Ladder Theory


New Member
Yeah I gotta agree. Luckily I'm one of those guys who gets it (I think). I live with two of my girl friends whom I've known since high school and I would never even think of them in any sort of way except as friends.

It's crazy how men and women think differently though.

Come and knock on our door.....
We've been waiting for you......
Where the kisses are hers and hers and his,
Three's company too.

Come and dance on on our floor......
Take a step that is new.....
We've a loveable space that needs your face,
Three's company too.

You'll see that life is a frolic and laughter is calling for you......
Down at our rendez-vous,
Three's company, too!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
since ive seen so many gameless individuals on this board...the Funkdoc has decided to bless you...take notes, lotta Ps being popped in this bitch...

American Pimp in its entirety...enjoy











New Member
since ive seen so many gameless individuals on this board...the Funkdoc has decided to bless you...take notes, lotta Ps being popped in this bitch...

American Pimp in its entirety...enjoy










inthemostpolite way possible. FAIL.

Pimp. and hes gay. :clap::clap::clap::clap: kermit the frog approves, so do i.


Well-Known Member
inthemostpolite way possible. FAIL.

Pimp. and hes gay. :clap::clap::clap::clap: kermit the frog approves, so do i.
id say it was a definite PASS...either youve never seen American Pimp or youre just faaaar too white to enjoy it

in the words of Gorgeous Dre:

"The White Man could never accomplish the level of pimping that the Brother has attained...they just dont have the style, the charisma per say."


Well-Known Member
Come and knock on our door.....
We've been waiting for you......
Where the kisses are hers and hers and his,
Three's company too.

Come and dance on on our floor......
Take a step that is new.....
We've a loveable space that needs your face,
Three's company too.

You'll see that life is a frolic and laughter is calling for you......
Down at our rendez-vous,
Three's company, too!!!!!!

you do know Ritter was gayer than Saget's character in Full House


Well-Known Member
When I meet a woman, i'm generally looking at her as a friend.. but i'm looking for someone I can call a lover and a friend.. I generally get along better with women and have more in common with 'em.. so I make friends with 'em easier than most..

In my case the theory is wrong because whiel i'm looking for someone who's on both sides.. I don;t go into every meeting with a woman thinking she's potentially a mate.. I look at her as if she's anybody else.. do I like the way she looks? What group of people is her attention focused in? Are the people she's getting along with, people I get along with.. what's her attitude.. how's her sense of humor.. do I wanna be friends with her? Then I go from there, hang out and make the decision if I wanna date her,.. unfortunatley since I know what i'm looking for and not looking for in a woman and human... most get passed over..


Well-Known Member
id say it was a definite PASS...either youve never seen American Pimp or youre just faaaar too white to enjoy it

in the words of Gorgeous Dre:

"The White Man could never accomplish the level of pimping that the Brother has attained...they just dont have the style, the charisma per say."
that is without a doubt the dumbest shit I have ever heard.. hands down the single most ignorant shit than any person has spewd forth from their hole.. I mean really, thats like Troy Aikman saying a black quarterback cant lead a NFL team to the superbowl


Well-Known Member
I mean really, thats like Troy Aikman saying a black quarterback cant lead a NFL team to the superbowl
Which, while being an extremely horrible generalization, wouldnt exactly be untrue thus far...Doug Williams is the one and only black QB to start and win the big one

Doug Williams : NFL Quarterbacks


Dennis Hoff : Pimps

you kind of helped to hammer Gorgeous Dre's point home on accident


Well-Known Member
Which, while being an extremely horrible generalization, wouldnt exactly be untrue thus far...Doug Williams is the one and only black QB to start and win the big one

Doug Williams : NFL Quarterbacks


Dennis Hoff : Pimps

you kind of helped to hammer Gorgeous Dre's point home on accident
idunno. To say a group hasn't accomplished a thing because they are lacking in some immeasurable qualities seems pretty prejudiced.

Blacks haven't had as much success in the Superbowl at the QB position as Whites is stating a fact, to say they can't is to be a racist imo.

This black pimp is no less of a racist.

Good ass movie though.


New Member

you do know Ritter was gayer than Saget's character in Full House
saget gay? blasphemy.


an besides i was playin fuckin elton john, not bob saget. elton is the most pimped pimp ever. fucking elton john.he has electric boots. he wore a mohair suit, fuck every one else. elton john is bar none the most fashionable pimp ever.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
So this went from Ladder Theory to pimping. Neither of which are in any way the same fucking thing. Making a girl have sex for money doesn't make you a "Ladies Man" it makes you a piece of shit. Don't get me each his own but seriously. Come on now. You're gonna tell me that some black dude with scars and a crack addiction and more felonies then Jeffery Dahmer is a ladies man? FunkdockT I hate to ask this..but you're still a virgin huh? I bet you wear the purple and neon pink suit with the fake gold glasses and press in grill and go up to "bitches" and tell them to fuck you right? Ya I bet that gets em' every time.

P.S. Neil Strauss bangs playmates, models, celebs etc. and I am damn sure he could take your not your 3 seconds. So I guess if you want to compare some retarded black mother fucker that dropped out of high school to someone that makes millions a year and can sleep with virtually any woman he wants...well be my guest. It just proves my point for me.

P.S.S. Verbal'd

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
an besides i was playin fuckin elton john, not bob saget. elton is the most pimped pimp ever. fucking elton john.he has electric boots. he wore a mohair suit, fuck every one else. elton john is bar none the most fashionable pimp ever.
Sad...but true. He was fucking pimped out like a mother fucker. No one can get away with what he wore. No one. Not even Liberachi.


Well-Known Member
So this went from Ladder Theory to pimping. Neither of which are in any way the same fucking thing. Making a girl have sex for money doesn't make you a "Ladies Man" it makes you a piece of shit. Don't get me each his own but seriously. Come on now. You're gonna tell me that some black dude with scars and a crack addiction and more felonies then Jeffery Dahmer is a ladies man? FunkdockT I hate to ask this..but you're still a virgin huh? I bet you wear the purple and neon pink suit with the fake gold glasses and press in grill and go up to "bitches" and tell them to fuck you right? Ya I bet that gets em' every time.
Damn what pimps have you been seeing:shock: No way a crackhead can be a pimp...smooothhhh pimp shittt ha fuck how the hell could you not respect the pimp? Shit, keep it pimpin!


Well-Known Member
Pimps come in many forms but I believe that pimp is in ones nature. Once a pimp always a pimp and pimping things happen to everything a pimp touches. Pimps can pimp many things.And many things can be pimped. But how many things could a real pimp pimp... if he was actually a pimp and a pimper of things. Pimps dont grow on trees but things to pimp do. And from one pimp to another pimp pimping is easy but its deffientely not u. how is it possible to have a black president and not at least one white pimp the numbers just dont add up like the numbers of black presidents do. just a few pimp thoughts shared between a pimp from me to u.but i dont really know if any of this is true. Pimp touch.


Well-Known Member
Pimps come in many forms but I believe that pimp is in ones nature. Once a pimp always a pimp and pimping things happen to everything a pimp touches. Pimps can pimp many things.And many things can be pimped. But how many things could a real pimp pimp... if he was actually a pimp and a pimper of things. Pimps dont grow on trees but things to pimp do. And from one pimp to another pimp pimping is easy but its deffientely not u. how is it possible to have a black president and not at least one white pimp the numbers just dont add up like the numbers of black presidents do. just a few pimp thoughts shared between a pimp from me to u.but i dont really know if any of this is true. Pimp touch.
Straight pimpin...Can't even deny


New Member
Sad...but true. He was fucking pimped out like a mother fucker. No one can get away with what he wore. No one. Not even Liberachi.
my point exactly, and im DEFINITLY not about smacking your bitch up. or calling her names. anyways the ladder theory makes sense...i just didnt consider my (hopefully) wife to be to be on my ladder until i realized that ladders and things of the sort were not worth basing your life partner on...:-? does that make sense..maybe..maybe not. happy birthday me.


Well-Known Member
So this went from Ladder Theory to pimping. Neither of which are in any way the same fucking thing. Making a girl have sex for money doesn't make you a "Ladies Man" it makes you a piece of shit. Don't get me each his own but seriously. Come on now. You're gonna tell me that some black dude with scars and a crack addiction and more felonies then Jeffery Dahmer is a ladies man? FunkdockT I hate to ask this..but you're still a virgin huh? I bet you wear the purple and neon pink suit with the fake gold glasses and press in grill and go up to "bitches" and tell them to fuck you right? Ya I bet that gets em' every time.

P.S. Neil Strauss bangs playmates, models, celebs etc. and I am damn sure he could take your not your 3 seconds. So I guess if you want to compare some retarded black mother fucker that dropped out of high school to someone that makes millions a year and can sleep with virtually any woman he wants...well be my guest. It just proves my point for me.

P.S.S. Verbal'd comments about pimping started as humor, but for entertainment and since dude personally attacked me for some reason, i'll play devil's advocate and thoroughly ether this kid with the gospel of the almighty Pimp Nation...

in the words of Ye:

"Can I talk my shit again?"

first off, youre obviously really hard in the pants for Neil Strauss and are extremely jealous of the "playmates", "models", & "celebs" he picks up...because of this, ive decided to supply you with the link so you can get on his mailing list...your extreme admiration for a man youve never met leads me to believe that your father probably walked out on you at a young age...its ok though, im sure many of those "black dudes with scars and a crack addiction and more felonies then Jeffery Dahmer" you mentioned grew up without their dads aswell and as you'll soon see they were able to do quite well for themselves.

secondly, no one ever said pimping and the ladder theory were the same thing and moreso no one compared being a "ladies man" to being a "pimp"...this is a site filled with stoners, you should expect tangents to be clarify things, since i know so much different subject matter can be confusing for a drooling self-shoulder biting individual like's how we got here:

ladder theory : not taking signs for women : neil strauss : gorgeous dre : american pimp : troy aikman : pimping : you opening your mouth

all clear now?

pimpin, pimpin, pimpin...

now that we cleared up how we got here, lets clear up your misconceptions about pimps...

apparently all pimps are "retarded black mother fuckers that dropped out of high school"...great generalization (youve done this twice now in one post, showing us that youre just one of these racist pieces of shit weve been talking about), we've now established that not only do you speak without knowledge or logic, but youre also probably a closet bigot...

i'd love to compare Neil Strauss up against Filmore Slim...first issue...MONEY

im sure neil strauss makes a very nice living as a contributing editor of Rolling Stone & a writer for the New York Times but do you in all seriousness want to compare bank rolls between him (the greatest "ladies man" in history) and Filmore Slim (the greatest "pimp" in history)

just to make things really simple i'll hugely deflate the numbers for you...

understand that pimping is a 24/7 365 job...there are no off if a Filmore Slim had 8 hoes (huuuuuuge deflation...he was rumored to have a stable of up to 30 at all times) that all checked (earned) $1000 each, that would mean:

8 hoes x $1000/each = $8000 per night x 365 = $2,920,000 per year UNTAXABLE

not bad for a "retarded black mother fucker" huh?...and like i said, these numbers are HUGELY DEFLATED...doubt Big Neil is pulling those kind of numbers during his best year

second and more important issue in regards to this thread...GAME

no one ever said Mr. Strauss didnt have an extreme amount of this immeasurable quality we refer to as "game" but comparing him to Filmore Slim is like comparing a guppie to a great white...i'll sum it up with this example...

think about how hard it is to pick up a sober (your probably not used to your target females being responsive) good looking chick from the club and convincing her to fuck think how hard it would be to convince that same girl to fuck someone else for money and give it all to you...

levels of game between Strauss & Slim is like levels of air in a balloon and a blimp...

now that thats cleared up...the attacking of me was both unexpected and unappreciated since i hadnt engaged in any form of communication with you whatsoever...your brazen attempts at attacking another mans sexual experience leads me to believe that you have very little self-experience...also, your avatar screaming of your heterosexuality is probably a telltale sign of latent homosexual feelings, you dont need to convince us that youre straight, try convincing your family instead...lastly, youre overly boisterous general attitude is probably a sign that youre that guy in your social circle that always talks about how big his dick is to overcompensate for the fact that he was blessed with the genital regions of a gnat, your friends arent laughing with you, theyre laughing at you

sick burn...get some aloe vera for that shit


Well-Known Member
wow, i read that whole thing. To be fair i know a couple of hoes personally and they don't have much going on besides their looks.

It's a question of quality. i just can't see a pimp pimping a pretty girl with a good head on her shoulders. These hoes are often really dumb/drug addicts imo.

Not that i agree with the prior racist comments. i'm just sayin.