my nuts..

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
I already figured it out lol, I'm getting this.

I wanna build this in a manner that I could build one and sell it to someone in a short day, ya know. It's gonna be crazy sweet.

And yea, I think that was your issue too. I can take a pic of my wonder womans later to show you how mine look, they did the same thing. You's really funny actually. I go into plant problems all the time with someone having that issue...and there will already be 20 responses from people who's rep all says MR GANJA lol, and they're all saying N DEF or CAL MAG DEF, or whatever....and I'm just like, forgot to water last week huh? It's not biggie, I just did that too...lmao. All these other guys are so quick to call N def, or assume that normal people that don't have MR GANJA rep can't figure out how to feed there plants lol.

And c'mon, people grow 14' tall plants sometimes outside and you know all those bottom leaves dont just die and fall off lol. Maybe once bugs start eating them lol. People will give whatever answer they can to try to get some

But yea, that's totally what happened, I'm almost positive. So just pluck off any left carefully, and you'll be good the rest of flower as long as the pots don't get that dry again. Some days I have to check them in the morning and evening just to make sure they'll be good till morning....then I forget to water the next day cause they're in tents now and I hardly see them lol.


Well-Known Member
yea .. I normaly make my water/nutriens ready the night before .. but after I changes room and day time to night and 12/12 I got a bit .. hmmm .. confused .. also since they seems to use a lot more water now ? and run truh is also more ? even in them 27 liter pots ..

so its a bit diffrent then with smaller plants in Veg under my T5 with 5 degress lower temps .. need to adjust and find my "feet" here ..

but thanks for helping me out .. yet agin :)


If you do suspect a cal/mag def then you can give them 2 tsp of Epsom Salts to 1 gallon of water. Mine have had that problem and it really helped. Your grow is going great!


Well-Known Member
yea well I dunno the name in denish and wher I can get it ? but what I got is a micro fertiliser to go with my grow/bloom ferts and rippen ..

its floraduo A+B .. just got the micro (5-0-1) and mostly things like cal .. Mag .. zink .. iron .. copper ..bor .. ASO.

schould do the trick .. had it early on .. but solv it by repotting ..

just gave em a good watering now ...

have to water evry day or evry seccon day !!!!!
and Im in 7 gallon pots ! sure the plants is +20 inches high and grow fast .. soon going in to seccon week of flowering ..

but still .. when I water I use about 1 gallon per plant and get like 1/8 of runn off .. is this normal/ok ?

btw runn off is about 6,2 and I water with 6,5 so that schould be good ..

(@still wondering if I schould try out DWG next grow and ditch the dirt .. would solv many things Im sure .. but also sure I get other stuff to work with)


Well-Known Member

done with my intake and so fare its looking good ..




100mm intake with a 100M3/hr ventilation

100mm out take with a 187M3/hr

only need a tiny 1x1 inch hole to my room beside that intake to maintane a slightly negativ presure ..

if I turn off the intake I get to much negativ presure curtain is sug in 2-3 inches insted of 1 ..
and if I turn off the outtake I get a balone as curtain even tho it is a thick rubber curtain I got as the door ..

out side temps is like 60F so it schould drop in the grow room .. but its still like 82F after 4 hours light ..
hope it drop a few doing the night as it schould drop to 52 out side ..

tho I might still need a bigger outtake .. maybe get a strong 125mm and use the 100mm on low (145M3/hr) as intake ..
but good thing is that temps is close to max 55-65F at night and 72-80F at day time .. so it wont get much hotter doing the year ..

I mostlikely have to cut some of the intake doing winther Im sure ..

Ooh yea and plants did look dropy agin ! they do drink a lot .. but high temps and erly flowering do make em tirsty Im sure ..
so gave em full nutriens with the micro and they all ready look better (leaves is slightly pointing to the sky)

DSC00603.jpg DSC00604.jpg

funny .. now it is the "slow" one who look the best .. Ooh well I know the other will bounch back .. it allways do and allways look good .. its the other one I had most problems with .. but now that is the one that look best ..