Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Lol. Anybody over the age of 21 who gets super excited about bdays is wierd.

Get over it you're another year older.
Ya know I dreaded my 30th up till the day of it. Turned out to be the best birthday ever. Different groups of friends coming together, getting along and having good time. There were drums, guitars, a big bonfire, lots of food and drinks. As well as ganja, lots and lots of ganja.


Well-Known Member
Ya know I dreaded my 30th up till the day of it. Turned out to be the best birthday ever. Different groups of friends coming together, getting along and having good time. There were drums, guitars, a big bonfire, lots of food and drinks. As well as ganja, lots and lots of ganja.
let me know when you have another one of these...i'll bring 420s wife :wink:


Well-Known Member
I'm content with being weird. Besides, being excited about things is way more fun than being too cool to get excited about anything.
Sorry rb, just having some fun :) enjoy the bday build up.

Have a friend who gets crazy excited txts shit like "96hrs to go" obv the day never lives up to her expectations & it usually ends with her crying "but its my birthday" on the dance floor at 3am.

Not implying thats how you act, my friends a special kind of crazy.

Happy birthday when it comes......:)