When did RIU turn into d-bag central?

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Well-Known Member
I thought stoners were supposed to be mellow and cool. I scribe to a few threads on riu. Lately they have been very active and not in a good way. They are always full of people giving each other crap because they misspelled something, or because someone is not doing something the way everyone else is. Stupid crap like that. Sometimes it is best to just say nothing at all. And yes I am doing something similar to what I am complaining about but not ripping anyone a new a-hole or anything. I am not targeting anyone either. I just want us all to be happy and put out good vibes. OK
/rant off

How is everyone today? I was just in my garden and it is a beautiful place. I think I may go buy a pool today. hehe

Love yahs
Im feeling good today too Hemp. I got paid today so I am going to this 100% organic nursery later to buy some stuff to make an AAC Tea and buy some organic potting soil. I agree some people are just immature "forum trolls" who have nothing better to do than to belittle others for small mistakes. Are you going to buy one of those huge above ground pools?
must be the kids on the site . . . who knows . . . maybe it's dry season?

either way I'm doing great now that I'm not sick anymore, fuckin' a. . . . . eating a cannabutter cookie, in an hour I'll be totally in space :D
all the same threads about assholes.. wish someone would just make a list of the assholes, and shit starters...LOL i think the list would never stop... why cuz we all have our own oppinions on growing.... and thats to bad that our diffrences get us caught up in a heated argument...
all the same threads about assholes.. wish someone would just make a list of the assholes, and shit starters...LOL i think the list would never stop... why cuz we all have our own oppinions on growing.... and thats to bad that our diffrences get us caught up in a heated argument...

the last sentence you wrote is all too true.. and i have been guilty of it myself
I think it is the joy of the internet, people think they have the right to say anything they want irregardless of what other people think because of the fact that they still get to remain anonymous. I can guarantee that when you talk to these same individuals face to face their tune will change due to the removal of that aspect.

Some of these people find joy in causing hate and discontent because they know they can get away with it.
we all do it.. but its when in the end of the HEAT, we are all still on the same side and put our diffrences to a side and carry on.. hell we would with most we hang out with,,,,,RIGHT..
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