National Patients' Rights Association


Well-Known Member
i question-

your choice to support a party that would take everything else!

demacrat party is dead. all the self loving "democrats" have no idea their party progressed, to commune-ism. then, through use of the "rules", they have made the repub's to progress. when repubs lose, they want to be more like the opposition through the psy affects produced by the "rules".
this is very hard for the ignorant to realize, for if they go to qoting the party line, it sounds very rational.

read the constitution. much being done is blatant treason.
Murfy, please don't put words in my mouth. Where have I said that I support Obama or the Democrats?


"What I see from you is taking every opportunity to rip Obama/Democrats/Liberals and I absolutely take exception to that. If YOU were to "open your eyes wide enough" you'd realize that (almost) every last one of them, regardless of the letter beside their name, has been bought out by big corporate interests. The same corporations that YOU believe to be the all-knowing knights in white satin of capitalism, and should have their taxes lowered to zero, be completely deregulated, and trusted with the keys to the car."


"I don't associate with one party or the other, but I often marvel at how the right/conservative wing of this country has managed to convince folks that don't have a pot to piss in that tax cuts for the wealthy, and completely deregulated commerce is good for them."


Well-Known Member

... NOTHING in human history has freed and better more lives than Capitalism. The problem is the collusion today within the Democratic and Republican parties. Who the fuck is colluding with us the people?!?
No, that's not the problem. The Republicans and Democrats can't agree on a god damned thing, which is why they get nothing done.

The problem is the fact that big business has hijacked Washington DC. A good example of this is Obamacare. The folks that worked on that legislation from the political side of things, are now lobbyists and executives raking in 7 figure salaries in the private sector. Big business, and the handful of wealthy executives that control them are 100% calling the shots in this country. It's a revolving door between Washington DC and Wall st. One day someone is working on crafting favorable banking legislation, and the next day they are raking in millions working for a big bank. Coincidence? The next thing they will be coming for is our weed. Capitalism is great, but only when there are checks and balances in place. What we have right now is capitalism run amok, and I truly believe that folks like you who cheerlead this notion of a completely unregulated system are on the wrong side of the argument.


Well-Known Member
No, that's not the problem. The Republicans and Democrats can't agree on a god damned thing, which is why they get nothing done.

The problem is the fact that big business has hijacked Washington DC. A good example of this is Obamacare. The folks that worked on that legislation from the political side of things, are now lobbyists and executives raking in 7 figure salaries in the private sector. Big business, and the handful of wealthy executives that control them are 100% calling the shots in this country. It's a revolving door between Washington DC and Wall st. One day someone is working on crafting favorable banking legislation, and the next day they are raking in millions working for a big bank. Coincidence? The next thing they will be coming for is our weed. Capitalism is great, but only when there are checks and balances in place. What we have right now is capitalism run amok, and I truly believe that folks like you who cheerlead this notion of a completely unregulated system are on the wrong side of the argument.
All true brother. Why is it that you support the Democratic party again and/or took offence to my comment about the destructive nature of progressive politics? The problem here is not only the game, but your support of half the players ...


Well-Known Member
"What I see from you is taking every opportunity to rip Obama/Democrats/Liberals and I absolutely take exception to that. If YOU were to "open your eyes wide enough" you'd realize that (almost) every last one of them, regardless of the letter beside their name, has been bought out by big corporate interests. The same corporations that YOU believe to be the all-knowing knights in white satin of capitalism, and should have their taxes lowered to zero, be completely deregulated, and trusted with the keys to the car."
I have and never would say that period.

Let me ensure you here and now that no matter how many times the Democrats tell you the collapse of the economy is the fault of the Republicans it has never once been true. Want to take a shot at explaining that Democratic "fact of the matter"?

Here's my take: Clinton repealed part of Sarbanes-Oxley banning banks from being the casinos that cause the Great Depression. At this same time the Democratic congress lower lending standards and promoted unsustainable "home ownership". The banks now allowed to game this progressive fact once again destroyed the economy in ways that could only have been accomplished hand in hand with the Democratic agenda. Am I wrong here?!? I recall John McCain stating that exact scenario on the Senate floor with my own ears as this partisan legislation was ushered through, yet we allow those same clowns to blame that man is beyond reason.


Well-Known Member

You mean Gary Johnson who ran as an independent and wasn't even invited to the RNC convention, and Ron Paul who is shunned by 3/4 of the Republican base?

Take a look at the states that have legalized weed in some fashion, and let me know how many of those states were on the Republican side of the fence this last election.

guess i missed it-

anyway, is michigan enough?


Well-Known Member
Are bankers mostly republican or democrat? Clearly the banking system is among the most corrupt?
They don't call it Government Sachs without cause. They have staffed the Treasury Department (regardless of party) for as long as I can remember. The head of GE is O's buddy, that is one of the biggest corporations in the world with pockets full of subsidies and defense contracts to the extent they do not pay taxes. GE is also one of the largest banks in the country as they became involved just prior to it's collapse. Chase's CEO is also a well known Democrat. Jon Corzine and MF Global? He was one of the Obama administrations closest financial advisers ...



Well-Known Member
Gotta assume mostly gop. ..guessing 75-25 split
I'd say that is the split of small businesses within this country. As for big corporations I believe a 50/50 split with Democrats representing most of the largest. Buffet, Bill Gates, Google, Apple ... If you were to look to our government, I would say Repulicans often come from the business sector, where as Democrats are often lawyers ;) But that's just opinion.


Well-Known Member
Sorta what I was getting at, they are all mostly crooks. If we are to ever get anything done right the voters need to begin disconnecting there votes from big money! Everyone is so concerned with all the different aspects of how to bash different political figures and the all work for the same system. Quit paying major companies for as many products as you can, start letting them know you care about them going away. Let out leaders see we don't want any bullshit affiliation with anyone! I like a lot of what Ron Paul had to say, and I think if he could have somehow looked tougher people would have showed him more respect (I know that sound horrible but he looks so wimpy? and I think a lot of people want a tough president). IMO? I have a hard time trusting anyone in suit that is smart enough to get where they are at yet still willing to look at a safe plant and call it an illegal substance. I don't believe any of them are that stupid, its a money thing. If weed were that tricky to produce it would already be legal in a medical setting (like morphine is to heroin) but we can grow it in our yard so I don't think we will ever see true legalization. The more we can keep our money away from them the more they will have to listen, it is the only thing they listen to.


Well-Known Member
Gotta assume mostly gop. ..guessing 75-25 split
You'd be surprised Corso. These bank executives and hedge fund managers donate money to whoever is in power regardless of party. Here's a breakdown of donations from bankers, and another list of hedge fund managers. Keep in mind that this list is donations prior to the Citizens Untied ruling which basically opened up the doors to a political donation orgy:


Well-Known Member
Of course they pay whoever is in charge...... They gotta make sure what need bought ..... Get bought......

And O Hippy ... I agree..... and I am the 1 percent....


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised, I never underestimate greed or corruption ...I just pulled that # out of my ass.

They all suck,.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
NPRA in Micigan is Joe Cain's baby.
most of us know who robin is numb nut--

can you go back to 3ma and keep up the dog and pony show instead of tryin to bring it in here--

we know you are one of dr bobs's obvious.....

did you run everyone off and it's boring......?
talking and pretending amongst yourselves....?

why don't you start your marijuana storage locker thread....c if that flies over here:sleep: