Gore's household energy use INCREASES 10%?


Well-Known Member
Calvin Coolidge once said as part of a speech, and I think it's true; Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.


New Member
Sure, but not this time. Went cold turkey on free time. Decided to see what would happen if I re-committed myself, not to the asylum, but to hard work. The results are pretty fabulous, but I like this site, dare I say need this site. A forum to "express myself", and further formulate arguments in favor of "doing the right thing". The only way to get better is to persist.:mrgreen:


New Member
Eloquence never was your strong suit............I should have said.......

"long time no see...you have been jail, haven't you?"

"Yeah, whatever"


New Member
:mrgreen: I doubt he (has the ability to) grows; if he's anything like daddy, he consumes it but doesn't think that the raw materials used to produce HIS dank have any ill effect on the planet. It's the rest of us stoners, collectively of course, doing the real damage.........


Well-Known Member
HAHA What a find! Thats priceless! I wouldn't doubt it if he was growing. Everyone should use less electricity and the such so they can run more 1k watters without the electric bills going up too much... HAHA Just a funny thought anyways.. HAH :lol:

I just don't like Al Gore after his Convenient Lie(opps, I meant "inconvenient truth") movie. Good way to use politics and the media to brainwash the public into a panic over false facts. (watch this if you don't know what I'm talking about The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on LiveVideo.com )

