Doer's Dog Pile - 12 Years A Slave..For Life


Well-Known Member
You cannot say, little better than slaves. These were paid labor, that bought their own passage and came quite willing, in Steerage. And that is the Queen Mary level accommodations, compared to any Slave Hold passage.

When they came here, they came across the vicious racism of slavers that were forced down in the mud, by Lincoln.

You of course, were born into it, and if not for my dad, who had only dark friends and sat in the back of movies to be with them... that would be me, too.

My Mom was the dumb staring cow, type.

If we were not Slavers we would have known better than to treat the Chinese the way they did. But, the Chinese were FREE and gentle. Slavers were DEFEATED and insane.

When you are free, you bring your culture with you. Africans, not free, brought with them, as much of their culture, that survived the slave hold, the auction block, and the leather whip.

How much culture was that compared to the China Towns in America 150 years ago? NONE.

Slavers rape the culture out. Sons of slavers can't see the difference.
Last edited by Doer; 03-17-2014 at 06:18 PM.

this was the last post of a thread that was closed? yesterday..the most comprehensive explanation i've had the pleasure to read.

the doers comments are the real deal.

the unfortunate reality..sons of slavers not only can't see the difference, they do not wish to and therein lies the problem..

i watched 12 years a slave had been posted that some refused to see because of the "torture porn"..i found it in actuality to be tame compared to django unchained.

how sad and pathetic there are those who fear their "sensibilities" traumatized..what about those who lived it?

those who do not seek to learn the past..are only condemned to repeat it.

good job, doer..thank you for sharing the comments about your mom and dad..*****post and standing ovation:clap:



Well-Known Member
I just looked at the thread. Not orery or mean.....a good discussion. Why was it closed?

Do we have racist Mods? Were we too close to real?

Thanks, for the re-pile, Lady Sky. :) And please lavish more compliments! I like those for some odd reason.


Active Member
+ rep OP.....
I've said this once, I'll say it a zillion times: immigrants from China, India or Italy might "appear" to bring nothing with them but in fact carry with them on arrival over 2000 YEARS worth of culture; along with a work ethic and values second to none....

not only was Africa devoid of civilization (at the time of slavery) but slavery and segregation basically destroyed a lot of black culture and what little did survive was under the duress of Jim Crow....

black culture (and to a similar extent; Hispanic culture) is deficient,and broke....NTM the family structure is fck'd, so let all be real: crime, lack of family structure and less emphasis on education are now the real contributors to minority down fall...prejudice still exist like a MF'r but the solutions are more internal than governmental

....and lets learn from history w/o laying down the white guilt trip and fix this shit....

Edited to Add: indeed sub-Saharan Africans were indeed mathematical, cultured and the FIRST builders of Pyramids et at a time when Europe was in the Dark ages, but Africa is a screwed up mess now, so lets not harp on that stuff either....Western (European) civilization for good or bad has shaped what we are now...lets all share in that as opposed to gloating, taking credit or pointing fingers

Mt Doo

Active Member
+ rep OP.....
I've said this once, I'll say it a zillion times: immigrants from China, India or Italy might "appear" to bring nothing with them but in fact carry with them on arrival over 2000 YEARS worth of culture; along with a work ethic and values second to none....

not only was Africa devoid of civilization (at the time of slavery) but slavery and segregation basically destroyed a lot of black culture and what little did survive was under the duress of Jim Crow....

black culture (and to a similar extent; Hispanic culture) is deficient,and broke....NTM the family structure is fck'd, so let all be real: crime, lack of family structure and less emphasis on education are now the real contributors to minority down fall...prejudice still exist like a MF'r but the solutions are more internal than governmental

....and lets learn from history w/o laying down the white guilt trip and fix this shit....

Edited to Add: indeed sub-Saharan Africans were indeed mathematical, cultured and the FIRST builders of Pyramids et at a time when Europe was in the Dark ages, but Africa is a screwed up mess now, so lets not harp on that stuff either....Western (European) civilization for good or bad has shaped what we are now...lets all share in that as opposed to gloating, taking credit or pointing fingers
Correct western civilization has shaped the world into greedy savages who only plunder the worlds goods for some unknown reason since money is only as valued as society makes it. Second afrika was divided up into shares by European countries years ago. The plight in Africa is due the same issues that are the issues with blacks in america. Unless you have grown up black its extremely hard to understand what it means to not have a culture of your own do to hate from a group of people who have no other reason other than skin color. PS slavery ended 120 years ago my great grandmother died at 105 20 years agowere not that far removed.

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Well-Known Member
Doer that was a beautiful comment.

The comment made that blacks are without culture is without merit. They have plenty of culture, furthermore, the ones in America have American culture.

Saying they are without culture is a pretty vile statement. I wouldn't even go that far.


Well-Known Member
What is it about they have only the culture that survived the hold, the block, the whip, the constant broken family, the mutilation and the rape..


Don't tap dance around me. I said already. I'm sick of it.


Well-Known Member
I don't care what you, ill raised individuals, think.

The Black Culture, such that it is, has been distinctly American from the beginning. They brought nothing with them but fear. Yet, from a huddling mass, they produced from memory, a tatter culture of rhythm and blues. And there were never the uprising feared by the North.

So, in a real way I blame slavery for this American Culture of white. We didn't bring slaves here. The British did, and my French family were in the trade. as well.

The fact that you whities still regard dark people as inferior is the sick joke of you. Some of the finest bodies and minds in the USA are dark.

You say inferior, like Mexicans, right? That is the joke.

It is like me beating the shit out of you again this morning and then make you go to work. Then, of course, I see you are not much of a worker, being so beat up. So, I beat you constantly for that. Next morning, you did such a lousy job, I beat the shit out of you, again, and make you go to work. Then, of course,.......

Damn Cow Cranes!!! They are so inferior, even beating does no good....but I like it.


Well-Known Member
What is it about they have only the culture that survived the hold, the block, the whip, the constant broken family, the mutilation and the rape..


Don't tap dance around me. I said already. I'm sick of it.
When I said my bit about their culture, I wasn't talking about your comments, I should have clarified that.


Well-Known Member
I don't care what you, ill raised individuals, think.

The Black Culture, such that it is, has been distinctly American from the beginning. They brought nothing with them but fear. Yet, from a huddling mass, they produced from memory, a tatter culture of rhythm and blues. And there were never the uprising feared by the North.

So, in a real way I blame slavery for this American Culture of white. We didn't bring slaves here. The British did, and my French family were in the trade. as well.

The fact that you whities still regard dark people as inferior is the sick joke of you. Some of the finest bodies and minds in the USA are dark.

You say inferior, like Mexicans, right? That is the joke.

It is like me beating the shit out of you again this morning and then make you go to work. Then, of course, I see you are not much of a worker, being so beat up. So, I beat you constantly for that. Next morning, you did such a lousy job, I beat the shit out of you, again, and make you go to work. Then, of course,.......

Damn Cow Cranes!!! They are so inferior, even beating does no good....but I like it.
Your theory is sound, doer, butfor one fact. The height of African performance is in these united states. No where on earth are there so many of them that have prospered as much.


Well-Known Member
Your theory is sound, doer, butfor one fact. The height of African performance is in these united states. No where on earth are there so many of them that have prospered as much.
Despite slavery you mean? That makes my dark friends, not only the more beautiful, but, also the far superior. It makes America a far superior country despite the slavers and despite the slave/slaver mentality and class distinction you promote.


Well-Known Member
So, you say the height of African performance is in America. That is the height of American performance. Africa was a great place until the pale skins got there.


Well-Known Member
Despite slavery you mean? That makes my dark friends, not only the more beautiful, but, also the far superior. It makes America a far superior country despite the slavers and despite the slave/slaver mentality and class distinction you promote.
You will never find a race based comment from me stating anything more than a separation in abalities between the races. I am not a promoter of hate, of social stratification based on race, nor any other idea which results in two sets of privileges and rights, under the law, for different groups.

I have steadfastly maintained everyone should be treated morally equal, though we are not all equal in our capacities, we are all equal in our heart and soul.

Do you think it is possible for a person to be able to think a group is less intelligent, yet still worthy of equal rights?

Yet I am always spoken to as if I lynch black folks for looking at white girls.


Well-Known Member
So, you say the height of African performance is in America. That is the height of American performance. Africa was a great place until the pale skins got there.
There is almost no record of sub Saharan Africa prior to the pale skins. They didn't create written language, the wheel, agriculture on a meaningful scale, or architecture. There is scant evidence of any advanced societies thriving there for any length of time.

Compare to the other areas of the world. China and Japan are ancient. The river cultures along the Ganges, Indus, Nile, and Mesopotamia established thousands of years of continuous civilization. We all know the story of Greece and Rome. Meso-America was far more advanced.

But when I said America was the height of African performance, I meant that people of African ancestry have better lives in the united states than anywhere else in the world, where they exist in large numbers. The European population is too small, and Canadian blacks are a distinction without much difference from American blacks.

South African blacks were doing pretty well too, until apartide ended. I know most of them had it shitty then, but they pretty much all have it shitty now. South Africa is like a restaurant that got new owners, now the food and service sucks.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Despite slavery you mean? That makes my dark friends, not only the more beautiful, but, also the far superior. It makes America a far superior country despite the slavers and despite the slave/slaver mentality and class distinction you promote.
What slavers?


Active Member
Correct western civilization has shaped the world into greedy savages who only plunder the worlds goods for some unknown reason since money is only as valued as society makes it. Second afrika was divided up into shares by European countries years ago. The plight in Africa is due the same issues that are the issues with blacks in america. Unless you have grown up black its extremely hard to understand what it means to not have a culture of your own do to hate from a group of people who have no other reason other than skin color. PS slavery ended 120 years ago my great grandmother died at 105 20 years agowere not that far removed.

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I wouldn't directly argue against any of that


Active Member
Doer that was a beautiful comment.

The comment made that blacks are without culture is without merit. They have plenty of culture, furthermore, the ones in America have American culture.

Saying they are without culture is a pretty vile statement. I wouldn't even go that far.
Yeah, but not "Without merit", you are actually attacking my awkward semantics (as opposed to the gist of what I'm saying)...
a more accurate way to put this might be to say the culture is younger, and if put that way its not even arguable...
....and lets think about this: unique cultural things like mannerism, language, music develop faster and the differences become more pronounced when people are separated in some manner...

music, language, et are cultural "components" (and not exactly a entire culture per se), so yes, blacks have cultural uniqueness, but absolutely lack certain positive cultural advancement characteristics, many at the base family level....


Active Member
There is almost no record of sub Saharan Africa prior to the pale skins. They didn't create written language, the wheel, agriculture on a meaningful scale, or architecture. There is scant evidence of any advanced societies thriving there for any length of time.

Compare to the other areas of the world. China and Japan are ancient. The river cultures along the Ganges, Indus, Nile, and Mesopotamia established thousands of years of continuous civilization. We all know the story of Greece and Rome. Meso-America was far more advanced.

But when I said America was the height of African performance, I meant that people of African ancestry have better lives in the united states than anywhere else in the world, where they exist in large numbers. The European population is too small, and Canadian blacks are a distinction without much difference from American blacks.

South African blacks were doing pretty well too, until apartide ended. I know most of them had it shitty then, but they pretty much all have it shitty now. South Africa is like a restaurant that got new owners, now the food and service sucks.
Wow, this moronic statement is proof of how slanted western education is
right now I don't have time to do YOUR research and education for you...fact is today's Egyptology IN EGYPT has been suppressing evidence that the original Egyptians came from the south (Sudan), and I won't bother to get into Songhai, Kush, and cultural centers like Timbuktu....

what is true is Africa, like Meso America and other tropical areas did not have long term sustainable agricultural practices and hence didn't have as many free hands for invention over hundreds of years, .... Outside the American camels and guinea fowl, few African or new world mammals lend themselves to docility (think cape buffalo & warthog)
...besides, unlike Europe, geopgraphical barriers prevented eastern idea from being stolen and later credited (very few ideas and invention ever crossed the Atlantic or traveled down the Nile)