Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club


Well-Known Member
yep, i'm a mind reader. wtf? i've been to kuwait and saudi arabia. never seen a blond or blue eyed arab.

do you have proof that arabs have blond hair and blue eyes?
I have proof not all Middle Easterners share the same race and I know their was a video I seen years ago that was just Aryan people of Iran.

As you can see many have obvious Caucasian, Asian, Indian, African traits so it's not just a single race. Many Soviets deserted during the war with Afghanistan as well as many wars including Ghangis Kahn and Alexander The Great many races made home in the former Persian Empire including Jews who most certainly have people with blonde hair blue eyes.

To say blonde hair blue eyed people don't exist in the Middle East is pretty naive. Not to mention that movie Mr. Nice I believe it was called about Howard Marks smuggling Hashish. An Afghan man tells him to dress like a local nobody will bother you cause their are many people that are white even blonde hair and blue eyes.

Sure blonde hair is not the most common not even in Europe.

I do like Arab women that's why I'm cool with women and children immigrants :) but not fighting aged men we did not take fighting aged men from Japan in fact we put the Japanese Americans in prison camps. I don't think we should round up Muslims but if we must take Muslims from a war zone they should be held in a prison camp not allowed on the streets as you can see a few attacks have happened in Europe because of letting in immigrants from Syria.


Well-Known Member
Well lets try one more time, because i think you dont understand me, or dont want to understand, this time im gonna edit some words in bold: i dont care what race, beliefs, sexual orientation or ideology other people have, as long as they dont disturb my daily life or dont force me to accept their beliefs, lifestyle or laws.
-In Europe we have some hatred for muslims too - when they start to feel cozy in other country, they promote their lifestyle and koran bullshit to other people, occupy all neighborhoods where they have their own rules and etc. Oh and we hate our liberal politics too, because they let those bastards in without thorough backround check. We already have our own problems and dont need more criminals and idealogical koran psychopaths.
Yea, you totally don't care - just so long as Muslims aren't allowed in your country (or as you referred to them, ideological Koran reading psychopath/criminals). You know, because those "bastards" are totally beating down doors, holding a gun to your head, and forcing you to accept their beliefs/lifestyle. :roll:


Well-Known Member
i've read this entire thread and i don't remember seeing this topic. Anyone question why this story is being reported the way it is. Mass shooting in gay nightclub. 50 people dead in a massacre at a gay night club in Florida. Why cant they just say at a florida night club? Does it matter what their sexual orientation is? Is it relevant at all to the story? Why is it on every headline since the very first reports came out. Why do people need to be segregated by sexual preference, or race, religion, democrat or republican, or liberal or conservative.
I agree that it shouldn't matter, but it is relevant - it is a big part of the reason why the guy went batshit-anne-heche-crazy. A few of the people who frequented the bar are talking about how they had seen him there trolling for dick, and get rejected. A normal person would just shake it off, and try a new bar - not kill a bunch of innocent people with an automatic weapon.


Well-Known Member
Your fairy buddy got shot 50 times in the mouth with black men,s goo? Magic pixie dust?
Is that what you fella's call it now? You guys must've had one hell of a night. Did he share?
A little pop swap with a straw, any pics? Screen name makes more sense Real KY Mountain Man. You like dressin up like a lumber jack? Any pics? Do they have sarcasm where you live? Any pics?
very vivid fantasies you got there kryptobutt.
you ever been to a Turkish sauna?
how many times have you snowballed your boyfriend?
how do you look in ass-less chaps?


Well-Known Member
Where were all you government critics during the Bush years when we popularized War-For-Hire? Thousands of lives ended for what the fuck, exactly? Corporate profits, that's what. Fabricating a war that is still going on is beyond criminal.

The piddly shit you guys come up with these days for Obama will NEVER ever remotely compare to the GOP war legacy. Never


Well-Known Member
I agree that it shouldn't matter, but it is relevant - it is a big part of the reason why the guy went batshit-anne-heche-crazy. A few of the people who frequented the bar are talking about how they had seen him there trolling for dick, and get rejected. A normal person would just shake it off, and try a new bar - not kill a bunch of innocent people with an automatic weapon.
Semi automatic rifle...


Well-Known Member
Where were all you government critics during the Bush years when we popularized War-For-Hire? Thousands of lives ended for what the fuck, exactly? Corporate profits, that's what. Fabricating a war that is still going on is beyond criminal.

The piddly shit you guys come up with these days for Obama will NEVER ever remotely compare to the GOP war legacy. Never
Obama has deported more illegals than Bush and kills children with drones, to be fair.


Well-Known Member
Where were all you government critics during the Bush years when we popularized War-For-Hire? Thousands of lives ended for what the fuck, exactly? Corporate profits, that's what. Fabricating a war that is still going on is beyond criminal.

The piddly shit you guys come up with these days for Obama will NEVER ever remotely compare to the GOP war legacy. Never
Is that why Obama has special forces and drone strikes going on in not 2 but about 7 countries??

We could have stopped at Afghanistan and Iraq and not started more war like Obama the man who was elected to end war!!


Well-Known Member
Well it being a gay night club shows part of the motive as does the fact the killer was Muslim.

Without those two little details it would look like a completely random attack.

Why did they tell us the Unplanned Parenthood attack was at Unplanned Parenthood? Lol
Well unplanned parenthood was the of the clinic wasn't it? They didn't say 50 whores were killed today at unplanned parenthood. See the difference? They had Isis, terrorists, gay nightclub all over the TV before the shooting stopped. He called 911 and pledge allegiance
to ISIS didn't say anything about killing gays that i've read. I don't the 911 operator was giving channel 5 a play by play as it was happening. The FBI or orlando police didn't release any tapes. I think as soon as some one hears ISIS or muslim they instantly assumed it was because it was a gay club. I've never read the coran and i'd the majority
of the posters thread haven't either, but we know what muslim hate. When you hear something often enough it becomes fact a little nugget in the back of your mind so you're able to connect the dots. People knew the what, when, and how before the blood dried. Maybe he chose it because he had been there and new the layout. You'd think any good self respecting terrorist would be more concerned with quantity.
Remember when people thought 9/11 was terrorists? Changed a lot of laws and gave the government power it shouldn't have. It got the american public to back invading multiple countries,spend trillions of dollars building the biggest embassy in the world.
There was never a threat from those countries, we just needed to install new governments.