
Well-Known Member
I’m a tolorent person. I feel like every should be able to troll... even if they’re not good at it.

Troll on sir.
I'm the friendly sarcastic variety.and there's the mean ones, like buck founding smiling and laughing at a person angers them more than calling them names. I've been doing it here for 2 years now. You can't take me serious 90+% of the time. RIUs only use for me is poking fun at you guys lol, nothing else


Well-Known Member
Poking fun at us? Yeah sure guy.
Only thing i ever see you successfully using this site for is telling us how miserable your life is and how you are going to kill yourself! Get a fucking clue lame. Quit smoking speed
True, because I consider you guys my friends. My last statement was was Rong. I just need a sympathetic ear. No sympathetic people in CS Tx. If y'all wanna know why I'm so fucked just fucking ask, long story but i wouldnt change a thing not one. It was all in His plan


Well-Known Member
On a scale of 1-meth.

How methed up are you?
Sober like 3 months. Even got off my psych poison. Fuck all drugs, even hate that I smoke. Y'all ever get ego death from weed. It got my mind right confront myself. All glory goes to God. I knocked and he answered
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