bubblicous/narkush/ata-tundra gro


Well-Known Member
i'll take pics next time i water.

it's weird, there's no smell at all! never had a grow like this. i'm supercropping all the k-train and bubbles side branching just to keep the canopy even. boy do those k-trains stretch! i'm digging the bubbles basic structure and growth pattern. the narkush are totally different than the other two - very dense and bushy.

didn't see any bugs tonight!


Well-Known Member
Hey Dance, Don't ever think your talking to yourself....i'm always watching/reading everything you write....i may not make my presence known, but i'm watching...hahhahahahhahaha....for real tho, i enjoy all your updates, so please keep it up....i've got something started myself and have been keeping a personal "grow journal" i might put it up on here....but we'll see....anyway keep up the great work and looking forward to the end results.



Well-Known Member
thanks a lot toronto!

Hey Dance, Don't ever think your talking to yourself....i'm always watching/reading everything you write....i may not make my presence known, but i'm watching...hahhahahahhahaha....for real tho, i enjoy all your updates, so please keep it up....i've got something started myself and have been keeping a personal "grow journal" i might put it up on here....but we'll see....anyway keep up the great work and looking forward to the end results.



Well-Known Member
here's last nights pix. notice the 2 i bent and tied down and the accidental super crop! (pics 6, 13, 15. for some reason when i upload they get all out of order.)





Well-Known Member
just checked the tent and took a pic and rotated the girls. i did some pruning to open up the bottom of the plants and the light seems to be getting through the canopy pretty good.

i have at least 6 weeks of flower left.... wow, it seems like this it taking forever!

in a week or two i think my canopy will pretty much fill my tent - horizontally. maybe i should do some major pruning soon and limit each plants bud sites to 5 or so? never tried that before.

or...i could kill 3 of them to really open up some space. that's an option for sure. i have 3 of each, i could make it 2 of each.

i need to learn how and when to top these girls. bending and supercropping works great but instead of using up the vertical space you're filling up the horizontal space.

there's still a few annoying fungus gnats around.... but nothing that concerns me to much.

weird, but seems like since i flowered they are not sucking up as much water.

every other time i water i'm using half strength fox big bloom and that's it.

i'm not checking my PH. i'm just using RO filtered water. that's it.





Well-Known Member
hi! well i removed 2 of the plants. a runt k-train and a runt narkush. hated to do it. it's like killing puppies to me. the bubbles are looking so good i can't get myself to get rid of one of them.

this opened up a couple of needed square feet.

i haven't chopped the "removed" yet. i guess i could put them outside but i have no clue how to grow outside and plus they are flowering so wouldn't the light change put them back into veg? and where would i put them in the yard? in full sun all day or partial sun in the AM? i suppose i could put them out there just as an experiment and see what happens. my backyard is pretty private and these plants don't smell at all....

damn fungas gnats! i have traps all over and they are getting stuck in them and don't seem to be affecting the grow but like i keep saying this is new and it pisses me off!

pic 2,3,6,9 are the removed. number 9 has a nice supercrop. i wish i could gift them to the salvation army!



Well-Known Member
damn lookin real good ST

your plants are sooooo green im jealous

ill post a pic in here of my piece of shit sometime hahah

why did u take the runts out though? not enuff light?

your canopy looks great


Well-Known Member
thanks hooked!

sure, i'd love to see what you've got growing.

i took the runts out to open up a little more space in the tent. i don't want to crowd them too much and not have enough light penetrating the canopy.

damn lookin real good ST

your plants are sooooo green im jealous

ill post a pic in here of my piece of shit sometime hahah

why did u take the runts out though? not enuff light?

your canopy looks great


Well-Known Member
watered tonight with plain old filtered water. rotated the plants.

notice the narkush in the middle are very dense.

i'm still loving the bubbliscious' plant profile. it's an open plant but is flowering all over between nodes. if you look at the last pic on the right you can see it. i think those might turn out to be big fat buds.




Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there dance, hows it going. The larva of those gnats are prolly in your soil. I had a bad problem with fruitflies at one time. They were attracted to the mollases that I was using, so I stopped using it and have not seen one since and that was a year ago. I've been meaning to ask you why you are just using Big Bloom? Other than going organic. It's a good soil additive but has no flowering nutes in it. I'm thinking there may be a correlation between the gnats and the Big Bloom.

Was going to ask if you wanted to see a pic of what I have going on but I don't want to make Hooked feel bad with his piece of shit Skunk. Ha ha picking on ya Chronic buddy...how's it going?


Active Member
Hey mate, lovely Grow, im Especially interested in the Bubblelicious from Nirvanna as i Also have just started a Grow with theese and Nirvanna Swiss Cheese, the Only problem is that out of the 8 seeds i planted in soil only 1 has germed and sprouted, i put 4 swiss and 4 bubble in pots straight into soil, took 4 days for the 1 bubble to PoP, but been 8 days now and none of the others have shown. im real worried!! i have 1 swiss cheese and 1 bubble seeds left There all Fem by the way, also have 1 Greenhouse Bubba Kush and 1 DNA Sharksbreath and i want to Germ theese instead of Puting them into Soil so i can Atually Grow Some!! i Notice ur ''Cup of Water'' Technique i have never seen this before!! can u tell me more on how to germ them like this and wat need to do?? thankyou so much!!

Regards Frost...


Well-Known Member
damn saint!! that last pic in your last update is insane, that cola on the right is gonna be hugggeee

and damn you cave!!! :P wait till u see this cock sucker, she got burnt everywheres indoors so i threw her outside, and now shes like 4 weeks into flower

gonna see if she will revert to veg or stay flowering its day 3 outside

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
lol Ya that should be interesting there Chronic. I'm thinking that poor skunky is loving the fresh air and the sunshine, but they are pretty in tune with Mother Nature. Let us know if she starts throwing out single blade spinach looking leaves. Shit who knows?? You will prolly end up with some morphed out mutant monster!


Well-Known Member
HI cave, hope you're doing good and your gro is good!

i still want to blame the fungas gnats on the ROOTS potting soil.

as far as the big bloom, yes - it's organic and has worm castings and bat guano. it must have some sugars in it as well. the fox farm web site recommends using it during flowering so that's the main reason i guess. i'm always open for suggestions, do you recommend a certain product? last gro i used the age old organics fish and kelp until the end but some people say that makes your bud taste funny so i didn't use them this time.

sure add a pic of your gro anytime.


Hey there dance, hows it going. The larva of those gnats are prolly in your soil. I had a bad problem with fruitflies at one time. They were attracted to the mollases that I was using, so I stopped using it and have not seen one since and that was a year ago. I've been meaning to ask you why you are just using Big Bloom? Other than going organic. It's a good soil additive but has no flowering nutes in it. I'm thinking there may be a correlation between the gnats and the Big Bloom.

Was going to ask if you wanted to see a pic of what I have going on but I don't want to make Hooked feel bad with his piece of shit Skunk. Ha ha picking on ya Chronic buddy...how's it going?


Well-Known Member
hi frost, thanks! the cup of water method is simply dropping the seed in a cup of distilled water for 24 hours, i usually put it in a dark cool place, then i pop the seed in the soil. that's it. i've had trouble germing things too from time to time. none of my ata tundra seeds survived and very few popped at all. most of my vortex seeds were the same way. on the other hand some strains seem to just pop right up no problem. most people use the paper towel method and seem to have good results with it. personally the cup of water just seems a lot easier to me.

Hey mate, lovely Grow, im Especially interested in the Bubblelicious from Nirvanna as i Also have just started a Grow with theese and Nirvanna Swiss Cheese, the Only problem is that out of the 8 seeds i planted in soil only 1 has germed and sprouted, i put 4 swiss and 4 bubble in pots straight into soil, took 4 days for the 1 bubble to PoP, but been 8 days now and none of the others have shown. im real worried!! i have 1 swiss cheese and 1 bubble seeds left There all Fem by the way, also have 1 Greenhouse Bubba Kush and 1 DNA Sharksbreath and i want to Germ theese instead of Puting them into Soil so i can Atually Grow Some!! i Notice ur ''Cup of Water'' Technique i have never seen this before!! can u tell me more on how to germ them like this and wat need to do?? thankyou so much!!

Regards Frost...


Well-Known Member
thanks again hooked. hope i get a couple of nice looking fat buds out of these girls.

damn saint!! that last pic in your last update is insane, that cola on the right is gonna be hugggeee

and damn you cave!!! :P wait till u see this cock sucker, she got burnt everywheres indoors so i threw her outside, and now shes like 4 weeks into flower

gonna see if she will revert to veg or stay flowering its day 3 outside


Active Member
Any distilled water? do i need to keep it at a certain heat? or jus put the seeds in the cup of distilled water and place it somewhere cool/dark for 24 hours?. i heard u say that they should sink after 24hours is this good? and does this mean i should keep them in the cup untill they Sink or just 24 hours max? do u then just plant them straight into the soil like that? or do i need to do anything else with the seed?
and also should i put the Lights on Straight away and start the 18/6 Cycle or do i keep the Lights off until they sprout?? (I Will be Placing them in a Propagator with Lid)

Much Appriciated as i dont wanna fuk my next try up!! iv ordered more Seeds so will start Over in Few Days...



Well-Known Member
i use just plain old distilled water i get at the grocery store but any filtered water will do or even tap water as long as you let it sit out for the chlorine to dissipate. no heat. cool dark place is fine. after 24 hours if you stir them they should sink. that's good. that means they have soaked up some water and the seed casing is beginning to open. i never go much more than 24 hours in the cup of water. they always end up sinking. at this point i put them in the soil in 2 or 3" peat pots with something to cover them with - like a propagator. some people say keep the lights off some people say keep them on. i keep them off until i see some green. if you're using HID's don't make the mistake of putting the light too close at first. a CFL might be easier to begin with. 18/6 is fine. some people go 20/4 or straight 24. i put perlite in my propagator and put the pots in it and keep the perlite moist. i usually make the mistake of watering too much at first. some people use a heating pad on LOW or a seedling heat pad - i do - but some people don't recommend them.

that seems to work for me...it's not perfect...i always have some that don't pop or die shortly after sprouting the first leaves.

here, check this out:


i don't do this exactly like they do but it's similar.

Any distilled water? do i need to keep it at a certain heat? or jus put the seeds in the cup of distilled water and place it somewhere cool/dark for 24 hours?. i heard u say that they should sink after 24hours is this good? and does this mean i should keep them in the cup untill they Sink or just 24 hours max? do u then just plant them straight into the soil like that? or do i need to do anything else with the seed?
and also should i put the Lights on Straight away and start the 18/6 Cycle or do i keep the Lights off until they sprout?? (I Will be Placing them in a Propagator with Lid)

Much Appriciated as i dont wanna fuk my next try up!! iv ordered more Seeds so will start Over in Few Days...



Well-Known Member
you got me thinking cave. so i ran over to the local greenhouse and picked up some age old organics "bloom." it's 5-10-5 and organic, odorless and made for flowering plants and is high in phosporus. (big bloom is .01-.3-.7.) "bloom" is more concentrated than the big bloom. it doesn't say anything about worm castings or guano on the label. the guy working there saw me pick it up and said "dude that's the greatest stuff, you'll love it!" so i kinda suspect he suspected what i was buying it for - after all i was in their new and expanded hydro section. i'm looking forward to trying it.

"I've been meaning to ask you why you are just using Big Bloom? Other than going organic. It's a good soil additive but has no flowering nutes in it."