How to Dry a BUCKET FULL of Loose Popcorn Nugs???


Well-Known Member
In the 1980's I produced a lot of pressed puddy hash from outdoor crops that never get a chance to fully mature here in Canada. I was using ISO and then a hot water extraction on the bunk. One day the RCMP came to visit me, not to arrest me but to give me advice on making the hash. The police suggested that i use menthol hydrate instead of ISO. They showed me charts of toxicity and menthol was hard on the bottom of the list. Menthol doesn't extract as quik as other extractors but it is definately safer for the consumer. On the other hand butane is the most popular for oil extraction. Oil, unlike hash binder is better made with a cold extraction. Heat(boiling point of alcohol) will cause the resins to crystalize and is then only good for hash binder.

Why thankyou, this info is very interesting. I am very fond of hash, hell a family member got snagged a few years ago trying to smuggle thousands of pounds of hash thru the saint lawrence seaway. I really do miss that soft brown maleable sheesh that you friends up north were providing us here in vermont. miss those days i do.


Well-Known Member
Just watched a couple of youtubes.... easier than BHO, by far.

Just need a 160 micron mesh bag, and, I saw a guy use a large metal can, to shake it up in, and the bag filter stretched over the wide mouth. Then just a piece of plastic sheet to shake it out on. Scrape it up with a credit card.

Fine yield, I must say.
If these mesh bags produce a kind of hashish - then it's not really what I want.
In UK hash is common. There's little financial reason to make more.
On the other hand OIL is super rare!
In 24 years I've had some TWICE.
And, it's potency and rareness commands a high price.

I'd make hash for myself
but it would only sell for the same price as the crappy stuff that's commonly available.
EVERYONE would want the BOASTING rights that came from having OIL.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee a properly done dry ice hash is not common in the UK. It's not the same as the imported in someones ass hole hash full of leaf matter and ass hair. Any body, no matter how bad at sales, should be able to sell someone on the idea of "no feces included"


Well-Known Member
If these mesh bags produce a kind of hashish - then it's not really what I want.
In UK hash is common. There's little financial reason to make more.
On the other hand OIL is super rare!
In 24 years I've had some TWICE.
And, it's potency and rareness commands a high price.

I'd make hash for myself
but it would only sell for the same price as the crappy stuff that's commonly available.
EVERYONE would want the BOASTING rights that came from having OIL.
Well then, I will say the first time I got high after being stoned a lot on dirt weed, was someone stripped a joint with an oil strip.

OMG!!!! :) I had no idea. Yeah, so that is different. What about shatter? I usually get that instead of oil these days if I am buying. Much easier to handle it. Not quite as easy to make I guess.


Well-Known Member
In the 1980's I produced a lot of pressed puddy hash from outdoor crops that never get a chance to fully mature here in Canada. I was using ISO and then a hot water extraction on the bunk. One day the RCMP came to visit me, not to arrest me but to give me advice on making the hash. The police suggested that i use menthol hydrate instead of ISO. They showed me charts of toxicity and menthol was hard on the bottom of the list. Menthol doesn't extract as quik as other extractors but it is definately safer for the consumer. On the other hand butane is the most popular for oil extraction. Oil, unlike hash binder is better made with a cold extraction. Heat(boiling point of alcohol) will cause the resins to crystalize and is then only good for hash binder.
That is the nicest thing I've heard about the Mounties, since they tried to shelter the Apache. Not that you can. But, they tried.


Well-Known Member
"Pressed puddy hash...".
I don't know the terminology.
That's what I'm finding so difficult about this,
the terms are all new to me.
The preponderance of acronyms and abbreviations,
AND there seems to be about 8000 ways to proceed!
Yes there are 800,000,000 stories of the Naked Tricome. I am but one of them. :)

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Why thankyou, this info is very interesting. I am very fond of hash, hell a family member got snagged a few years ago trying to smuggle thousands of pounds of hash thru the saint lawrence seaway. I really do miss that soft brown maleable sheesh that you friends up north were providing us here in vermont. miss those days i do.
Ya, the only way I can get hash now is if I make it myself. Unlike the eighties and part of the ninties now it's all bud for sale. It's "like" everyone here in Canada has forgotten how to make the cheese. I prefer the cheese over the oil because I'll get way more weight with the pressed hash and it can sell way cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Yeah alot of people are converting to bubble down in the states. The real smokers at least who can find bubble that will melt as well as bho that way you can still smoke it off your nail/bho setup. Everyone whos in it for just dabbing and "pot snobs" aka "pot hipsters" only "smoke oil" and never "smoke flowers"

Everythings so fucking pretentious now a days. It pisses me off. Its one thing to really like good weed and have the money to just buy good weed. But people turn down blunts and very very good weed because "they dont smoke flowers" like smoking the actual bud is taboo and "not cool anymore"

These are the same people who try to go on and on about the "terps in their oil" that they didnt make nor know how to make and try to claim all this bullshit and talk out of their ass. I just sit in the corner smokin my buds and hash and everything. Im an enthusiast/aficionado. Which means i try everything because i love weed at its core for what it is. Fuck a "pot snob" last thing this community needed is more people who think theyre higher up than someone for what they smoke. Fuckin rooks.

But yeah thats how you know a true "pot snob" aka "pot retard" Bring over some killa ass bubble and if they refuse to smoke/dab it theyre missin out on the kills.

Fuck kids these days haha.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there was a guy here the other day told me, "I don't smoke flowers" I thought, I smoke em if I got em.

But I learned long ago, the pretentious are only fooling themselves. They are pretending out of fear of their tiny, meaninglessness.

Being in CA we have all the snob types.


Well-Known Member
I bet! Its rough out here for the average joe. Best part is when one of them starts talking like they know how to grow.

Thats my time to stand up and shut em down. This one kid tried to tell me there was a strain that finished in 2 weeks....... I told him first off to shut the fuck up, second to prove it, and third to shut the fuck up because he cant prove it. Bein on these forums doesnt automatically make me know everything, but im pretty sure everyone would be growing that strain if it were real. Thered at least be one single report on it. The worst part was he tried to claim the weed from it was good. He said not the best but good. LIES!!! After that i asked him how long it vegged before the 2 week flower and he said "ive never seen a plant veg more than 2 weeks".....

These are the same people that brag about "terps" and "clarity" and all that BS like theyre in the thick of it.

Most people know i used to grow but i took a break a few years ago so only a few know that i still grow. So i still have the power to shut people up without giving away that im currently growing.

I feel bad for you in CA. Ive always wanted to move somewhere so i can grow and smoke freely but CA has been the last on my list, next to MI hahaha.

Just not my scene. Maybe up in the mountains but aint no body got money for that. haha

In the end a true smoker will smoke anything. If my friend rolled up a nasty ass brown brick weed blunt and passed it to me id smoke the whole thing with him.

I aint no bitch! haha

Glad theres a few others out there like me.


Well-Known Member
How do you have so much rep when it's so CLEAR you have no idea what you're doing? Baffles the mind. Are you really planning on smoking that moldy crispy bud you posted in the other thread? That sucks. Let's start at the beginning......
Ever wonder why you don't?


Well-Known Member
OH internet fights. make no sense
They make sense to the type of people who like to talk shit to waiters (knowing there will be no come back)
or over the telephone (same reason).

I always make a point of fully disclosing my novice status, as a grower.
This can be misinterpreted as "I will accept anything I am told".
When I disagree with someone who considers themselves more experienced than me
it leads to indignity.
When I go further and articulate WHY the more experienced grower is wrong,
and I post links to expert opinions that support my position.
Members, like this guy, become bitchy and make a point of joining every thread
where they can attempt to insult me.

99% of other members can recognise the situation immediately
so I am confident that most unbiased contributors
were simply ignore the immature attempts to derail the thread.

Like all children this guy will have a tiny concentration span
and it will take very little time, of ignoring him, before he moves on
to find threads where his provocations are not ignored.

Some people have lives so sad that any kind of attention pleases them, even insults.
People need interaction with others.
A few characters are so alone that this interaction is provoked with childish tricks and comments.

It's really very sad, when one thinks about it.


Well-Known Member
He did the same thing to me that's why I had to finally put him on "ignore" (the only time I've ever had to use "ignore"). That should tell you something.


Well-Known Member
So you threatened me. More than an internet tiff now

Nice. Did you find my IP?

I know a place we can meet. Or do you intend to stalk me?

So what do you intend to do when you find me?

Am I suppose to be afraid for my family?


Well-Known Member
They don't think there is come back

It is a steak stomp and a hot wet lunger in your potato