Tea and Cake <3


Well-Known Member
I made gingerbread cookies :3 They started out like ginger snaps and taste just as good 'stale' ie, slightly soft ginger cookies.



Well-Known Member
My grandfather is Russian and I have to say Germanic and Eastern European countries do the best breads, pastries, cookies and cakes... and cured meats. They are just badass at christmas in general. He buys me these- a sort of cross between marshmallow and meringue


Unfortunately, there was no ganja in that batch (parents-friendly) but there was most certainly alot of ganja in these ones



bud bootlegger
i just bought me moms a cast iron, chinese tea pot of xmas kuroi.. my dumb ass didn't ask how much it was before they rung me up.. i got the pot and 2 half pounds of tea...
the guy goes to ring me up, $339 or some crazy shit like that.. i almost poop'ed meself, lol... i liked it and thought eff it, i'll get it now.. it's really nice .. it's chinese themed and has a koi dragon on it.. i'll try and find a pix in a few..
i grew up drinking lots of tea, still love it.. not much into coffee at all...


bud bootlegger
not sure if you have them in the uk or not kuroi, but we have this store in the local mall called teavana. it's a tea lovers nirvana i tell you.. i could spend hours in that place, and walk out penny less, lol..


Well-Known Member
OOOH, so pretty Racerboy! And so generous! Your ma must love you!!

Noes, I didn't use the Reeses' bar in the cookies, it was just out on the table to bring my ma on the tea tray. I buy her Reeses' bars when I go out but I HATE peanut butter. Except maybe for the mini peanut butter cups or peanut Hershey Kisses...


bud bootlegger
OOOH, so pretty Racerboy! And so generous! Your ma must love you!!

Noes, I didn't use the Reeses' bar in the cookies, it was just out on the table to bring my ma on the tea tray. I buy her Reeses' bars when I go out but I HATE peanut butter. Except maybe for the mini peanut butter cups or peanut Hershey Kisses...
yes, yes she does, but who can blame her after all, lol.. glad you like it though .. :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks for providing a heartwarming report of giving your ma a lovely gift and simultaneously contributing to my thread :3 Have a cookie on me :D


Well-Known Member
i got my momma a trip to seattle and 2 days of whale watching sometime in july when she prefers for christmas :), i remember her begging since i was a child to see whales in washington, out of 6 kids i get the satisfaction as the youngest to give her her finally bucket list "things to do"



bud bootlegger
i got my momma a trip to seattle and 2 days of whale watching sometime in july when she prefers for christmas :), i remember her begging since i was a child to see whales in washington, out of 6 kids i get the satisfaction as the youngest to give her her finally bucket list "things to do"

nice silicity.. my mom wants to go to alaska.. she wanted to go with me old man, but he died 12 years ago and they never got to go, i'd love to take her but don't have the coin for something like that this year.. :(


Well-Known Member
nice silicity.. my mom wants to go to alaska.. she wanted to go with me old man, but he died 12 years ago and they never got to go, i'd love to take her but don't have the coin for something like that this year.. :(
i didnt have the coin either but to veer away from making someone happy and as important as someone like your mother, i just couldnt let an opportunity like that pass up. money is temporary happieness but a gift like that will be remembered into my 90s.


Well-Known Member

the one i got is more of a turquoise color though, i thought it was a bit more feminine.. :D
Nice, I'd like that RB. Did you get that at Teavana? I was just there today looking at cast-iron pots and bought some tea. Cranberry Singapore Sling. It's so fucking good.

Edit: Lol, read thread then post. Noob mistake.


bud bootlegger
Nice, I'd like that RB. Did you get that at Teavana? I was just there today looking at cast-iron pots and bought some tea. Cranberry Singapore Sling. It's so fucking good.
yupper neo.. i got the pot and like i said, 2 half pounds or so of tea.. one was an oolong, and the second is CHA YEN THAI BLACK TEA


Well-Known Member
Nice. It smells so good in there. We got acouple Oolongs that we brought back from China so we haven't but any in a minute. I didn't drink tea a day in my life until I met my wife and now I'm a teaholic. We've been taking their red teas and adding our own fresh fruits and brewing them in this glass kettle. It's a nice presentation when we have guests over.



bud bootlegger
my mom's always been a tea drinker, so through her i've also been one pretty much since a baby i'd say.. she pretty much usually only drinks like english breakfast or earl grey, but if she's making a cup for herself she'll drink something a bit more exotic...

about 20 years or so ago i used to work in a coffee and tea store in the local mall.. learned tons about both coffee and tea, but even back then i wasn't really big into coffee and still preferred me tea over it..