Do I look better with long hair or short hair?

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member keep listening to women and you're gonna have a shelf full of shit to put on every day. let both grow to terminal length

who do you think started the metrosexual shit?


Well-Known Member
Trimmed nose hairs, cut the goatee off...

I'm not liking it all... But I am also unbelievably stoned and on my 8th beer.. sooo I took like 5 pics and this is what I got..

I look like shit, but I'm blaming in on alcohol and dabs...

I'll post sunlight/sober pics in the morning.. CAM00394.jpgCAM00403.jpg

My brother was like duuude...


Well-Known Member
@ChingOwn Miss your posts man...

@ODanksta : Shaved looks good too. You've got a good jawline so you can go either way.
But please for the love of Pete, SHAVE YOUR NECK. beard or no beard, gotta keep the neck cleaned up. (bonus points for keeping the back of the neck in check too) keep listening to women and you're gonna have a shelf full of shit to put on every day. let both grow to terminal length

who do you think started the metrosexual shit?
Bro do you even bathe?

J/K Point taken. Metrosexual suck, but OD is not even close to MS status. I'm just nagging (hee) about his neck and a touch of product in the hair that's it.


Well-Known Member
@lahadaextranjera @Hookabelly @ZaraBeth420

Ok this is me sober and no goatee and no neck hair..
View attachment 3556206

And my yellow teeth.. but on a good note I saw a coupon for a free whitening if pay for a exam, which I think is about a 100 ..

View attachment 3556210

So facial hair or no?
You look much better! See how you look in a few days time to see if you prefer the stubbly look a bit more. You look really much fresher now.

Your teeth are fine, just go and get a clean first off. It's half an hour. It's better to have nice shaped straight teeth like yours which can be whitened than have really white teeth which are all crooked and uneven.

I'm going to London for a haircut. Ill let you know how it goes Danksta! :)