
says the guy who claims the president released two fraudulent birth certificates and that bin laden has been dead for 10 years.

if it wasn't for all this tyranny, i would get up and make a sandwich.

oh, wait. turns out the bankster elite exercises no control over me and i can go make a sandwich. i think i'll do that.
Oh, hello, you again with your fairy tail antics, i believe i already posted this but i will do it again.
Facts that don't fit one's world view can be difficult to see. Consider the way the left spent decades ignoring the horrors of Soviet communism, horrors that were obvious to anyone who cared to look from at least the early 1930s. The facts didn't fit in with the way they wanted to see the world, so they spent decades in denial, looking the other way.

Oh, hello, you again with your fairy tail antics, i believe i already posted this but i will do it again.
Facts that don't fit one's world view can be difficult to see. Consider the way the left spent decades ignoring the horrors of Soviet communism, horrors that were obvious to anyone who cared to look from at least the early 1930s. The facts didn't fit in with the way they wanted to see the world, so they spent decades in denial, looking the other way.

conspiracism is fun, i know. you get to belong to an elite group of people that know "the truth" while all of us "sheeple" bandy about our ignorance.

Don't you mean stomp my feet? i suppose i could stamp my feet, i don't know what the point is though?

no, i meant stamp. go get a dictionary and look it up.
if the founding fathers, a bunch of wealthy elitists that would fuck their slaves, never wanted us to deviate from the document that was written during agrarian times, why did they give us the power to amend it?

fuck me running.
if the founding fathers, a bunch of wealthy elitists that would fuck their slaves, never wanted us to deviate from the document that was written during agrarian times, why did they give us the power to amend it?

fuck me running.
I love how ignorant people always say the founding fathers were "rich elitists". Hey man a little quid pro qou, everyone had equal opportunity in the time of our founding fathers, and not a single individual had any more of a good start than anyone else. You put your own eggs in your own freaking basket. Or did you not know this because times have changed and you happen to have never felt what it was like and are already use to being the peasant underdog?
I love how ignorant people always say the founding fathers were "rich elitists". Hey man a little quid pro qou, everyone had equal opportunity in the time of our founding fathers, and not a single individual had any more of a good start than anyone else.

tell that to the slaves they were fucking.

and are you implying that no one was allowed to inherit wealth back in those days? that everyone was born with $0 and went from there?

and why were the poor so often illiterate while the wealthy were not?

also, i don't think you know how to use 'quid pro quo' correctly. made me giggle, like ron burgundy trying to use 'when in rome...'

You put your own eggs in your own freaking basket. Or did you not know this because times have changed and you happen to have never felt what it was like and are already use to being the peasant underdog?

peasant underdog would be a good idea for a comic strip. somehow peasant underdog, in the face of overwhelming odds, would always win the day. i will make his arch nemesis be one of those elite bankers.
tell that to the slaves they were fucking.

and are you implying that no one was allowed to inherit wealth back in those days? that everyone was born with $0 and went from there?

and why were the poor so often illiterate while the wealthy were not?

also, i don't think you know how to use 'quid pro quo' correctly. made me giggle, like ron burgundy trying to use 'when in rome...'

peasant underdog would be a good idea for a comic strip. somehow peasant underdog, in the face of overwhelming odds, would always win the day. i will make his arch nemesis be one of those elite bankers.

Sure i used it correctly
quid pro quo

   [kwid proh kwoh]
–noun, plural quid pro quos, quids pro quo for 2. 1. ( italics
) Latin . one thing in return for another. (i.e. information)
Sure i used it correctly
quid pro quo

   [kwid proh kwoh]
–noun, plural quid pro quos, quids pro quo for 2. 1. ( italics
) Latin . one thing in return for another. (i.e. information)

how about all the rest of what you said that was completely false or even backwards?
peasant underdog would be a good idea for a comic strip. somehow peasant underdog, in the face of overwhelming odds, would always win the day. i will make his arch nemesis be one of those elite bankers.
So are you now admitting to some of these what you labeled as "conspiracies" are true?
If so what overwhelming odds do you speak of?
the peasant underdog vs the banking elite = defeat?
the British where defeated by a minority of 2%.
If you send a dog after a rabbit which will win? the answer is the rabbit, why? you might ask. Because the dog is running for its meal, the rabbit is running for its LIFE!
If you send a dog after a rabbit which will win? the answer is the rabbit, why? you might ask. Because the dog is running for its meal, the rabbit is running for its LIFE!

this dog won.


so did this one.


this dog could have won, but relented.


this dog is a retard.

Well you can say that facts are backwards and false all day. It still does not make it true.

you said everyone had equal opportunity in the days of our founding fathers.

you said not a single individual had any more of a good start than anyone else.

you can repeat that until you are blue in the face, but it won't make it true.

unless you can convince me the slave had just as good a start as the slave owner.

this dog won.


so did this one.


this dog could have won, but relented.


this dog is a retard.


I hope your evidence in every situation is not as lame as this?
1st video we see a dog and a dead rabbit.
2nd video a dog and a dead rabbit,
3rd video a dog and pet rabbit that are caged in.
4th video ? i dont even know.

In no way do these videos illustrate what i meant by If you send a dog after a rabbit which will win? the answer is the rabbit, why? you might ask. Because the dog is running for its meal, the rabbit is running for its LIFE!
In that instance if you can find me a video of some guy and a dog, randomly stumbling upon a rabbit in a open area (i.e. not caged or in someones fenced backyard),. it would be doubtful the dog would catch it unless it was young and underdeveloped or old or hurt.
you said everyone had equal opportunity in the days of our founding fathers.

you said not a single individual had any more of a good start than anyone else.

you can repeat that until you are blue in the face, but it won't make it true.

unless you can convince me the slave had just as good a start as the slave owner.

Wills reveal the moral compromises made by the nation's early leaders and the fragile nature of the country's infancy. More significant, the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong. More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery (Jefferson once called it an "execrable commerce"), they also understood that it was part of the political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.
Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the valor of black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia. He suspected the country would eventually come to its moral senses and find the notion of owning other human beings repugnant.
The banking elite are the red hot tyrants who are monarchies and dictatorships and its here in America now my friend, feathers of the same bird. I take it you don't know history? otherwise if you did you would have never needed to ask the question you would have had an answer already.

I guess I don't know history then at all. I was under the impression that free elections were less tyrannical than unelected monarchs. Wow was I wrong!
Wills reveal the moral compromises made by the nation's early leaders and the fragile nature of the country's infancy. More significant, the Founding Fathers knew slavery was wrong. More than anything, the historians say, the founders were hampered by the culture of their time. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery (Jefferson once called it an "execrable commerce"), they also understood that it was part of the political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.
Washington, who had begun to believe that all men were created equal after observing the valor of black soldiers during the Revolutionary War, overcame the strong opposition of his relatives to grant his slaves their freedom in his will. Only a decade earlier, such an act would have required legislative approval in Virginia. He suspected the country would eventually come to its moral senses and find the notion of owning other human beings repugnant.

well, that destroys your argument that everyone had equal opportunity in the times of our founding fathers, now doesn't it?

but, like you say, facts that don't fit one's worldview can be difficult to see.

oh yeah, jefferson fucked his slaves. what a gentleman.
I guess I don't know history then at all. I was under the impression that free elections were less tyrannical than unelected monarchs. Wow was I wrong!

you'd better wipe that egg off your face.

and now, for your amusement, a cat killing a rabbit.

I hope your evidence in every situation is not as lame as this?
1st video we see a dog and a dead rabbit.
2nd video a dog and a dead rabbit,
3rd video a dog and pet rabbit that are caged in.
4th video ? i dont even know.

In no way do these videos illustrate what i meant by If you send a dog after a rabbit which will win? the answer is the rabbit, why? you might ask. Because the dog is running for its meal, the rabbit is running for its LIFE!
In that instance if you can find me a video of some guy and a dog, randomly stumbling upon a rabbit in a open area (i.e. not caged or in someones fenced backyard),. it would be doubtful the dog would catch it unless it was young and underdeveloped or old or hurt.

i am certain that at no point in the history of man has a dog ever chased down and killed a healthy adult rabbit in the wild.

it only makes sense.
I love how ignorant people always say the founding fathers were "rich elitists". Hey man a little quid pro qou, everyone had equal opportunity in the time of our founding fathers, and not a single individual had any more of a good start than anyone else.

Sure, unless you were black, a woman, or didn't own land.