Ladder Theory

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member comments about pimping started as humor, but for entertainment and since dude personally attacked me for some reason, i'll play devil's advocate and thoroughly ether this kid with the gospel of the almighty Pimp Nation...

in the words of Ye:

"Can I talk my shit again?"

first off, youre obviously really hard in the pants for Neil Strauss and are extremely jealous of the "playmates", "models", & "celebs" he picks up...because of this, ive decided to supply you with the link so you can get on his mailing list...your extreme admiration for a man youve never met leads me to believe that your father probably walked out on you at a young age...its ok though, im sure many of those "black dudes with scars and a crack addiction and more felonies then Jeffery Dahmer" you mentioned grew up without their dads aswell and as you'll soon see they were able to do quite well for themselves.

secondly, no one ever said pimping and the ladder theory were the same thing and moreso no one compared being a "ladies man" to being a "pimp"...this is a site filled with stoners, you should expect tangents to be clarify things, since i know so much different subject matter can be confusing for a drooling self-shoulder biting individual like's how we got here:

ladder theory : not taking signs for women : neil strauss : gorgeous dre : american pimp : troy aikman : pimping : you opening your mouth

all clear now?

pimpin, pimpin, pimpin...

now that we cleared up how we got here, lets clear up your misconceptions about pimps...

apparently all pimps are "retarded black mother fuckers that dropped out of high school"...great generalization (youve done this twice now in one post, showing us that youre just one of these racist pieces of shit weve been talking about), we've now established that not only do you speak without knowledge or logic, but youre also probably a closet bigot...

i'd love to compare Neil Strauss up against Filmore Slim...first issue...MONEY

im sure neil strauss makes a very nice living as a contributing editor of Rolling Stone & a writer for the New York Times but do you in all seriousness want to compare bank rolls between him (the greatest "ladies man" in history) and Filmore Slim (the greatest "pimp" in history)

just to make things really simple i'll hugely deflate the numbers for you...

understand that pimping is a 24/7 365 job...there are no off if a Filmore Slim had 8 hoes (huuuuuuge deflation...he was rumored to have a stable of up to 30 at all times) that all checked (earned) $1000 each, that would mean:

8 hoes x $1000/each = $8000 per night x 365 = $2,920,000 per year UNTAXABLE

not bad for a "retarded black mother fucker" huh?...and like i said, these numbers are HUGELY DEFLATED...doubt Big Neil is pulling those kind of numbers during his best year

second and more important issue in regards to this thread...GAME

no one ever said Mr. Strauss didnt have an extreme amount of this immeasurable quality we refer to as "game" but comparing him to Filmore Slim is like comparing a guppie to a great white...i'll sum it up with this example...

think about how hard it is to pick up a sober (your probably not used to your target females being responsive) good looking chick from the club and convincing her to fuck think how hard it would be to convince that same girl to fuck someone else for money and give it all to you...

levels of game between Strauss & Slim is like levels of air in a balloon and a blimp...

now that thats cleared up...the attacking of me was both unexpected and unappreciated since i hadnt engaged in any form of communication with you whatsoever...your brazen attempts at attacking another mans sexual experience leads me to believe that you have very little self-experience...also, your avatar screaming of your heterosexuality is probably a telltale sign of latent homosexual feelings, you dont need to convince us that youre straight, try convincing your family instead...lastly, youre overly boisterous general attitude is probably a sign that youre that guy in your social circle that always talks about how big his dick is to overcompensate for the fact that he was blessed with the genital regions of a gnat, your friends arent laughing with you, theyre laughing at you

sick burn...get some aloe vera for that shit

What do you consider game? How is forcing someone to fuck a guy for money game? Becaue he can hit women and make them so scared to leave that they would rather fuck for money? That's game? Your logic is what's flawed my friend. Maybe you should further educate yourself on "game" considering your whack ass example of course.

Are you kidding me? You admire someone that beats women and sells them for money? That leads me to believe that maybe you were molested as a child. Considering you find abuse of women admirable. I'm a closet bigot eh? Oh right. Because you can tell ALL that from some internet forum? Excuse me while I drop the fucking gloves. Please.

Ok for father and I happen to have a healthy relationship. I am actually staying here for the next few months as I prepare myself for culinary school. For free. So maybe you should address your daddy issues before you try throwing them my way. Actually the fact that you refer to my "big dick" leads me to believe you have some other things on your mind eh? Attacking my sexuality is just screaming homophobia kid...and apparently my love for a pair of tits makes me gay..I think you happen to have things backwards. Secondly WHERE THE FUCK do you get off calling me a racist? Because I have no respect for someone who takes advantage of broken women and then uses said women to achieve personal gain? Are you fucking serious right now? Because I called some one a "Black mother fucker" I am a racist? Please. Sit down cunt and learn to use your big words correctly.
The bottom line is...these douche bag pathetic BLACK MOTHER FUCKERS exploit women for money.

And I feel sorry for you..that the only person you have to look up to beats women. If you need a friend I am sure you could find one here. Maybe your foster parents are around here looking for you. From one fellow white kid to another...please stop trying to emulate worthless trash and acting hard. You're just bringing out society down.

I'm done wasting my time with someone that has no fucking moral value or respect for himself.

Goodnight and I hope you take a trip the hood one day. Maybe then you will change you're father figure from a pimp to something a little more respectable.


Well-Known Member
What do you consider game? How is forcing someone to fuck a guy for money game? Becaue he can hit women and make them so scared to leave that they would rather fuck for money? That's game? Your logic is what's flawed my friend. Maybe you should further educate yourself on "game" considering your whack ass example of course.

Are you kidding me? You admire someone that beats women and sells them for money? That leads me to believe that maybe you were molested as a child. Considering you find abuse of women admirable. I'm a closet bigot eh? Oh right. Because you can tell ALL that from some internet forum? Excuse me while I drop the fucking gloves. Please.

Ok for father and I happen to have a healthy relationship. I am actually staying here for the next few months as I prepare myself for culinary school. For free. So maybe you should address your daddy issues before you try throwing them my way. Actually the fact that you refer to my "big dick" leads me to believe you have some other things on your mind eh? Attacking my sexuality is just screaming homophobia kid...and apparently my love for a pair of tits makes me gay..I think you happen to have things backwards. Secondly WHERE THE FUCK do you get off calling me a racist? Because I have no respect for someone who takes advantage of broken women and then uses said women to achieve personal gain? Are you fucking serious right now? Because I called some one a "Black mother fucker" I am a racist? Please. Sit down cunt and learn to use your big words correctly.
The bottom line is...these douche bag pathetic BLACK MOTHER FUCKERS exploit women for money.

And I feel sorry for you..that the only person you have to look up to beats women. If you need a friend I am sure you could find one here. Maybe your foster parents are around here looking for you. From one fellow white kid to another...please stop trying to emulate worthless trash and acting hard. You're just bringing out society down.

I'm done wasting my time with someone that has no fucking moral value or respect for himself.

Goodnight and I hope you take a trip the hood one day. Maybe then you will change you're father figure from a pimp to something a little more respectable.
^ it was a nice attempt at saving face but you pretty much just ran around in circles and repeated yourself...not being able to put together a solid arguement is probably why your lame ass couldnt make it in a normal college and has to go to culinary school instead...[sarcasm]bet there's a lot of culinary schools in the "hood" you seem to be sooo familiar with[/sarcasm]...and yes, i am half white, but i dont know what that has to do with this argument...way to hammer my bigot point bring up a backhanded race comment when it has no correlation to what we're discussing

your unwavering misconception of pimps is still you have it out for pimps because your mother was possibly a base head junkie who turned to trickin to support her habit instead of supporting her unwanted son?...hahahhhah...Force?...yes, im sure every pimp goes up to a prospected lady and says:

"Listen bitch, i gotta a gun, and you gonnna hoe for me or im gonna kill your ass!!!"

even more, im sure that pimps stand on the corner with a gun to the hoes head until she finds a john...also, never did i say i looked up to Pimps (besides the incredible amount of game that a pimp possesses [which for some reason your still denying] & the amount of money theyre able to turn over a pimp is a despicable character that is in no way the a role model of society) fact i believe i said "for entertainment and since dude personally attacked me for some reason, i'll play devil's advocate", which you should know since you did indeed quote that...

you have a really bad habit of over-generalizing things (i.e. all pimps = "Black Mother Fuckers")...and have now brought up my race for some reason...this is why, from an internet forum, im able to make a solid argument that youre a closet (not so closet from the safety of your computer...or is that your dads computer) bigot

also, never did i attack your sexuality...i simply commented on your actions, and gave possible sparks in your life that could have caused these actions...

the fact that you feel the need to constantly defend yourself most likely indicates that you were picked on a whole lot growing up and probably dont have much of a support system (females or friends) probably indicates that you feel very alone in this world...the loneliness makes it seem as if you dont get love from any sector of your life, but that shouldnt result in your sitting on the computer all day in daddys house trolling RIU (i doubt youve ever grown, so whats your purpose for even being here?)...which brings us to another still live with you dad, that tells us that youre a BROKE individual which obviously hurts your chances at being a "ladie's man"...LMAO, you talking about game is like bum talking about being a this the scenario on your nights out:

Hey, baby...i wish i could buy you a drink but im broke as fuck...can i get you an ice water. maybe after you finish that we can head to my dads house and make out on his living room gotta keep quiet though because he has work early in the morning and i might get grounded if we wake him up FAIL...score one for the pimp nation

P.S. - dropped your gloves. (i didnt know they still made sparkly sequined gloves)

P.P.S. - make sure to double up that order of aloe vera


New Member
What do you consider game? How is forcing someone to fuck a guy for money game? Becaue he can hit women and make them so scared to leave that they would rather fuck for money? That's game? Your logic is what's flawed my friend. Maybe you should further educate yourself on "game" considering your whack ass example of course.

Are you kidding me? You admire someone that beats women and sells them for money? That leads me to believe that maybe you were molested as a child. Considering you find abuse of women admirable. I'm a closet bigot eh? Oh right. Because you can tell ALL that from some internet forum? Excuse me while I drop the fucking gloves. Please.

Ok for father and I happen to have a healthy relationship. I am actually staying here for the next few months as I prepare myself for culinary school. For free. So maybe you should address your daddy issues before you try throwing them my way. Actually the fact that you refer to my "big dick" leads me to believe you have some other things on your mind eh? Attacking my sexuality is just screaming homophobia kid...and apparently my love for a pair of tits makes me gay..I think you happen to have things backwards. Secondly WHERE THE FUCK do you get off calling me a racist? Because I have no respect for someone who takes advantage of broken women and then uses said women to achieve personal gain? Are you fucking serious right now? Because I called some one a "Black mother fucker" I am a racist? Please. Sit down cunt and learn to use your big words correctly.
The bottom line is...these douche bag pathetic BLACK MOTHER FUCKERS exploit women for money.

And I feel sorry for you..that the only person you have to look up to beats women. If you need a friend I am sure you could find one here. Maybe your foster parents are around here looking for you. From one fellow white kid to another...please stop trying to emulate worthless trash and acting hard. You're just bringing out society down.

I'm done wasting my time with someone that has no fucking moral value or respect for himself.

Goodnight and I hope you take a trip the hood one day. Maybe then you will change you're father figure from a pimp to something a little more respectable.
i agree with most of whatcha got up there my big boobed-avatar having friend, except that there can be WHITE MOTHER FUCKERS treatin their women like dirt too, they just dont "share" them as willingly [this is not personal experience just..hearsay]. anyways, ALL pimps are *insert color here* Mother Fuckers.

annnnnnnnd one more is when you pay for your lady's meal. game is when you open doors for your lady. game is when you treat your lady right. and most importantly (there are several more charactaristics of game which i will not get into) having game means you and your lady are happy together. that includes in bed.

game isnt a con, contrary to most peoples beliefs.

people who think they have game always blame their game for the "pussy" they get and never hold a cease fire..they just ramble about it

people who HAVE game usually dont even bring the subject up...they just get laid regularly by their signifigant other and thats about as much game as they need..


Well-Known Member
annnnnnnnd one more is when you pay for your lady's meal. game is when you open doors for your lady. game is when you treat your lady right.
i think youre confusing game with chivalry...

but other then that i pretty much agree with you...especially the closing two sentences


Well-Known Member
Its possible to clone females with great success. The mom clone in ready grow stage becomes eager to clone off spring and some animals etc.. Animals actaully nurture other mammals offspring when precented with the scenario.
Modern day pimps must tighten there roles assuredly. Or they will find themselves with nothing to clone and empty tubs of money or bottomless scrogs and sogs.
Soggy bottoms is the name otherwise known for gameless pimps and those that dont really know the game on a lucrative level.
Discipline without love brings undecidedness.
Keep the hands strong no doubt sirs. Remember tho, Firm but gentle.

More bees with honey.



New Member
i think youre confusing game with chivalry...

but other then that i pretty much agree with you...especially the closing two sentences
i may infact be confusing game with chivalry, but thats only because of the way it was taught to me. and im cool with that.


Well-Known Member
i may infact be confusing game with chivalry, but thats only because of the way it was taught to me. and im cool with that.
no problem here...we share the same ideals...

apparently playing "devils advocate" and stirring the pot to invoke deeper thought and conversation gets neg rep from