Free stuff is great! But can I use it..


Well-Known Member
What's going on everyone I just helped a buddy move and he gifted me this doran 400cfm exhaust fan he used for his photography development room.
I want to use it for a typical exhaust with carbon filter attached, I have 200cfm inline fans that work good now but this is way quieter and more slick looking haha what do you guys say would you use it or toss it?

IMG_20170306_100129.jpg IMG_20170306_100150.jpg IMG_20170306_100138.jpg


Well-Known Member
personally i never throw grow gear out. There may be a urgent need for it at the most inopportune time. With that said that's why i have 6 yellow top totes full and taking up a lot of space. Cool looking fan! Give her a chance, it couldn't hurt