mixing weed with tobacco?

my friend bought "knaster vannila" smoking herb(its not that legal herb stuff u see online). 35g pouch. we mix it with our weed instead of tobacco. is this common? he claims its not as bad for you as tobacco?. any information on this topic would be useful. thanks.


New Member
smoking anything is bad, period. In Adam town it is quite common for the locals to mix 50/50 and you can buy them pre rolled at the cafes. I tried it and it was a blend of two buzzes, but they do it so they can go back to work and function after a smoke break.

I wouldn't recommend it however....why change weed unless your smoking real dirt herb.


Well-Known Member
that only thing i put in my herb is the fire so it can transfer to my lungs! inhale exhale! awwww!


Well-Known Member
anything that burns is bad for you, mixing tabacco with weed will be worse cos of all the chemicals in tabacco


Well-Known Member
Over where i am a blunt is a special occasion. Joints are the norm, mixing the bud with the tobacco. I'm sure this isn't as good for you as a blunt but then again smoking in general cant be healthy...

I'd recommend joints tho, specially if you smoke as it forefills your nicotine needs aswell as taste'ing a lot smoother. This is all down to personal opinion tho...
Another good thing about joints is your using less bud, a blunt is purely bud innit and it proper drains your weed, out of a gram you can usually get 3 nice joints, more if you wanna make them a bit weaker but 0.3' in a joint is a nice digit for me. Does the trick after around 3, it take me to a nice level :)