Do You Believe In Ghosts?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I know exactly what you said, I quoted it twice.

The element of faith has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Why would my faith have anything to do with whether a ghost exists or not?


Well-Known Member
why am I doing this!?!? ya know what? I'm starting to hope you remain steadfast in your beliefs that consciousness ceases to exist at the moment the physical body expires (which is a clear violation of the fact that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but I digress...) for whatever you perceive to be the truth is what you experience in the afterlife, so in actuality what your belief system will dictate is that you simply turn off like a light bulb for all eternity; you still exist, but you think you don't, so you don't. It's all very subjective. have fun, homey.
What is energy? Is it E=MC2? In fact, energy only ever means one thing, a measurable work potential; the ability to do work. So you are saying our consciousness is a form of an ability to do work? Which form is that? Our brains and bodies obviously utilize energy, but if you think consciousnesses qualifies an any sort of energy as we know it, then you do not understand energy, or the laws of thermodynamics. If it is not energy as we know it, then why do you feel it is subject to the same rules? If you want to explain your position using scientific terms, you can't alter their definitions.

Heisy... my private offer still stands. if you choose not to accept it, that is more than ok, but I would ask that you refrain from further derision if you should choose not to accept my offer. I sympathize with your predicament in that I know how hard some things are to unlearn, but it is what it is. there is a world beyond our ability to conceive just on the other side of this tattered veil.
In other words, you refuse to subject your beliefs to any more doubt, doubt that is perfectly reasonable and justifiable, and want me to just drop it. You feel sorry for me and then restate your claim once again. Well drop it I will, I love debate and covet the truth, but I do not harass.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
why am I doing this!?!? ya know what? I'm starting to hope you remain steadfast in your beliefs that consciousness ceases to exist at the moment the physical body expires (which is a clear violation of the fact that energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but I digress...) for whatever you perceive to be the truth is what you experience in the afterlife, so in actuality what your belief system will dictate is that you simply turn off like a light bulb for all eternity; you still exist, but you think you don't, so you don't. It's all very subjective. have fun, homey.
Please elaborate how that is a violation of the 1st law of thermodynamics.


Active Member
One thing I've learned from reading on this thread is there are some weird fucks on here. I remember in high school there was a kid that thought he was magic. He even had a book of spells he made up. I think he thought if he believed and truly believed he was magic he would be. Sadly he was wrong. Now he is a sex offender. Go figure.


Well-Known Member
Please elaborate how that is a violation of the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Is there not electromagnetic energy that courses through the human body? what happens to this energy at the moment of death if not it's continuation in an unseen realm? why does the human body exhibit a measurable difference in weight between a living being and a dead one? it weighs more because it is charged with potential energy, just as a compressed spring weighs slightly more than one at rest. simple enough for ya Homey?

that having been said, i feel the need to clarify one crucial point; I never said that blind faith was necessary to facilitate what I have experienced; quite the contrary in fact. what IS required is the willing acceptance of the possibility that it is real, for if blind faith were the desired outcome, life would cease to have meaning. everybody dwelling on earth in this age has been here before; most not by choice, but a few venture back here voluntarily to achieve certain goals. we all depart heaven with the same goal, to show our Creator that we love him, but unfortunately few succeed in this endeavor and ever fewer as the ages progress hence the degree of treachery in returning is exponentially greater with each passing generation. the materialistic world is a trap and the greater our understanding of it becomes, the more we are programmed to ignore the mystical. Why do you think young children are so prone to play make-believe? they know they are creating universes by doing so; they retain a glimmer of why they came here, but society soon beats this sense of wonder out of them and they become "rational thinkers." truly saddening. It must be excruciating for your souls to have to live with a materialistic veil pulled so tightly over your perceptions. and for those who would continue to mock me, that is fine, for so it always is in the beginning of every Great Truth. as you are, I was. as I am, you will be. Namaste.


Well-Known Member
I have voluntarily subjected myself to two different psych evals since all this stuff started in my life. I passed both with flying colors and with a 186 and 172 on the intelligence quotient tests.
Is this some sort of IQ scale that you made up? Maybe you are just one of the few super geniuses in existence and we just never heard about you. :roll:

It's so convenient for woo woo artists when empirical evidence is not only elusive to those that actually care about empirical evidence but the very act of skepticism somehow eliminates the ability to provide such evidence. And to top it off, you then label these skeptics smug and arrogant, attempt to poison the well against anyone that has the intellectual fortitude to call bullshit when they see it.

Let's not even talk about misquoting someone like Neils Bohr to make it seem like he would support such unfalsifiable and untestable woo woo.


Well-Known Member
Is there not electromagnetic energy that courses through the human body? what happens to this energy at the moment of death if not it's continuation in an unseen realm? why does the human body exhibit a measurable difference in weight between a living being and a dead one? it weighs more because it is charged with potential energy, just as a compressed spring weighs slightly more than one at rest. simple enough for ya Homey?
The body generates energy through a series of biochemical processes that are understood very well. When the body dies, these processes are no longer able to operate, sort of the definition of death, whether a single cell or the whole system. So nothing 'happens' to the energy except that nothing is producing it anymore. What happens to a battery when it dies? Do we have spiritual Everyreadys and Durcells floating around in this unseen realm too?

The body does not change mass when it dies, there is no weight difference, measurable or otherwise. Stop using pseudo-scientific. non-replicable sources to back up your claims, it just exposes you for someone that hasn't learned to evaluate evidence very well. Simple enough for you sweetheart?


Well-Known Member
Another explanation is that the mistakes of perception, logic and memory that cause people to believe in ghosts are inherit to the human experience and therefore have been around as long as humans. Some people still believe the world is flat, a theory that has been around a long time, does it's age give it any sort of validity?

I am not knocking the observation, only the conclusion. I also find it interesting as to why ghost stories persist. I mean after all, they are all pretty similar and transcend era, culture, location, upbringing, ect. These people are not just inventing pink unicorns out of the air, they are all having a similar experience. There must be something to it.

What I have come to believe is that something is simply mistakes. There are too many things going on to explain them all, hallucinations, illusions, trickery, mis-perceptions, bias, ect, but they all amount to mistakes. The human brain is actually very adept at fooling itself. It's the only explanation I have found to reconcile the contrast between the sheer number of reported experiences and research done on the subject and the complete and utter lack of evidence.

If you wish to explore in more detail some of these mistakes or individual cases id be happy to.
yeah but if you seen what we say u would know its not a hallucination as 4 of us seen the same thing. it was deffinately something outside our normal understanding


Well-Known Member
Something to think about, she didn't make MILLIONS being the best fraud. She made millions being good and proofing it over many many years. She did fraud that one that's fer sure.
Sylvia has herself dodged taking the test many times; I think it was around the time she told Shawn Hornbeck's parents he was dead, and then again around the time Shawn Hornbeck was found alive. I think the real question should be, why haven't you yourself wondered these things about Sylvia? You seem to be dismissing the challenge with "ah, who would believe me anyway" yet you explained how easy it would be to demonstrate. The reason no one has payed attention to Sylvia or any psychic for that matter is, they all take the same position as you... non-interest in demonstrating the ability scientifically, despite the sheer ease of the task. I see you also like to use ad hominem attacks like Sylvia, pretending the desire for proof and having consistent standards for proof is a result of a closed mind.


Well-Known Member
I can not defend her lie's on that case, but I can and always will defend those that are genuine. Which I believe she is, I have no doubt.Guess she got greedy after all those years. Something you will not understand (while living), being a psychic/medium is just like breathing air. It comes to us naturally and with simple ease.
Something to think about, she didn't make MILLIONS being the best fraud. She made millions being good and proofing it over many many years. She did fraud that one that's fer sure.


Well-Known Member
yeah but if you seen what we say u would know its not a hallucination as 4 of us seen the same thing. it was deffinately something outside our normal understanding
Folie à deux offers just one alternative, and more reasonable, explanation. Multiple people can see a mirage, yet it isn't real. Something that is outside your understanding is not automatically outside the ability to understand.

Something to think about, she didn't make MILLIONS being the best fraud. She made millions being good and proofing it over many many years. She did fraud that one that's fer sure.
It must be nice to just say things and think they are true. What sort of world do you live in? We have been discussing for a while how psychic abilities are unproven, and now you claim she has proven herself. Once again, your requirement for proof is disproportional to the enormity of your belief. To you, a dollar amount entails proof? This is known as an appeal to wealth. I could easily say, skeptic society X has made billions of dollars, and they didn't make that by being wrong. Would you accept that line of reasoning from me? Also, your suggesting that Sylvia sometimes, or at least one time, used her reported powers to scam someone, but not every time?

Just for good measure, Does the soul have weight?


Active Member
Definitely, the house I grew up in was haunted. The old man that died there made regular appearances and every once in a while we would see the ghosts of a mom and daughter that committed suicide sometime after we refused to hire the mom for a nanny position (perhaps justified lol). Being alone in that house was terrifying didn't know what it was like in a normal house until I was around 15 :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well early on in this thread I made a claim. Most belief in ghosts stems from common mistakes of logic, perception, and memory. We then see a couple people, who I thank for their efforts and openness, defend their belief in ghosts. Each step along the way, we saw more and more of those mistakes come to light. I wasn't just using 'mistakes' as a generic word. These mistakes are well known, well documented, and have names. I have pointed out many here, and no doubt we will see more. It's interesting how all pseudoscience beliefs fall victim to these mistakes, and all want special consideration for making them.


New Member
preist...........wasnt that on a lifetime movie ......i swear i was sitting in here and that was on in there couple days ago?


Active Member
ehhh something unexplainable happens and instanly someone thinks/yells "OH SHIT, GHOST!" Its like cooome on.


Active Member
preist...........wasnt that on a lifetime movie ......i swear i was sitting in here and that was on in there couple days ago?
Nope that was my house. Kinda messed up :lol: My room had to be blessed so I could sleep in it as a toddler, later on my mom says she walked in and I was playing by myself but talking to someone. When she asked who I was talking to I replied "the silent boy" and she said why is he silent? She says I put my finger up to my mouth and said "sssshhh he doesn't talk". Really freaked her out since I had just learned to talk yet I knew the word "silent". Alot of weird shit happened there, :lol: not projected memories my parents never talked about the ghosts until my sister and I complained.


Active Member
Check this one night around midnight the doorbell rang and we all ran into the livingroom. That alone isn't scary but the thing is we don't have a doorbell, or a button, or a speaker just wires hanging out of the wall...