How to Dry a BUCKET FULL of Loose Popcorn Nugs???


Well-Known Member
Are you saying I should worry about the production of Butane bulk or the oil butane produces? So, I don't understand "create nasties like butane." or "hence our purging techniques"

And as far as you ordering me about or saying that I am doing anymore than describing what I do...or saying I am suggesting anything or "should" do this and that??

So what? Who cares? I see Candanians being raised to act this way, but not so much in the USA. Are you from Canada, Mayonnaise?
From what I have read, even the most effective purging system (and some people go to EXTREME lengths to attempt a complete purge)
the end product will ALWAYS contain residue of the butane that can only be described as 'nasty'.

I don't think anyone was attempting to insult, Doer.
The thread seemed very collegial, to me....?
Of course, I don't know if there is a history of animosity between posters.


Well-Known Member
No hidden animosity. I don't know him, have never interacted, but, I refuse to be ordered about. It is American thing, perhaps.

But, don't tell ,me what I should do. Don't say I'm suggestion things. And don't lecture me about safety.

Hey, skunk has it right, we are all Hillbillies in that way...also in this way. We are damn proud of all that. :)

And I did say it was a prototype. So, there was some reeling constipation I must comment on, as well.

I thought it was a somewhat crass and uncalled comment, OK?


Well-Known Member
And I have to say, as a guy that has smoked EVERYTHING, crack, crank, PCP, ditch weed roots, that was not ganga after all, (never tobacco did I smoke, even once)
Let's see. Smoked Diet pills, chased the dragon....etc. Do you think I care? I don't care. Butane is by far the best method. If it is heated gentle being spread into a thin flim on the glass, you get bubbles. Break bubbles, re-stir and spread thin. No bubbles? Then I smoke it. It don't have any butane left in it.

So, don't come on here not knowing who you are taking to and begin giving lecture. I make no suggestion. But, even if I did.... We are big kids here. We are on our own.

And I don't know of any safety issues with copper prototype. There are none For ME, beyond take it outside.


Well-Known Member
No hidden animosity. I don't know him, have never interacted, but, I refuse to be ordered about. It is American thing, perhaps.

But, don't tell ,me what I should do. Don't say I'm suggestion things. And don't lecture me about safety.

Hey, skunk has it right, we are all Hillbillies in that way...also in this way. We are damn proud of all that. :)

And I did say it was a prototype. So, there was some reeling constipation I must comment on, as well.

I thought it was a somewhat crass and uncalled comment, OK?
Fair enough....

after the copper tube/butane extraction,

(I don't own any of the equipment so I need to compile a shopping list and start making some orders.
I've heard a few posters complaining about the 'pressure' of their 'vac chambers'???
This stuff is new to me....).


Well-Known Member
And I have to say, as a guy that has smoked EVERYTHING, crack, crank, PCP, ditch weed roots, that was not ganga after all, (never tobacco did I smoke, even once)
Let's see. Smoked Diet pills, chased the dragon....etc. Do you think I care? I don't care. Butane is by far the best method. If it is heated gentle being spread into a thin flim on the glass, you get bubbles. Break bubbles, re-stir and spread thin. No bubbles? Then I smoke it. It don't have any butane left in it.

So, don't come on here not knowing who you are taking to and begin giving lecture. I make no suggestion. But, even if I did.... We are big kids here. We are on our own.

And I don't know of any safety issues with copper prototype. There are none For ME, beyond take it outside.
How many people, for how many decades, thought handling asbestos was perfectly safe?
You may not know (or care) what substances are left in extracts made using butane,
but I do.
I don't want to inhale more carcinogens than absolutely necessary.
And I don't want contributors to this thread
(A thread I started) being discouraged from sharing information about possible health risks.

If it's unadulterated praise and a complete lack of disagreement your hoping for,
avoid internet forums.
If it's debate and the chance of learning something new, stick around.
But lose the paranoia.
You're being way too sensitive about innocently made comments and it's derailing MY thread.


Well-Known Member
Well, I just said how I purge. In STP. Standard Temp and Pressure. Well, no. I run the temp up with water under the glass plate, at first. The key is thin filiming it as soon as you can.

Maybe some will ball it up too soon and smoke it. But, you know the heat will drive off the butane even then.

New to me also, my fine North Friend. It was what induced me to get in the discussion.

The real trick way is liquid CO2. But, that is pretty commercial with temperatures to handle it but no purging is required.

And I have seen vac domes made out of pressure cooker parts. There are very cool butane extractors that can reuse the butane. See, ganga heads some times think they know it all. They call plant food, nutes, and pruning is called lolly popping.

But, there is a wide world out there, that is not earth mother crazy Saganist.

Read up on how they extract Flower oils. Lilac oil and everything else, is being produced at home with recycling Butane.

The environment is full of worse things than butane. We breath it every day.


Well-Known Member
Thats how ive always thought of it doer. A nice low and slow heat purge will get a fair bit of the butane out and any residuals would be less dangerous than sitting in traffic for 15 minutes haha.

Ive got some vac equipment now and love doin it. Speeds up the process 10x and i dont have to constantly mess with the temp settings every 10 minutes like with just a hot plate goin low and slow.

I have no bad taste in my bho or iso. People are just too impatient. Its the easiest thing in the world to do if you just do a few simple things anyone can make good clean extract.

If you want no chance of any contaminants like "mystery oil" or isopropyl go with dry ice, co2 super/sub critical, or ice/water/bubble hash. Too many names for this shit haha. Because even grain/grape alcohol runs for RSO which are heated to about 250-300 for hours to activate the THC and other cannabinoids. These still test within the 100ppm-1000ppm easily. Obviously its not bad since you eat it or apply it topically, and with a nice thin sheet and a little vac you can pull most of it out whether its iso or butane.

Ive wanted to get a closed loop system since i found out about them. Look those up. One brand makes a "tamisium extractor" which is a very expensive little closed loop system but it does work.

Closed loops/butane distilling is being adopted by alot of the big bho companies that really wanna get the cleanest shit out there. Butane distilling is the main part of it. Its how you get that mystery oil out of even the 99.5 and 99.8 percent pure "medical grade" N-butane.


Well-Known Member
I know some don't like this method, but sifting it into kief using dry ice works really well, it's easy and non-toxic. In your case a couple pounds of dry ice would do. It's not QWISO or BHO, but it is quick and effective.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmmm.......tell us a bit more of this method. Crush the ice? How to prepare the flowers?


Well-Known Member
Dry ice hash is a nice and easy one. Quick process quick return little "purge" time if you will. Works really well if heat pressed like traditional hash.

Ive had alot of trim and a little butane and ran it with dry ice then took all the kief and blasted it. Turned out really well!

Just get a 160u bag, some dry ice (it comes in pellets where i get it) , load up trim and shake away.

I scrape the pile every minute or 2 so i can tell when it starts gettin too green and not contaminate my finished product.


Well-Known Member
Amazing.... I have to try that. Good harvest coming in 2 weeks. Pellets...thanks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have a prax air and airgas near me so they both have it in pellets. Somethin like 2 dollars a lb but a minimum 5lb order but that is usually what i need. haha

makesure you either get a really smooth bucket or have a huge glass table/mirror to shake it onto.


Well-Known Member
Just watched a couple of youtubes.... easier than BHO, by far.

Just need a 160 micron mesh bag, and, I saw a guy use a large metal can, to shake it up in, and the bag filter stretched over the wide mouth. Then just a piece of plastic sheet to shake it out on. Scrape it up with a credit card.

Fine yield, I must say.


Well-Known Member
Really good yield. Nice for makin capsules and edibles too.

Make sure you either press it or use it in an extraction/edibles because as is it wont burn very well for some reason. Super tasty though.

Someone on here has recipes for dry ice capsules. Really easy decarb process and mix with a thickner and some coconut oil.


Well-Known Member
How do you have so much rep when it's so CLEAR you have no idea what you're doing? Baffles the mind. Are you really planning on smoking that moldy crispy bud you posted in the other thread? That sucks. Let's start at the beginning......

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
In the 1980's I produced a lot of pressed puddy hash from outdoor crops that never get a chance to fully mature here in Canada. I was using ISO and then a hot water extraction on the bunk. One day the RCMP came to visit me, not to arrest me but to give me advice on making the hash. The police suggested that i use menthol hydrate instead of ISO. They showed me charts of toxicity and menthol was hard on the bottom of the list. Menthol doesn't extract as quik as other extractors but it is definately safer for the consumer. On the other hand butane is the most popular for oil extraction. Oil, unlike hash binder is better made with a cold extraction. Heat(boiling point of alcohol) will cause the resins to crystalize and is then only good for hash binder.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering when you or one of your little buddies would come along and try to derail the thread with immature and personal comments.

It's clear I don't know what I'm doing because I repeatedly say that "This is my first grow...." or "How to dry a Bucket Full of Popcorn Nuggs....".

I think I get the rep because I'm honest and I try to help.
The opposite of you - pretends to be hot shit, tries to ridicule.

There's no mould on these nuggs.
They're not finished drying, so they're not crispy.

You're the only one to make such a comment and it's clear to anyone that all you hope to achieve is an argument.

Grow up.


Well-Known Member
In the 1980's I produced a lot of pressed puddy hash from outdoor crops that never get a chance to fully mature here in Canada. I was using ISO and then a hot water extraction on the bunk. One day the RCMP came to visit me, not to arrest me but to give me advice on making the hash. The police suggested that i use menthol hydrate instead of ISO. They showed me charts of toxicity and menthol was hard on the bottom of the list. Menthol doesn't extract as quik as other extractors but it is definately safer for the consumer. On the other hand butane is the most popular for oil extraction. Oil, unlike hash binder is better made with a cold extraction. Heat(boiling point of alcohol) will cause the resins to crystalize and is then only good for hash binder.
"Pressed puddy hash...".
I don't know the terminology.
That's what I'm finding so difficult about this,
the terms are all new to me.
The preponderance of acronyms and abbreviations,
AND there seems to be about 8000 ways to proceed!