8x4 1200w OG Kush (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
I cleaned the garage last night and there hasnt been drywall dust on them in days. The drywall dust wasnt coming from the inside of the room it was getting sucked in from the outside.

I need to check my run-off though, as there was quite a bit of drywall dust landing on the soil as well as the plants.

You should definately go get a real nice ph tester and check your soil and water etc. The ph being of could cause nute-lockout.

Im very interested to see how these plants come out. Very nice setup


Well-Known Member
I was all upset and edgey cuz my girls aren't doing so hot...

but I forgot I packed 2 grams of OG KUSH (what im growing :D ) in my grinders hideout.

Im smokin now and much better,...just gotta be patient and resolve my issue.

Personally I dont think its a watering issue other then maybe PH level.

I know how to water properly and blah :( .. this shit im smokin is good atleast :D

I need to eat and go to the gym and smoke some more. I might go to the casino tonight to win some money.


Well-Known Member
i try to stay away from the green tables they are nothin but trouble for me :) $$$$ but atlantic city is a hop skip and a jump away!


Well-Known Member
^^ that reminds me of the episode of King of Queens when Doug and his wife go to Atlantic City to get away and everyoine from work/home shows up. Funny stuff. But it also reminds me of my ex girlfriend.....fkn whore...



Well-Known Member
I found out these plants are infected with TMV. Its a cellular disease that is going around the MMJ community and its bad. The plants are useless to take clones from. Any other plant that goes in the grow-space will be infected. They will continue to grow and get healthy, but only under perfect enviroments. Any stress and they're no good.

How dissapointing.


Well-Known Member
seems kinda far fetched. Most every plant has to be grown in perfect conditions, otherwise you end up with what i have.


Well-Known Member
Unless youve seen tmv before and your positive i think thats a lil crazy that kind of thing is spread from garden to garden through bugs and wind i believe like in amsterdam... So dont go chopping them just yet ! Did you get the ph straightened out?? I put a lil drywall dust in water my ph meter wouldnt sit still for a reading so it could deff be a prob??

Best of luck let us know!

i found out these plants are infected with tmv. Its a cellular disease that is going around the mmj community and its bad. The plants are useless to take clones from. Any other plant that goes in the grow-space will be infected. They will continue to grow and get healthy, but only under perfect enviroments. Any stress and they're no good.

How dissapointing.


Well-Known Member
according to the guy that told me it, any plant in the garden will get it if 1 plant has it.

I doubt I have it though, or atleast hope I dont!


Well-Known Member
Damn winkdog. Thanks for testing the theory!

To me, it doesnt seem like my girls are going through a PH problem..

I think its simply over-watering. A friend took a look at them and hes got quite a few grows under his belt and he said its not a PH problem, highly doubtful its anything to do with nutrients, and it looks like its over-watered but the soil looks under-watered.

They're bouncing back kinda so we'll see how they do.

Humidity is 50% right now which is good to see.


Well-Known Member
I try to help when i can :)

damn winkdog. Thanks for testing the theory!

To me, it doesnt seem like my girls are going through a ph problem..

I think its simply over-watering. A friend took a look at them and hes got quite a few grows under his belt and he said its not a ph problem, highly doubtful its anything to do with nutrients, and it looks like its over-watered but the soil looks under-watered.

They're bouncing back kinda so we'll see how they do.

Humidity is 50% right now which is good to see.


Well-Known Member
you can take clones but the plants you cloned from will be weakened to damn near death if u start chopping there arms/legs off.