Random Jibber Jabber Thread


New Member
But still loved.
my doggy loves me
but then again i feed her she got love me but she loves me
saved my life once about year ago
fell out of tree bout 24 ft up and rode ladder till it got hung on vines and let got and between legs was a a stump that would impaled me if let go ladder sooner
and my dog came running and licked my face while laying on ground winded
she saved me


Ursus marijanus
My money's on you were riding the 10 speed. Had a similar thing happen while doing a wheelie; watched my wheel roll off in front of me. Hit the pavement on my chin; knocked me unconscious til sometime after dark.
Yup. The gearshift controls were these large annoying levers mounted far forward on the top tube. When the bike suddenly stopped moving, i did not, and my bits and those levers ... interacted inertially. cn


Ursus marijanus
So lets just say I have a friend. Lets say this friend made a post on this forum..and Fin was to like it. Do you think he or she should delete the post in order to not have fin like something here? My friend wanted to know.
You don't cure the clap by burning the dress. cn


Well-Known Member
FAB, in the last 11 posts, you were 7 of them, and 4 in a row!!! I have never seen 4 in a row by anyone yet. You are about the only person that I have ever seen that can have a conversation with himself on a forum. Are you always doing 100mph?


New Member
FAB, in the last 11 posts, you were 7 of them, and 4 in a row!!! I have never seen 4 in a row by anyone yet. You are about the only person that I have ever seen that can have a conversation with himself on a forum. Are you always doing 100mph?
well i ride a bike does 170 mph
and i like to talk