Lowlife Auto AK47 X Blueberry AG grow


Active Member
Well, I've been lurking for a bit learnin' and tried a grow with bagseeds until my seeds from the attitude arrived. btw, I high recommend these cats, super stealth.

I just started germination on 3-5 and only have 2 seeds going in a 6 pod corner areogarden. I modified it a bit from my first try. I added a 4 inch airstone to the AG pump and an extra 4 inch airstone with a separate pump to give mucho air to the roots (see pix). I also learned what the paper tops on the pods were for. I had a nice white fuzz growing on the sponges and slime below, not good. Also, don't try a liquid concentrate dirt fert in the reservoir. This time I'm going with the fox farm trio.

Any comments or suggestions are accepted and encouraged.



Active Member
Lower that hood. You want want them to stretch..
I understand what you're saying. The two 1X's in the second photo are what the hood will sit on once they sprout. From what I've read the autos don't want to stretch much as it is.


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";2207258]Lookin good man, looks like you got it all down keep us posted[/QUOTE]

Thanks Sicc and good luck on your grow.

This waiting is killing me. :weed:


Well-Known Member
good strand i jus orderd ak 47 x diesl lowlife autoflower myself from dr.c aint get them yet cant wait good luck wit your grow ill b posted..


Active Member
Thanks ya'll!

I've had to start 2 more seeds to germinating. My wife started 2 on 3-5 and one looked like it was cracking open after 3 days soakin so I placed another seed in the paper towels because I'd like to keep this grow to just 2 plants. The 3rd one that I started is the only one that that has a tap root shooting out so I started a new seed to germinating this morning. I heard that the blueberry strain is a little sensitive. My wife started the first 2 seeds with tap water. Do ya'll think that is why they didn't take off?

btw, love the pecker...hrr...I mean pepper!


Well-Known Member
tap water is fine. i done a germ test,where id use tap water strait from the faucet and tap that sat out for more then 24hrs. the straight faucet water germed seeds,germinated at a quicker rate then declorinated tap.i think that the chlorine helps to keep any contaminates at bay that deters the germination rate of the seeds. it will be fine,put them in a plastic bag and seal and put on top of your computer tower or dvr and theyll germ in about 12-24hours.

also thats cool that your wife is down with growing too

also-also plus rep to you for ambition


Active Member
Thanks for the rep mack. My wife understands that I need it and don't like what you have to go through to get it. It's a plant for christ sake.

I placed one of the original seeds in the freezer overnight and then place it in a moist towel. I come home from work and it was cracked open with a lil' tap root coming out! Anyone hear of this? I read someone mention the idea but can't remember who or which thread. It had been soakin' for 6 days prior and I was going to throw it out anyway so I thought wth and tried it. Al B. Damb!

We'll see how 'she' does.


Active Member
Well, I didn't get any of the original seeds to take. So I sowed new ones directly in the AG and have had some success this way. I've also added some lights. The first 2 photos show how I installed them for a few days and I have went back and unattached the hood and place on some 1X's because they looked like they were stretching and use the lights later.

I have decided to make a larger reservoir and lighting system. I will post pics once my pieces come in and I will show step by step process and parts list. Real cheap!

Looking good.



Active Member
i see that your mint is doing great:mrgreen:
Funny, but there is some mint trying to grow still. Their seeds must be microscopic. I just keep trimming them out before they get too big.

Just ordered some Church, Haze and Northern Lights X Skunk. All fems that I want to start in about 2-3 weeks after I get the tubs together.